Translated: reireiss, MTLs-nim 

Edited: reireiss, Grammarly ssi 

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Translator Note:

This is a long long long chapter.

So...... Bear with me, please (/▿\ )

Thank You!


Chapter 7 – Is This the Green Light? (2)

After walking around with Claude, I went to my private library alone. Felix was on assignment to bring another book from the Imperial Public Library. Of course, he didn’t want to be away from me, but at the same time, he couldn’t neglect his duties, so I let him go. I just found out that Claude had cast a protection spell on me. That means, even if I go out alone, I have nothing to fear. Yikes. When I think about it, it’s a bit surprising. I didn’t think there was such a terrifying spell on my body!

My private library is bigger than the Imperial Family Public Library. I don’t know what kind of prank this is, but Claude built this place and gave it to me as a present. Hmm, what book should I read today? In this library, there are many books that I’ve already read, and also many books that I just bought, so I haven’t read them yet. I pondered that as I walked between the bookshelves.


Huh? Could it be just my imagination? I heard the sound of pages being turned in my library. Did I leave a book open on the table the last time I came here? So, the book's page were flipped because the wind came in through the open window? I walked around the bookshelf, looking for the place where I heard the sound.


And finally, I found someone who had entered my private library without permission. I was surprised by this unexpected guest. And at the same time, he raised his head when he heard my footsteps. A man stood near the window that was shone with dazzling sunlight, his silver-white hair mixed with the wind that came in through the window, making his hair flutter.

"May Obelia's prosperity be with you. Are you doing well, Princess Athanasia?"

Izekiel who was immersed in the sparkling light, smiled at me. The male protagonist of the novel was indeed different from the other characters, he radiated brilliance. This also happened to Zenith whom I met some time ago, and Izekiel who was now standing before my eyes. Isn't it normal, that if there is the sun behind you, your face will be shadowed and look dark? But right now, Izekiel looked like a saint oxidized by light. And that made me lost for words for a moment. Srak. At that moment, the sound of a book being closed echoed in the peaceful silence.

"Good afternoon, Princess."

"Good afternoon."

Ugh. Izekiel's greeting was so natural that I answered it without realizing it. No, that's not it. Why are you here? Isn't this my private library?

"Why is Young Master Alphaeus here?"

With a little surprise and confusion, I looked at Izekiel. No matter whether he was the male protagonist or someone who could charm others with just his smile, what was he doing in my private library? He even acted as if this library was his library! Moreover, he read the books here as he pleased, and he even greeted the owner of this library politely even though he had entered here without permission. How could that be? Huhuuu. This really doesn't make sense, right? But, Izekiel who closed the book, which was open in his hand, answered my question with a calm expression.

"Isn't this the Imperial Public Library?"


His words surprised me even more. Are you saying that you got lost? Even a noble could freely use the Imperial Family Library if they applied for permission a few days in advance. Of course, there were inaccessible areas on certain shelves, but unlike my personal library, it was still openly accessible. However, I couldn't believe Izekiel would get lost and come to the wrong library.

"I thought this was a Public Library that didn't require permission since no one stopped me earlier."

Huh? Those words made me speechless.

"Weren't there knights guarding the front door?"

"You mean the knights who didn't even notice I entered this library because they were busy chatting?"

Hmm. I tried to remember the knights who were guarding the front door when I entered this place earlier. Were they really chatting? Could it be that when I wasn't around, they were playing around and neglecting their work? But, considering that their opponent was Izekiel, how could they not notice him? Izekiel was set to be a male protagonist who excelled in both liberal arts and martial arts. So, how could a male protagonist with such buffs not be noticed? I narrowed my eyes at the person in front of me and spoke to him.

"You're not lost, are you?"

It wasn't doubt, but conviction. Then, Izekiel still answered innocently.

"Maybe because I've lived in a foreign country for too long, I don't really understand Obelia's geography."

It was clearly a pure lie. Soon, I could see a smile spread across his face.

"The Imperial Palace also feels unfamiliar to me, so I can't figure out the way."

Wow, wow, I never thought I'd see Izekiel like this again……

"I never thought that the place I entered would be your private library, Princess."

He really is that Albie's son! I felt this familiar feeling more and more every time Izekiel said those nonsense-like words. Ugh, blood really can't be fooled.

