[Novel] The Great Wish Vol. 1 Chapter 2 Part 4

Translated: reireiss, MTLs-nim 

Edited: reireiss, Grammarly ssi 

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Hi, I just wanted to let you know that besides Vol. 4 I will also translate Volumes 1, 2, and 3.

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Novel The Great Wish Volume 1

Chapter 2 - Open Your Closed Eyes

Part 4

Sienna resumed practicing her swordsmanship after a long absence. She hadn't picked up her sword for a while because she didn't feel like it, ever since she suspected that the knight might go easy on her, but last night's dream had her head spinning, and she wanted to release her frustrations by moving her body and sweating it out.

The knight who had long been her opponent in swordsmanship practice had been called today. The moment their swords clashed, her brow furrowed. She could feel the difference. Sienna lowered her sword, and the knight, who had been positioning themself for the next attack, lowered their sword in surprise.

"Is something the matter, Princess?"

Sienna glared, and the knight unnecessarily agitated.

"Did you do your best?"


"I'm asking you if you are showing me the full extent of your skills or are you only going easy on me and matching my level?"

"Princess, you can only improve your swordsmanship if there is a constant exchange of give and take."

"So you're saying that I'm not good enough and you've been lowering yourself to my level."

The knight's expression was cautious as they tried to gauge the Princess's intentions.

"It is not my place to question your teaching methods. I'm a student, after all. But it is also an important virtue of a teacher to help students objectively assess their level. Don't you think?"

"You're right."

"You have deceived me."

"Princess, I would never......"

"The answer is 'Yes' or 'No'. You led me to believe I was more than I was, and you never corrected me."

The knight swallowed dryly. Their eyes glazed over. They had been teaching the Princess for a long time now, so they knew how she was. She would never accept a lame excuse.


"Did you make that decision arbitrarily?"


"Think carefully before answering. I have no intention of punishing you no matter what your answer, but if you did that just to flatter me, I will be very disappointed, and I will never see you again."

The knight was troubled. Sienna waited for the knight's long silence.

"I have received instructions to do that."

"From whom?"

The knight narrowed their eyes, then opened their mouth. There was no getting out of this one.

"It was the Red Queen who gave the instructions."

Sienna's eyes flickered.


"It was around the time when I started teaching you swordsmanship, Princess."

Sienna closed her eyes heavily and opened them.

"What did the Red Queen say? Tell me, without adding or subtracting."

She is a princess, and she is the one who will become the future owner of the empire. Everything must be perfect. She is choosing to practice the sword as a way to exercise, and it must never become a stumbling block for her. As her mother, I know her temperament well. She is stubborn and very hard on herself. When she sees a flaw in herself, she will dig deep to perfect it. She's not going to be a knight, so what's the point of her being so good at swordsmanship? She has a lot to do, and she doesn't have time for frivolous things like swordsmanship. So, please help the princess be fully satisfied with her own skills.

As the knight rambled on, Sienna could almost hear Patricia's voice in her ear.

When she first mentioned that she was going to learn swordsmanship, Patricia didn't think it was a good idea, saying it would make her hands rough. But Patricia didn't object either. After that, Patricia never asked about practicing swordsmanship. Sienna thought that Patricia had no interest in her swordsmanship at all.

"Then, did the Red Queen also call the Knight Commander?"

"Ah...... That, no. Privately, I asked the Captain to do it. I apologize, Princess. But, it's not a lie when I said that your skills are improving surprisingly quickly, Princess."

"Swordsmanship is more about sincerity than talent. That's what you said on the first day you taught me. Once every 2 or 3 days. Just a couple of hours. With that amount of practice, how long will it take to be able to fight one knight? Whole life?"

Sienna was ashamed of her pride; she believed she could make up for her lack of practice with her overwhelming talent. Until just a few days ago.

She stared at the knight, who bowed their head deeply.

"I will forgive you."

The knight looked up in surprise, frozen, thinking their career was over.

"But on one condition. First, let's pretend today's occasion never happened. Forget what we talked about today. Two, from now on, I want you to show your true skill. Because I want to know what level I am at. Can you do that?"

"Yes, Princess. I promise."

"Then let's practice again today......"

Sienna gripped her sword and adjusted her stance, then turned to the knight.

"Have you seen the Red Queen since then?"

"I have seen her occasionally."

No way. Her heart began to pound.

"Occasionally, when?"

"About once every 2 or 3 months."

"Even recently?"

"Yes. I saw her about a month ago."

"What did she say when she called you?"

The knight, who had spoken so casually, tensed as Sienna probed.

"The Red Queen didn't say much. She just wondering if you were having a hard time with your lessons. She just asked questions about your welfare. I thought the Red Queen was worried about you, Princess. I never spied on you for her."

