Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna
Source: Syosetu

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Chapter 263

 As expected, Koga is a troublesome guy.
 His personality is one thing, but what is most troublesome is his fighting ability itself, which is too troublesome.
 The techniques he uses and his physical fighting style make me feel as if I am fighting myself.
 Also, it's annoying that no matter how many times I hit this guy, he just gets up with a smile on his face.

"He keeps getting up again and again, like a zombie!"

 When I shouted this while breaking down walls and moving around the room at a dizzying pace, Koga's face was filled with a scowl of disapproval.

"I don't want to hear that from you who can instantly recover with healing magic!?"
『I never thought the day would come when I'd agree with what Koga said...』

 Ferrum muttered quietly.
 Even as he did so, Koga's swollen arm was approaching.
 While visually confirming the arm ——— I put all my strength into my arm and hit back squarely with the black magic covered arm of the beast.


 The enhanced fist easily smashes the bloated arm head-on and sends Koga flying.
 I pulled back my fist covered in black magic power and glared at Koga who had landed.

"Don't think you can defeat me in terms of power, my current strength is that of a magic beast itself...!"
『I wonder if he's declaring himself to be a monster...?』 (Nea)

 I mean the power of Blurin!
 But still, Koga's smile didn't fade.
 Is he trying to tire me out?
 No, I can assure you that this is definitely not the case with this guy.
 Then ...... is he trying to prolong the battle and enjoy it as much as possible?
 Oh man, that seems possible...!

"Ha, hahaha!"

 Koga suddenly bursts out laughing.
 Even I was taken aback by the sudden and unexpected change.

"Ah, d*mn, I really don't want this to end."
"I know. You have things to do, right? Then the next attack will be the last."

 Koga lowered his body and used dark magic to create sharp claws on both his arms.
 As he did so, the muscles in his legs began to bulge.
 I don't know what kind of change in his mind has happened, but ... I can tell that Koga is planning to use all his strength in his next attack.
 So, if I don't respond with an appropriate resolve, I'll be the one to lose.

"...Ferrum, the one that was specially created for Koga."
『That one, right?』
"Count on you"

 My right fist grows slightly larger.
 There is no point in playing tricks.
 Then, I will strike down Koga with my most trusted fist.


 Silence reigns as we stare at each other.
 We have fought many times up to this point.
 The first time, I just fought him off, and it was like a draw.
 The second time, we were in the middle of a war, and it wasn't time to settle the score.
 The third time, I didn't expect to have to cooperate with him to fight, and Koga himself was seriously wounded.
 I am also aware of the fact that we have a certain amount of connection, and I understand this guy's character very well.
 That's why your action to end the fight here is puzzling, but———,

"I understand that you too are appropriately prepared...!"

 As Koga in front of me lunged forward, I countered with a strike.
 Our gazes intersect.
 Two curved claws and a straight fist.

(T/N: Narutooo! Sasukeee!)

 The right claw is swung at me, and I bend down to avoid it.
 The left claw, which is swung continuously, is thrust out while extending a sword pile just before it due to the outburst of system strengthening, but after seeing it ——— I dare to rush into it.

"Guh! Oooooh!!"

 Ignoring the pain of the thorn piercing my side, I slam my fist with all my might into Koga's torso.

"Ferrum! Nea!!"

 A restraining spell flows from my fist, temporarily stopping Koga's movement, and then a belt of magic covering my right arm unravels from above it, locking Koga's body to my right fist.
 After looking at him bewildered, I swing my arm as hard as I can and slam it into the ground.

"This is a form just for you...! Take that!"
"Hah, y-you, you can't be———"
"Consecutive Healing Fist!!"

 With Koga's body slammed into the floor, I hit him with the technique that had defeated him the first time: Consecutive Healing Fist.
 A technique that consumes less magic and is more efficient than before.
 Right here, right now, I'm going to hit this guy with all my might...!!

『Usato, first you need to pull out the claws and heal the wounds!』

 I still have a burning on the side of my left arm where the claw is still piercing through.
 I haven't undergone any soft training that would cause me to lose consciousness from pain of this level...!
 Regardless, I release a series of fist blows.

『The floor will collapse and you'll fall too!』

 Who cares!
 I know better than anyone that to surpass this guy, I have to attack with that much force!
 With each slam of my fists, large cracks appear on the floor.

"Ka, hah, hahaha!"
"Fall down!"

 I raised my fist and swung it down with all my might.
 With that attack, the spider web-like cracks in the floor broke into large pieces, crumbling in one go and plummeting to the floor below.
 As Koga and I fell, the claws pulled out of my side and Koga's hold on me was released.


 I manage to land on the ground, healing my side, and jump from the spot before I get hit by the debris.
 The area where the debris fell was enveloped in white smoke, and Koga could not be seen.

"...This is"

 Looking around, I realized I'd fallen into the same passage I'd been in earlier.
 The ceiling that Koga and I had smashed when we went to the upper floor could be seen nearby, and a huge door existed just ahead of us.