"There are no more people around this place other than a few maids and knights who are negligent in carrying out their duties. This place feels even freer than the Public Library. Isn't the security here a bit too lax for the private place of an Imperial Family member?"

"This is my private place, so no one else can just wander around here."

"Didn't I just enter here?"

E-Eh? Something's not right.

"That means, anyone can enter here without any trouble if they really want to."

No way……

“Even today, you don’t have any guards by your side.”

Could it be, right now Izekiel is scolding me……?

“You can’t be like that.”

My doubts were confirmed when Izekiel said those words firmly while looking at me.

“No matter how close this place is to your Palace, I think you should have at least 10 guards.”

I looked at Izekiel who was talking while looking straight into my eyes with a slightly unfamiliar feeling.

“I heard, the only person who guards you is Sir Robane.”

Seeing his unwavering golden eyes looking straight at me, it wasn’t hard to see that Izekiel was serious right now.

"Sir Robane's ability is indeed amazing, but security that is too simple like this is not good."

Apparently, Izekiel spoke like that to me because he was worried.

"Young Master Alphaeus..."

When I realized that, my feelings became mixed. So I couldn't help but speak to Izekiel who was in front of me.

"You are a great intruder and a good talker, huh."

In a sense, it was admiration. Wow, he was so good at speaking logically that I forgot that he was an uninvited guest who entered my personal space without permission. I mean, thank you for your concern. But, don't you think that you have no right to say something like that to me? Hearing my words, Izekiel tilted his head slightly to the side and opened his mouth.

"Are you going to chase me away like this?"

"I will chase you away. I can even punish you."

"I don't think you will."


Izekiel just stood there without moving. Seeing how calm he was, if anyone saw him, they would probably think that this person entered this library with permission. After thinking like that, I became curious. Could that be the reason why the knights guarding the door let Izekiel in? Because he had a very confident appearance? And now, the words that Izekiel whispered with a smile, made me unable to condemn him.

"As for trespassing, I dare say that the Princess and I are partners in crime. Isn't that right?"

I opened my mouth in surprise. N-No. Should I pinch myself to make sure if this is a dream or not? Now you want to threaten me because I entered your house without permission? I wasn't the one who did that, Lucas did! But, of course, I went there on my own accord, just once.

"Young Master Alphaeus and I are partners in crime for trespassing? Why don't I remember that?"

Izekiel just smiled at my ridiculousness. If he insisted any more, I would have denied it again, but because he was smiling like that, I was speechless. Ugh, annoying!

"Such a Albie Junior..."

"What did you just say?"

Izekiel asked about what I muttered unconsciously. Ugh, I hope he didn't hear that. Da#n you, Albie Junior! Now, I guess I have to reevaluate my opinion of Izekiel.

"Come to think of it, Young Master Alphaeus, you really resemble your father, huh?"

I wondered what my expression was like when I said that. For a moment, Izekiel showed a look of surprise and confusion. Did my facial expression look like an angry expression?

"Please forgive me."

Both Izekiel and I managed to adjust our expressions at the same time. Even so, I still looked at him with dissatisfaction, and now, it seemed like Izekiel was observing my facial expression.

"I apologize for my rudeness today. The fact that I entered the Princess's private space without permission, and also the fact that I was disrespectful to the Princess by saying arrogant things. I am truly at fault, if you punish me, I will accept it gladly."

Once again, my feelings became mixed because he apologized politely like this. But actually, from the beginning I didn't mean to punish him.

"Next time, don't take the wrong path. After today, I will tighten security."

For Izekiel's sake, I decided not to tell anyone about this. After all, if he approached me with the intention of hurting me, he would be torn to shreds. Sob. Claude's magic was scarier than the male protagonist's buff.

"I understand. I also thought that luck like today wouldn't happen again."

Luck, what do you mean? You mean, the security in my library is really bad, so you were able to get in easily? But then, Izekiel whispered to me softly, and I took a deep breath.

"I was just moving my feet expecting something, but I didn't expect that what I was expecting would actually appear in front of me like this."

Ugh. I take back what I said earlier. Now Izekiel is activating the male protagonist's handsomeness buff on me! The effect is amazing! When our eyes met, I couldn't move for some reason. For a moment, I felt as if time had stopped.

"If you don't mind."

