Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna
Source: Syosetu

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Chapter 262

This time it's from Koga's perspective.

——— ———

 I broke through the ceiling.
 My body was swallowed up by rubble.
 Gravity inverts and pulls me upward from below.
 Even though I was being tormented by a sensation that was different from normal times, I didn't take my eyes off Usato in front of me.

———When I first fought him, he was a healing magician with bizarrely hard gauntlet.

 I am supposed to be a dark wizard who specializes in physical abilities, but he has such dynamic eyesight that he can follow my movements with his eyes.
 Physical ability that surpasses that of even the demons.
 In addition, he used his own body and outbursts of magic power as weapons to "neutralize his opponents while healing them" in a fighting style that even an idiot would never have thought of. 
 Healing the enemy he was supposed to defeat and knocking him out.
 I guess there is a part of him that avoids killing his opponents.
 But do you think that's pathetic?
 Would you ridicule him as a half-wit person who isn't even prepared to kill?
 No, that's not it.
 Words spewed out with such superficial emotion can't put into words the abnormality of it all.
 It would be strange if he hadn't killed anyone yet with that brute strength.
 At the very least, it hurts me to death when I get hit by him.
 The sensation of destruction and recovery being repeated in an instant is indescribably unpleasant.


 Even I have to defend myself against a dangerous fist, but an ordinary soldier would be mortally wounded by it.
 Bones would shatter, internal organs would rupture, and all four limbs would be paralyzed in an instant.
 If he did not use his healing magic when attacking, this guy could easily beat a person to death.
 But even so, no soldier in the demon king's army has ever been killed by this guy, nor has anyone ever witnessed it.
 ...No wait, maybe I'm the only one getting hit with this much power?

"Healing Acceleration Fist!!"

 A shockwave emanates from the elbow, and the fist accelerates.
 The outburst of the system strengthening ——— the outrageous fist that raised a mere dangerous self-destruction act to a strategy, is thrusting toward my solar plexus.
 I blocked it with my arms crossed in front of me.
 The insane force pushed my body through the ceiling wall behind me and upwards.

"———What?! Who is it?!"
"K-Koga-sama and B-Black monster broke through from below!?"

 There were soldiers from another unit on the upper floor, looking up at us in stunned disbelief.
 That's only natural.
 After all, we had just burst through the hard floor.


 I grabbed the arm that had been slammed into my stomach and made several belts unfold from my own body and attacked Usato.
 I would like to skewer him, but an arm resembling a wing appears from Usato's back and collides with the belt.

"Ferrum! We'll deal with this together!"

 Our simultaneous attacks sent Usato and I flying through the air, sending us crashing into the wall.

"Cough, ah, that superhuman strength is troublesome."

 Leaning my back against the cracked wall, I think about Usato's current appearance and his power.
 I knew that he was getting the benefit of dark magic by assimilating Ferrum, but now he seems to be extending his ability by taking in others even more.
 I am sure there is an owl in Usato now that was manipulating magic.
 The other one I saw as his companion, a blue grizzly, because of the ears on that head and his monstrous strength.

"K-Koga-sama! Are you okay?!"

 As I lean my back against the wall, a soldier with a weapon rushes toward me.
 He is probably a military officer rather than a soldier, since he is not dressed for battle.
 Finally, I notice the books and pieces of paper scattered on the floor of this room.

"Oh, this is the library. Sorry for getting you involved in a battle."
"No! Instead, let's get some help———"
"No, there's no need for that. I think you guys should just run away. You might end up getting dragged into this."
"I'm grateful for the sentiment. Now, get out of here."

 I stood up, chasing the soldiers away, and looked towards the wall where Usato had been blown away.
 In front of the wall, which had cracks just like mine, Usato was kneeling on the floor as if he was looking at me.

"...What is it?"
"No, it's nothing. Shall we continue?"

 Usato stood up.
 Before that, I thrust out my transformed left arm like a spear and stretches it out.


 Usato jumped to avoid my outstretched left arm and then used my left arm as a foothold to jump further.
 He spun in the air and unleashed a powerful spinning kick, but I dodged it by deflecting my body, and we moved into close combat.