"Were we able to defeat Koga...?"

 There must have been some positive results.
 As I used healing magic to completely heal my wounds, I made my way towards the rubble from which white smoke was spreading.
 But before I can get any closer, I see a shadow rising in the white smoke and stop.

"Geho, yeah, d*mn, I guess I'll lose if I fight head-on after all."

 Covered in soot, Koga looked frustrated.
 Just like me, he still had plenty of energy left, but could it be that he had no intention of fighting any longer?
 Not caring that I remained on guard, he leaned his back against the stone pillar next to the huge door and sat down.

"You can go ahead. Demon King-sama is waiting up ahead."

 Is there a Demon King up ahead?
 I couldn't help but look towards the large door, but I couldn't understand why Koga would take such a betrayal action here.

"...What are you planning?"
"Nothing. I've been meaning to do this since the moment I met you here."

 Eh, then what's the point of fighting up until now?
 Even if I get used to the pain, it still hurts, right?

"To be honest, I find it more fun to just mindlessly punch you than to worry about the future of the demons."
"I understand why you look displeased. Sorry, but that's the fate of a demon like me. Just give up."

 Koga laughs heartily at the displeased look on my face.
 Nea and Ferrum, who are inside me, are shocked.

"Well, in the end I just want to fight with you. It's not like I want to settle things or anything."
"If you win against Demon King-sama, I'll be able to fight you again as an enemy. If you lose... well, even if you're a healing magic user, which demons don't have, you're still a mysterious creature far removed from humans, so the Demon King will probably keep you alive out of curiosity. At that point, it might be hell for you."
"Do you think I would suffer from something as simple as hell?"
"I didn't expect that response..."

 Right after being transported to another world, I experienced something even worse than hell.
 Or rather, who is the mysterious creature?

"Either way, the Demon King is interested in you and the heroes."
"Even me? Why?"
"You should ask your heart."

 I did as I was told and placed my hand on my chest and asked.

"Nea, Ferrum, and Blurin, do you guys understand?"
"You know what's on my mind, you bast*rd."
"Is there anyone who would really ask themselves and get an answer...?"

 For some reason, Koga was drawn back.
 What else can you call this unreasonable?
 But now, a path had been opened.

"If we go through that door, we'll be face-to-face with the Demon King."

 Have Senpai and Kazuki already arrived?
 I can't confirm that without going further, but at worst I may have to face him alone.
 In that case, I'd have no choice but to run as fast as I could and buy myself some time.
 No, wait a minute———,

"Then let's use you, the traitor, as a weapon and attack the Demon King. Alright, this guy looks like he'll make a good shield."
"Seriously, stop that. Ah, stop trying to grab my legs...!?"
"Hahaha, don't take it seriously, I was just kidding. Yeah... I was just kidding."
"You were definitely serious...!"

 As expected, there is a danger of being in a situation where we have to deal with both Koga and the Demon King, so we should leave the Koga, which is losing his will to fight, here.

"I guess I'll make up my mind..."

 Whatever is waiting for us, we will not know the situation until we first open the door.
 I took a deep breath, took one look at the sitting Koga, and then proceeded to the door.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll do in front of the Demon King."

 With a frown on my face at the sound of Koga's voice, I touch the door.
 At the same time, the door opens on its own with a heavy sound.
 The first thing that comes into view is a dimly lit hall.
 The interior of the hall, lit by candlelight, gives an eerie impression, but at the same time, it exudes an aristocratic elegance.
 At the end of the hall, there is a throne with a man sitting on it and Ciel-san, a demoness dressed as a maid, by his side.

"I didn't expect you to be the first to arrive."

 The man looked down at me as I stepped through the door into the hall and muttered.
 ———Senpai and Kazuki haven't arrived yet.
 That fact sent a chill down my spine, but I didn't take my eyes off the Demon King.
 The Demon King twisted his mouth when he saw me and, with his elbows still on the throne, moved his hands.
 With that simple action, a large long table and three chairs fly out of nowhere and are laid out in front of the throne.

"Sit down there and let us welcome you."
"...What are you planning?"

 There were three chairs prepared.
 It would be natural to assume that they were for me, Nea, and Ferrum, excluding Blurin.
 In response to my question, the Demon King smiled coldly.

"I wanted to talk to you. Well, I guess I could just fight you but..."

 Instantly, several circular magic circles appeared around the Demon King.
 They all had separate patterns and gave the impression of an unusual power.

"I'll keep you company until the heroes arrive, Usato."
"Usato, all of that is... magic..."

 There are countless spells, easily more than forty.
 If each one has its own unique power, they are far from being a threat.
 Originally, if it had been just me, I would have tried to buy time by running around, but without Senpai and Kazuki, even that might be tough.


 Without speaking, the assimilation of Ferrum is released and we sit down in the chair.
 The opponent is the Demon King.
 I don't even think it will be just a talk.
 I face the Demon King, feeling the intense pressure of just being in front of him.

——— ———

Author's Notes:
Ciel: (Uwah, he's come)