There was only a low voice spreading in my ears that resonated very strongly in this quiet space.

"May I come closer?"

For a moment, I didn't know what to answer. Should I tell him not to do that, or should I allow him to do that? I just bit my lip, just like when I saw him for the first time. Izekiel stepped closer without waiting for my answer.

"You're being quite presumptuous."

Right at that moment, I heard a response that replaced mine from behind my body. Izekiel also turned his gaze to the cold voice. But I didn't need to turn around to know who the owner of the voice was.

"The Princess won't allow it, so stop walking."

Maybe because he was in front of Izekiel, so now, Lucas was cosplaying as a Genius Young Mage. I could hear the sound of his footsteps from behind my body. I turned my head, I was surprised by Lucas's appearance which looked extraordinary.

"Are you the Palace Tower Mage?"

Izekiel muttered, maybe he realized that the clothes Lucas was wearing right now were the clothes of a mage belonging to the Imperial Family. I felt suspicious of Lucas who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. But, luckily he appeared at the right time. Even so, what's with that attitude? It's like he's picking a fight.

"Introduce yourself."

"I belong to the Imperial Family. I have no reason to follow orders other than those of His Majesty the Emperor and the Princess."

What is this? Now Lucas is facing Izekiel with no way to back down. Izekiel's eyes narrowed slightly at Lucas' bold answer. At that moment, a thought crossed my mind. Oh! Come to think of it, isn't this a clash between Gentle Charisma and Lone Wolf?

"Young Master, you have broken the rules and acted impudently towards the Princess. Princess Athanasia has graciously said that she will not punish you. So, you should know what you should do, you should leave here."

"You speak as if you haven't broken the rules. Do you have the right to enter the Princess' library without permission?"

This was a scene that would make the noble girls attending my Tea Party feel very excited and their eyes would shine brightly. For some reason, it seems like we have to split into teams and each team will support one of them by saying, 'Victory is ours!'. This is the atmosphere where I have to shout those words. If there were glow-in-the-dark light sticks and popcorn, this would really be the pinnacle of harmony. It's like pouring icing on a cake*!

T/N: Pouring icing on a cake (금상첨화) means making something good even better.

Anyway, Lucas is still Lucas, and now Izekiel has become unpredictable. I don't know because I only see the gentle spring breeze every time, but I also said something. Didn't what Izekiel just said to Lucas mean, 'You don't know the topic of conversation, but you interfere.' That's right, isn't it? However, the words Izekiel said felt quite graceful and impressive. What a Gentle Charisma! Izekiel, you are really amazing! Wowwww, hmm. But, no matter how much I said it, I still couldn't accept Izekiel's unreasonable jokes.

"Then, Young Master, do you have the right to ask me about my 'worthiness' to be here?"

I was speechless, seeing Lucas who pretended to be polite and kept saying things that provoked a fight, I immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"Stop it, Lucas."

Then, Lucas closed his mouth and bowed towards me. It seemed like he wanted to save my face in front of others. Sometimes, I still can't get used to Lucas' attitude when he shows his gentle side like this.

"Young Master Alphaeus, stop it too. I think you two forgot that I'm here."

"I apologize for my rudeness."

Izekiel immediately apologized to me for his mistake. I think it would be fun to watch the confrontation between the two while eating popcorn. Even so, I still don't like it when they treat me like a sack of barley (ignored).

"He is one of the few people who are allowed to enter my private library, so you don't need to confirm his identity."

Since Lucas had defended me and saved me from the situation just now, so I should side with him.

"Just like you, he is also worried about my safety. So please stop here."

Hearing my words, Izekiel's gaze now landed on Lucas' face. It seemed like he was thinking about something. And as if he remembered something, Izekiel said something that made me a little surprised.

"Is he the mage that Your Majesty chose to be your friend instead of me?"

Eh, umm, that's right. But, as soon as I turned my head slightly, I saw that Lucas twisted his lips slightly. It felt like my ears could hear Lucas saying, 'Oh. I see.' towards Izekiel. Anyway, it seemed that Lucas felt that Izekiel was now treating him as a substitute. Hm, come to think of it, Izekiel also had a rather bad personality? Right? Am I the only one who thought so? However, fortunately, Izekiel said goodbye to me first before Lucas threw away his mask, the 'Genius and Handsome Innocent Mage' mask.