 To be honest, it's going to be difficult to land an attack on this guy in a straight hand-to-hand fight.
 In any case, he has extraordinary reflexes, an abnormally strong gauntlet, and a perfect defense with magic.
 From the perspective of the one fighting, this defensive power seems quite unreasonable.


 A vertical fist slipped through the gap in my defense.
 As it slammed straight into my solar plexus, I took three steps back and magic power flooded my arms and torso.

"What a generous gesture...!"
"Yeah, this is inevitable!!"
"Take this!"

 I release my magic power all at once and explodes.
 I unleash thorns forward that pierces everything in sight.
 It's a sure-kill blow ——— but Usato catches the thorns with his black coat, which he has transformed into fur, and charges at them, destroying them.

"You're so capable of anything it's shocking!"
"That's what I'm supposed to say...!"

 The close-quarters combat began again.
 In the midst of an endless series of inconclusive attacks, I grabbed Usato by the collar and slammed him against the wall with all my might.

"Orah! Will this work?"
"This doesn't even come close to being painful compared to my Commander's attacks!!"
"What kind of torture do you usually undergo?!"

 The cracked wall makes a creaking sound.
 Hearing that sound, I throw Usato against the wall with even more force, and the wall is destroyed without a second thought, and Usato's figure disappears behind a cloud of white smoke.
 What follows is the sound of the wall being continuously destroyed and the screams of the soldiers, who were probably in another room.

"How about that...?"

 Adjusting my breathing, I look beyond the room, which is filled with a cloud of dust from the broken debris.
 There's no response, and no voices can be heard.
 Did he pass out?
 Just as that thought crosses my mind, a silvery arm grips me by the collar from a place where even my vision is blurred by the dust and smoke, without a sound.

"You've given me a very good time, man."
"Y-You can thank me, okay."

 The one who appeared was an oni with blood flowing from his forehead, I mean Usato.
 He seemed to have taken a lot of damage, but he healed all the wounds on his forehead with healing magic, and he drove his left fist, which he was holding tightly, into my abdomen.
 I was able to defend myself in time.
 But I can't stop the impact, and my body is lifted slightly into the air.
 In that instant, Usato grabs me by the leg and runs to the wall in the opposite direction ——— swinging me around.

"This is payback!!"
"O-Oi, stop that! Wait, whoooaaa!?"

 Just like before, I was swung around like a weapon and my whole body crashed into the wall.
 The impact of my whole body slamming into the wall.

"I know this level won't be enough!"

 The guy holding my right leg and left arm, which was paralyzed by the impact, rushed toward the wall like a raging bull, destroying the wall as he went through the underground space.
 It's just plain painful!?


 We finally emerged into an open space, and then he threw my body away.
 As I hit the ground, I looked around and saw that I had apparently gone out into the passageway.

"You still want to do it?"
"Haha, yeah, of course I'm still going to do it..."
"I see."

 As I was lying on my back, Usato swung his fist down on me without question.
 Rolling around, I hurriedly avoided the fist, but he clucked his tongue and pulled his fist from the floor.

"Y-You really are merciless, aren't you!?"
"Fighting you is exhausting"
"———Haha, is that so? I'm having fun though."

 To begin with, there aren't many who can fight me head-on.
 Even the Hero of Light showed blatant dislike in the face of my greed for battle.
 But you are different.
 That day, when we first fought Hinomoto, you stood head-on against me, a person who knew nothing but fighting.

"A little more, maybe?"

 The answer to my question may already be clear.
 What should I do in the future?
 The demon king probably understood my feelings and entrusted me with the responsibility of guarding the door.

"You really are strong."
"It's not just my strength. I'm who I am today because I had friends I could rely on, like Ferrum. I wouldn't have been able to get this far on my own."

 The fact that you are able to form friendships with demons gives you a different perspective than other humans.
 It could be said that this is one possibility between humans and demons.

"...Are you still wanna do it?"

 Usato asked me as I stood up.

"Neither you nor I are that exhausted. I'll have to deal with you for a little longer."

 Usato quietly readied her fist.
 He is still very disciplined, and he still has a troublesome way of life.
 ...No, that's the same for me too.
 Realizing this, I smiled and readied my fist, covered in black magic power.

——— ———

Author's Notes:
Leona: (There's a really loud noise nearby...)
Amira (Are other heroes causing trouble?)