Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna
Source: Syosetu

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Chapter 259

 Amira, the Flame Swordswoman.
 She is a woman with fire and swordsmanship skills than my former traveling companion, Arc-san.
 She is currently fighting with Leona-san, and I swing my gauntlet-wrapped right arm while Nea performs a spell of resistance on me.

"Leona-san! I'll support you!"
"Yeah, let's fight together! She's strong!!"
"That's the way it has to be...!"

 Amira swung her sword and released flames in front of her.
 Leona-san countered with a burst of cold air, countering the blast and at the same time I leaped forward, engaging in hand-to-hand combat.

"Don't be afraid to jump in!"
"I can't back down now!"

 Flames engulf Amira's body.
 Is this the same magic armor as Nero Agence...?
 But still!

"By brute force!"
"Let's see what you can do!"

 She dodged my fist by deflecting her body, and the sword she was holding became red hot.


 As soon as I saw it, I felt a tremendous chill, and I immediately took up a position to protect my neck with my right gauntlet, which was wrapped in dark magic.
 In the next moment, the sword flashed, drawing a bright red trail, and passed over the spot where my neck had been moments ago.

"What power is this...?!"
"You block it! Hahaha, can you block this?"

 It was cut right through the resistance spells and the dark magic that was used for defense!? If it weren't for the gauntlets, my arm and neck would have been cut in half...!
 The sword in Amira's right hand was red hot, reminiscent of the color of blood.

『Usato! That's dangerous!』
『If it hits you, you'll be burned to ashes without question!』
"I know that without you telling me!"
"Do you have time to talk to yourself?"

 The sword swings down from her head in a single blow, and as soon as it strikes the floor, melted away in a cloud of smoke.
 ———Ah, in addition to the sword, the heat surrounding her was also growing stronger.
 If this continues, I won't be able to breathe properly and my throat will burn.

"If it hits me, it will be fatal even for me...! Then I just need to make sure it doesn't hit me with my bare hands!!"

 I have always trained for that!
 I deflected the slashes that came from her refined swordsmanship with my right arm extended out.
 Eight slashes ——— the final blow was swung up from below, and we collided with each other, our fists slamming into each other, causing Amira and I to step back.

"Hmph, I should have fought you sooner... It's extremely displeasing, but I can understand why Koga is so obsessed."

 Amira, who was also in a fighting stance like me, spoke with amusement.

『Weirdo bait...』
『Battle Junkie Toy...』
"You little animals, prepare yourself for what's to come...!"

 Are there only my enemies, inside and out?
 If there's one more like Koga, I'll definitely die.
 I intuitively guessed that Amira also has that kind of battle-junkie part in her, so I thought more so.


 A huge block of ice released by Leona-san approaches Amira, who then tries to swing her sword at me.
 However, without even looking at the ice block, she simply slashed her scorching hot sword and melted it in an instant.

"Nea, focus on heat resistance! Ferrum, make the shield!"
『First, we must do something about that sword, got it!』

 From behind me, Leona-san comes running with the Falga-sama's armament, which has been changed from a spear to a sword, and we launch an assault on Amira, running side by side.
 First, I deal with the red sword with my gauntlet, while catching the flames released like waves with the shield on my left arm.

"I'll block it! Leona-san, concentrate on attacking!!"
"Yeah, I'm counting on you!"

 While I held down the sword with all my strength, Leona-san slashed at Amira with her sword.
 Along with that, she makes multiple ice swords and makes them attack.

"Swarm of swords!"
"That level of cold air won't reach me"

 However, the swords made of ice are melted by her overwhelming heat before they reach Amira.
 Inevitably, we had to engage in close-quarters combat with their magic sealed away.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

 Amira slammed her sword into the ground, releasing a blast of hot air that could have been mistaken for a shockwave.
 Although I was blown away, I managed to land and put up a shield in front of Leona-san to block the hot air.

"Outburst attack...! Healing Burst... Shield!!"

 I unleashed magic power from the front part of the shield in the form of a healing magic bursting palm, releasing a radiant shockwave in front of me, which blasted away the heat.
 The shield was released, and looking ahead, there was Amira, with even greater flames on her sword than before, about to swing it down.

"One more blow...!"

 Amira unleashes a blast of flames that scorches everything in front of her.
 I make eye contact with Leona-san, then leap with the elasticity-giving magic I have transferred to my legs and leap over the approaching flames.

"I've got her!"
"Ah, up there!"
"No, I'm here too!"

 Leona-san cut through the flames with her sword, which condensed the cold air into a blade.

"The same technique as mine...!"
"With this, I should be able to match you!"

 As Amira blocked the sword, I, who was still in the air, extended black magic power from my left arm and bound Amira down.