"Princess, I think I should leave here today. I admire and appreciate your generosity that can forgive my impudence."

Drap, Drap.

After that, Izekiel moved a little closer towards me. Because he was taller, he was able to be near me in just a few steps. And when I realized it, Izekiel's shadow had already covered my entire body. Izekiel handed me the book he was holding.

"Please forgive my insolence in entering your library, Princess. There are many very interesting books here. I hope we can have a chance to talk about them properly another time."

I hurriedly took the book he offered me. Then, for a moment, my fingertips trembled as they touched his, and his warmth spread.

"Princess, I hope you can grant me the honor of being invited to your Tea Party."

He looked me straight in the eye, whispered those words, and left.

“What exactly is he doing, acting all cool like that?”

Beside me, Lucas’s unpleasant scolding voice could be heard. But I just stood there, not answering anything. He also…

“Also, what’s the title of this book? The Sweet Contract Love of the Graceful Lady Degulli?”


I screamed as Lucas recited the title after he took the book from my hand.

“That, That’s not mine!”

“Ah, is this the interesting book that the Albie’s son was just talking about?”



My face is probably red right now. The romance novel that I secretly hid in my private library, I didn’t expect it to be found in this way! I secretly asked the Librarian so that Lily, Hannah, and Seth wouldn’t find out! What the heck is that Izekiel guy? Is this the book he read while standing by the window and pretending to be cool?! Argh!

‘There are so many really interesting books here. I hope we can have a chance to talk about it properly next time.'

Just then, I remembered the words Izekiel said earlier. My face became even hotter. I'm sure he must be making fun of me, right? Right? If not, there's no way he would have pushed this book to me like this!

"Is this book interesting?"

"It's not mine!"

"Wow. There are some here too. Finding the Princess' First Love, A Lady's Secret Confession, The Pure Love and Imperial Swordman's Secret. Are all these books interesting?"

Sob! I hid all these books in a corner, but why are you so good at finding them! I tried to snatch the books that Lucas had taken. But, Lucas laughed and raised his hands high so that I couldn't take the books! I jumped up and down with all my might to snatch the books from Lucas' hands. No, but this! The height difference between me and him isn't that much! Hey, come on! Just a little bit more, I can reach it!

"So what? If these books are interesting, let's read them together."

"Give them to me!"


"Princess! Are you alright? Just now, you screamed!"


Just then, the knights guarding the door rushed in after hearing my scream. The fact that the book Lucas was holding fell right in front of the knights was truly ironic.

Why Did Lady Debory Only Give Meat to That Wanderer Knight?

"Oh my."


The knights who saw the title of the book held their breath. They were just as confused as I was, and only Lucas was calm —he was back to pretending to be the Genius Young Mage. Lucas' gaze was fixed on the book, he moved his hand on his chin and stared with a serious expression as if he was thinking about something. Then, he asked the knights with a serious expression.

"Why did Lady Debory only give meat to the wanderer knight? Sir, do you know the reason?"


"H-How would we know?"

The knights who couldn’t take their eyes off the books lying on the floor, now raised their heads. Then, this time, they rolled their eyes and shook their heads. Argh, what are you doing!? If only Lucas hadn’t taken the books, then I wouldn’t have screamed.

“I think these are the items left behind by my guest who was here a while ago. I’ll deliver them.”

“Eh? The guest you’re referring to is…”

As expected, these knights didn’t know when Izekiel entered, but they must have seen him when he left earlier. I could see the surprise on their faces at the connection between Izekiel and these books. And immediately, the knights’ faces darkened as a cold smile spread across Lucas’ lips.

“Rather than that, shouldn’t you have something to say to the Princess? Why did you allow an uninvited guest to enter here?”


After a while, Lucas and I left the library side by side. Just like he did to Izekiel, Lucas scolded the knights harshly for neglecting their duties and breaking the Imperial Palace’s rules. It seems like this guy is too busy playing his role as the Genius Young Mage. Are you having fun with that role? Even so, it is true that the knights who serve as the gatekeepers of my library are not doing their job properly, so I let them get scolded. And finally, as the knights lowered their heads even deeper, I whispered to Lucas.

"You also came in through the door?"

Contrary to when he first met Izekiel in person, he now chuckled with a rather refreshing expression.

