Translated: reireiss, MTLs-nim 

Edited: reireiss, Grammarly ssi 

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Translator Note:

This is a long long long chapter.

So...... Bear with me, please (/▿\ )

Thank You!


Chapter 7.5 – Don't Touch Lucas, The Lone Black Wolf


As I said at the beginning, I will only upload the main story of this novel on this blog.
So I still won't upload extra chapters from each volume and Volume 6 (Side Story) on the Blog. But, I will upload it on Patreon.
I decided to upload it on Patreon because, as I said before, I translated this novel because of a paid request (Indonesian project) from Lady P. So, I think it would be fairer if I made it a paid project on Patreon.
Of course, that only applies if you want to read this novel in its entirety. I will still upload the main story on the Blog, if you want to read extra chapters from each volume and Volume 6, then you can read it on Patreon, specifically at Paid membership tiers, Suddenly SeiRei
Thank You!



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