As a mother, Patricia might be interested in her child's education. But Sienna's intuition told her it wasn't all that pure.

"Princess, if it makes you uncomfortable, I will not see the Red Queen again."

"No. Go see her if she calls you. Just tell her the same things you've always told her. Just don't tell her what happened today, don't let her know that I know."

"Yes, Princess."

"It is true that the Red Queen is my mother, but it is I, not she, who will be the Emperor."

The knight wasn't good with words, but they understood Sienna's meaning. A chill ran down on their back, damp with sweat from earlier. They answered her by bowing their head deeply.

She finished practicing earlier than usual. After sending the knight away, Sienna was left alone to think.

Patricia wasn't the kind of person to be cowed by her daughter's words. If she was offended, she would show it and sometimes throw a little tantrum. Still, Sienna had believed that her mother was an honest woman.

The knight said that they didn't discuss anything important.

'That's probably true because there's nothing to say.'

She didn't speak to the knight during sword practice. This was the longest conversation they'd had today. The Red Queen must have noticed after a few times. But, why did she keep calling them? To check something?

Sienna looked around indifferently and sighed softly. There is no one around. There was always someone by her side. But during her sword training sessions, she hated to be distracted, so she told all the maids to leave.

This meant that the only people who knew what she was doing at this hour were herself and the knights who helped her train.

'She wants to confirm, that I really do practice swordsmanship at this time.'

This was too much for selfless motherly affection. It was relentless surveillance.

'If she knew where I was and what I was doing, my every move would be within her earshot.'

Sienna walked slowly. Not toward her Palace, but in a completely different direction.

'I trusted you.'

She winced as if she'd been hit with a blunt object. It was a shock to realize that she had unwittingly been swayed by Patricia. This was not the mother Sienna had vaguely pictured.

She thought she was a bird flying freely in the open sky, but there were invisible, thin, tough nets ready to snare her from all sides.

'I believed you when you said that no mother would harm her child.'

The Red Queen may argue that she didn't mean to harm her. If Sienna were an ordinary person, she might be able to pass it off as the behavior of an obsessed mother with her child. But Sienna is not an ordinary person. Trying to control her was like trying to control the Empire.

It was all speculation on her part. She had yet to hear what Patricia's true feelings were, but it was too late to turn back. No matter what the answer, distrust had already sprouted in her heart.

What's more, the question she hadn't been able to resolve since her dream last night had been answered. She had a clue as to why her future self was so opposed to her mother. It was clear to her that her mother and maternal uncle were using her to manipulate the state.

She became suspicious of everyone around her. She felt like a lost child. It was the darkest she had ever felt.

Before she knew it, she was standing at the entrance to the Labyrinth Garden. A dark-haired man's face appeared in her confused mind.

'Will he be there?'

Sienna had been disappointed when the knight had first shown their skill against her. She hadn't lost her grip on her sword and had managed to block a few blows.

She felt outclassed, but she also knew she deserved it. If the knight turned and tried to kill her, she thought she might be able to find an opening and escape.

But that man was a wall, and he didn't just send Sienna's sword flying with sheer force; there was a mastery in the simple motion.


The inside of the labyrinth is empty. There were no tables and no people.

'There's no way he'd be here.'

She walked over to where the table had been. She stood and looked around.

'It can't be.'

She looked up with a smirk and locked eyes with a dark-haired man who had just entered this place. Sienna's eyes widened. The man stood stiffly for a moment, then hurriedly turned around. Sienna shouted at his back.

"Stop right there!"

She approached the frozen man, ready to chase him down and capture him if he ran again, but he remained still, his back to her.

'I've gone absolutely insane.'

Kuhn sighed, cupping his face in one hand. He shouldn't have paid attention to the Labyrinth Garden in the distance on the way back from his meeting with Dyan. Why did he think of her, and what was he doing here?

"Today, I want you to tell me your name."

The voice came from right behind him. It was a beautiful voice that once you hear it, you can never forget it. It was high-pitched, like a boy who hadn't reached puberty, but it had power.

Kuhn turned slowly to see Princess Sienna standing a few paces away, clad in light armor and holding a sword as if she had been practicing swordsmanship. She was so beautiful, with her slightly upturned eyes, that he felt a strange sense of crisis.


His pseudonym was......

"Real name."


Oh, no.

"That all?"

He wondered, why suddenly he couldn't think of a pseudonym. But, since he'd already said it, he gave up and answered obediently.

"You can just call me Kuhn."

"The mercenary organization, Kalligo."

Sienna flipped through the overheard information. The silent man's reaction was nothing short of affirmation.

'This is bad. How do I fix this?'


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