"Do I need a door?"

In other words, he teleported with magic. More importantly, how did you know that I was in trouble and teleported here? Besides, he scolded the knights who let outsiders into my library like that. Lucas, hmm, now that I look around, I think...

"It seems like you don't like Izekiel, huh?"

The fact that he appeared out of nowhere and argued with Izekiel, and also the way he scolded the knights who guarded the door of my library. Come to think of it, didn’t he start acting weird after he sent me to Duke Alphaeus’s Mansion? Thinking that, I gave Lucas a suspicious look, and Lucas immediately confirmed.

“He seems annoying.”

Oh my. Is that your assessment of Izekiel? I can’t believe he thinks of Izekiel —the Male Protagonist as annoying. His evaluation of the male protagonist is too cruel!

“You’re probably the first person to think of Izekiel like that.”

What did Izekiel do to him that he’s this upset? Moreover, wasn’t this the first time the two of them had met in person? However, Lucas, he seemed to have misunderstood my innocent question, he looked at me with an expression of disbelief as if he was dumbfounded.

“What? Don’t tell me you like that Albie's son, just like the maids and girls who come to your Tea Party?”

No, why would you think that? But, after that, I became angry at what Lucas said to me gently.

“When thinking about taste, think about your age too.”

“What’s wrong with my age?”

Why do I suddenly have to think about my age? Ugh, now the atmosphere is so ambiguous. Are you saying I’m too old or too young? Lucas knows that I’m 14, so of course it’s the latter (younger). But why do I sometimes feel weird whenever he talks about age? Or is it just me overthinking things? Even so, I still feel bad!

"Are you jealous of Izekiel?"


Of course, for a moment, smooth words couldn't come out of my mouth.

"He's handsome, smart, and he's the best groom in Obelia. Isn't he perfect?"


Lucas laughed at me instead.

"I'm smarter and more handsome."

I was silent for a moment at his confident statement. I knew that, but wasn't his level of confidence already reaching the ends of the sky? For some reason, without me realizing it, it made me even more eager to defend Izekiel.

"Izekiel is an Alphaeus. Alphaeus is one of the 3 Duke Families in Obelia, and they have the most fertile land and there are mines in their territory, so he is very rich."

"Even though he has all that, the winner is still me."

Ughhh. My defense still didn't work. What kind of confidence does Lucas have? No matter how you look at it, it was obviously baseless nonsense, but it was a mystery that was so shameless that it didn't even sound like a lie. I stared at Lucas' thin face next to me with a bad expression for a moment, then I turned my head back, still in a bad mood.

"Still, Izekiel seems taller..."

"Who's taller than who?"


At that moment, I stopped in my tracks. It seemed like Lucas' shadow that I saw on the floor seemed taller than me. The low voice that rang in my ears gave me goosebumps. A voice similar to the one that had previously echoed in my eardrums, and once again, that low voice echoed.

"You shouldn't think that I'm really young just because I pretend to be a child the same age as you."

Unconsciously, I raised my head to where I heard the voice. It wasn't until I tilted my head completely that I was able to look him in the eye. When was the first time I met Lucas? In any case, the person I was looking at now, seemed more mature than I remembered.


The leaves swayed with the wind. Through the gaps in the swaying leaves, light seeped out in fragments above Lucas' head, who looked like an adult man. Soft black hair that fluttered softly, and red eyes that silently looked at me from bottom to top. Even the facial features that felt familiar to me, he was really Lucas who had walked side by side with me earlier, but now he was not the boy I knew. He looked like a doll, his eyes that had no warmth or emotion kept staring at me.

At some point, I don't know since when, I held my breath. This adult-looking Lucas began to boast of his extraordinary presence and made my mouth that had just made a silly joke with him become blocked. But then, the suffocating air that surrounded us was broken. At that moment, Lucas smiled lightly.

"Seeing you like this, you're really small, huh."

I was surprised by his smile. As if I had just woken up from a dream, I blinked my eyes and continued to stare at Lucas' face that was in my vision. He smiled with a smug expression on his face, as if he was very pleased with something. Ugh. Only then did I realize what had happened. No, what are you doing!? What if other people see? Why did you suddenly turn into something like this when you were outside!?

"What are you doing!?"

I looked around and shouted at Lucas.

"Quickly return to normal! Quickly!"

"Normal appearance? This is my original appearance."

"What if someone sees it!? Quickly return to the mini version! Quickly!"

After I beat him up really hard, Lucas grumbled and returned to his small form. I felt relieved when I saw the small Lucas back. I was shocked, my heart beating non-stop.

"Ah, my magic power has decreased again."

"Who told you to suddenly change like that?"

"It's because of you."

Even so, it was clear that he still had a monster-like magic power, but it wasn't good for him anyway. I stared at the mini version of Lucas walking side by side with me, and I still couldn't calm my heart. From now on, I promise not to talk about Izekiel in front of him.


"That's why a few days ago I met the Young Master of Flowers from the Marquis Elaine Family."

"Oh my! Is he really as beautiful as the rumors say?"

"I can guarantee, he's more beautiful than the rumors."


Where am I? Who am I? I questioned myself, I was buried among these flower-like girls. Why am I stuck among these girls again?

"But, as I thought, the Sir Mage we met at the Imperial Palace is more..."

"Ah, the Lone Black Wolf, Sir Lucas!"

Ughhh. Yes, this is all because I said the wrong thing by telling Claude that the Tea Party was fun. If I had known, these girls would be invited back to the Palace before the calendar page was even turned, then I would have never said it! However, even if I regretted it, it was already too late. Right now, I was enjoying a picnic with these girls in the Flower Garden with a beautiful view of the Imperial Palace. When I looked up, the sky was cloudless and the weather was clear. And the voices of the girls that continued to flow without stopping...

"That's right! A dangerous charm, surpassing Young Master Xavier, the Gray Wolf!"

……But at the same time, the voices of these girls were filled with power like an eagle swooping down on its prey.

“Ah, I’m completely in love. He appears in my dreams every night, and I always think of him every time I fall asleep or wake up……”

Ughhh. This was Lucas’ biggest fan, the Lily Girl who personally bestowed the nickname Black Wolf upon Lucas, she kept exclaiming with a sparkling face and eyes.

“It was a fated meeting! I lived my life just to meet him!”

Oh, no. You’ve only met once, right? Moreover, you’ve been deceived! The Lucas you saw back then wasn’t the real Lucas! It was all a deception!

“The Lone Black Wolf, Sir Lucas! Ah. I wish I could hug his back.”

Arghhh. You’ve really been deceived! And don’t say such words! I’m afraid Lucas will fly high if he hears about it. Arghhhh. I tried to look away from the Lily Girl and the other girls. I felt my hands and feet shrink again, tingling.

Haha. The wind is so nice. Oh my. Look, there are grasshoppers in the grass. Well, judging by how far they jumped, they must be very healthy grasshoppers. There are even birds chirping very cheerfully here. Oh, the grasshoppers jumped as I tried to catch them, just as I reached my hand forward, there was a bird sitting on my finger…… Eh? Bird? The bird eats the grasshoppers. Is this the food chain of an ecosystem? Adios, grasshoppers…………

“Isn’t the weather nice?”

However, there was someone who casually came and sat next to me who was denying reality. Oh, who is that? It's Zenith. Hmm. She looks beautiful today. Zenith, she was wearing a hat decorated with a hood. Maybe because it was a picnic, today Zenith showed off her unwavering beauty.

“Yeah. I was a little worried because I heard it would rain today, but fortunately the weather is fine today.”

I twirled the umbrella I was holding and smiled at her. Come to think of it, I never asked Lily to remove Zenith from the invitation list. Well, at that time I had no intention of holding a meeting like this again. It was all my fault for saying things I shouldn't have said to Claude.

"Miss Magritta, was the conversation with the others unpleasant?"

"Oh, no way. It's just that they were so good at talking that I didn't realize the time had passed."

Then why did you come to me like this? Just now, I came out of the crowd under the pretext of sunbathing. Well, even though, I'm holding a parasol right now.

"Actually, I've never heard a story like that before, so I'm very interested."

A moment later, I cleared my throat at the words spoken by Zenith innocently.

"Gentle Charisma. Last time, it was the first time I heard about something like that. It was so interesting that I told Izekiel."

Suddenly, on the night after the Tea Party, I remembered that I brought up the story about the Black Wolf to Lucas. At that time, Lucas was really... irritated. Even Lucas asked where the nickname 'Lone Black Wolf' came from, just remembering it makes me shiver.

"Then, when I told him that I heard it at the Princess' Tea Party, his expression became really weird."

You deserve it! Wow, I can't help but try making that joke to Izekiel. As expected, Zenith is indeed the Main Protagonist. Amazing! I admire you!

"That was the first time I saw Izekiel make a face like that. So, it was really fun."

Zenith, who seemed to be remembering that incident, immediately burst out laughing. I was a little surprised by her cheerful laughter that was unlike a noble girl. Besides, wasn't that laughter a clear and transparent sound like a blooming lily of the valley? Before I knew it, I said to Zenith.

"It must have been fun, huh."


"I also want to see that face, hopefully someday I can get the chance."

Izekiel's expression when he heard the taboo word, 'Gentle Charisma' right in front of his eyes. Haha. I was really curious. Because I was so curious, I even simulated it in my head. But, suddenly I heard laughter from the girls.

"Miss Magritta, I'll be back in a bit. So, please go and chat with them first."

Ugh, how long are you girls going to talk about those webnovel-like stories? If I don't take a break like now, I don't think my mind will last long. Even before I left, they were talking about how cool Felix was standing not far from me. I glanced at Felix who was 10 steps behind me. However, maybe because this was the second time, Felix's pupils didn't seem to waver like they did on the first day of the Tea Party.


But, for some reason, Zenith didn't leave me, instead she let out a doubtful voice that rang in my ears.

"Do you hate me?"

Ugh. I turned my gaze towards Zenith in confusion. Then, I could see her eyes staring straight at me. Zenith was looking at me with a slightly dark expression. Her face looked a bit gloomy, and I became even more confused. Uwaaaa, all of a sudden, what's happening here?

"It's not like that."

I was silent for a moment, probably because I was surprised by the unexpected question. After I couldn't answer for a while, Zenith's expression became a little sullen. Her face became even darker, making me feel even more guilty. After clearing my throat, I told her the reason.

"It's not like that. Actually, I've never had a friend of the same sex, so I'm not used to this kind of situation."

Why did I have to make an excuse like this? I wanted to, but still, I couldn't keep quiet when I saw her gloomy face like that.

"I don't know how I should talk to you. So, it's not because I don't like you."

Then, after hearing my words, Zenith's face slowly became like a blooming flower. Seeing her face that was beaming at every word I said, I felt strange.

"Me too."

Zenith smiled at me again.

"I hope, Princess is not offended by my words."

That innocent smile made me speechless in a different sense than before.

"Somehow, Princess and I look a little similar."

It was the same feeling when Zenith approached me with pure kindness on debutante day.

"Since the first time I met you, I thought it would be nice to be friends with you, Princess."

Seeing her innocent face like an angel, it made me feel as if I had sinned by being wary of her. What had I thought about this child?

"Was it rude of me to think that?"

In the novel, Zenith grew up hearing stories from Duke Alphaeus and her aunt that Claude and I were her father and half-sister. So, it was likely that she had no other intentions of approaching me. In the novel, it was also explained how much little Zenith loved her family.

Even though I didn't like it because Athanasia was sacrificed for the main protagonist... Still, when I faced the real Zenith, not the character I read in a book, I felt guilty because I became reluctant towards her just because of the contents of the book. And most importantly, right now Zenith didn't do anything wrong to me, instead...


Unconsciously, I opened my mouth.

"That's not rude."

After saying that, I paused for a moment. The words that came out without me realizing it, somehow I felt like they weren't mine. Even though we had only met 3 times, was it normal for someone to break down the barrier between those who still had very deep vigilance? However, that feeling immediately disappeared when I saw Zenith smile, it was the brightest smile out of the many smiles I had ever seen.

"Thank you. I'm very happy."

In the end, I couldn't hold back my laughter —and so did Zenith. Well, whatever. A good thing is a good thing. Before the debutante, I never thought about this, but I felt strangely at ease now. To the point where I could laugh in front of Zenith, who was the cause of Athanasia's death in the novel.

"Princess, can you come to the Alphaeus Residence next time? I've been wanting to invite you for a long time."

"If there's a chance, I'll do it."

And the reason was, I vaguely thought that maybe all of this was because Claude no longer felt as scary as before.


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