『The spell of restraint!』

 I suppressed her movements with a restraining spell!
 Two arms extended from my back are stacked on top of my right arm, releasing a healed flying bullet that has been forcibly strengthened!

"Take this, three healing bullets!"
[I won't let you———!]

 Just as I was about to strike a blow to Amira, who was unable to move, spears flew toward me in midair from the side.

"U-Usato! Be careful!"

 Twisting my body in the air, I grab just one spear while avoiding the others that are coming toward me.


 As I landed on the ground, repelling the spears that came toward me one after another, I was confronted by soldiers of the Demon King's army, who seemed to be the elite that Amira had brought with her.

"Healing wizard, we'll do our best to hold you off here...!"
"I won't let you get to Amira-onee-sama...!"
"Against a horrible human being who has fallen into the devil, huh? Phew, that's reason enough to risk your life."

 ...They seem to be extremely strong-willed characters.
 But they clearly have a different vibe than the other soldiers.
 I was separated from Leona-san.
 Behind the wall of soldiers, the ladies are fighting, emitting cold and hot air. ...I have to hurry up and help her...!

"Let me through there."
"We swear on our pride and dignity that we will not let you pass beyond this point!"

 A group of elite troops of the demon king's army throws spears at me.
 Since arrows can be grabbed, spears are used to intercept me and stop my movement———No, that's not it.
 This spear, if you look closely, is not an ordinary one.

"...A tree?"
"We got you!"

 The sharp-tipped wooden spear stuck at my feet suddenly took root in the floor and began to grow, wrapping around my body.
 Wood-based magic?!
 Looking ahead, I see a soldier with dark green magic in his palms.

"Finish him off like this!"

 When tree roots wrapped around both legs and blocked my movement, a female soldier, who loved Amira as her big sister, attacked me with a sword in one hand and moved agilely.
 For now, I tear off the wooden restraints that have climbed up to my upper body, lightly repel with my fist the tip of the sword that has been thrust toward the vital point, and grab the part that is the gauntlet of her hand when she is thrown off her posture.

"No way~!?"
"Nea, the restraints———"
『Usato, in front of you!』

 This time, a soldier in full body armor comes at me with loud footsteps.
 I try to move away, but I notice that the floor beneath my feet has turned to mud and I can no longer move.

"The same earth magic as Hyde-san..."
"! Let go!"

 The hand holding the female soldier becomes lighter.
 It seemed she had removed the gauntlets herself, and a large man in full body armor stepped forward, replacing the female soldier who was glaring at me as if to shoot me to death.

"Can you stop this rock armooor?"
"Covered in rocks...?"

 Is this also an earth type magic?
 A running man, clad in rocks like armor, was about to slam into me at full speed.
 My feet get stuck in the muddy ground and I can't dodge ——— but it's no problem.


 Stick out my arms and put some strength into my legs to stop the rock-clad man head-on.

"He didn't even back away...! What incredible strength...!"
"Now is the time for a contest of strength!"

 Lifting his body with his arms, I tried to knock him unconscious by slamming him to the ground, but this time I was interrupted by the female soldier who had just stepped in front of me.

『Usato, they're working together!』
"It would be really troublesome if they kept doing this over and over again...!"

 A wizard who stops my steps.
 Then there's a soldier specializing in speed, and a strong, tank.
 There were other soldiers providing support, so it would be quite difficult for me to do this alone.
 While avoiding the mud at my feet, I had to deal with the javelins that kept coming at me and the swords wielded by the female soldier.

"You may be a monster, but you're not one!"

 Following the female soldier who moves around the area with my eyes, I silently reply to her provocation.
 Spears made of wood are still being thrown, so I turn my eyes to my surroundings while avoiding them.

"We've been through rigorous training under the Second Corps of the Demon King's Army, under the command of the Second Corps Commander!"
"Rigorous training! What exactly do you mean?"
"Eh!? Ehto..."

 The Demon King's army's training method.
 Training of these people, who have higher physical abilities than humans ——— I am curious about it.
 Perhaps not expecting to be asked such a question, the soldier with her agile movements wore a puzzled look on her face.

"I've been immersed in hand-to-hand combat for so long, I'm used to the movements of monsters like you!"

 Get used to the movement?
 Does that mean training to keep getting punched until you can avoid being punched?

"Kuh, I can't believe Koga was doing the same training as me...!"
『I can assure you. He is not the same as you』

 Koga, as I thought, is a man not to be underestimated.
 He copied all of my techniques and even created his own training methods similar to Rose's.

"I guess we'll have to settle with her once and for all...!"
"Before that happens, you will be defeated by our tactics———"
"But first let's deal with the situation in front of us! Hmph!!"

 Before she could finish her words, I stomped my foot on the ground as hard as I could.
 The strength of my legs, strengthened by Blurin's physical strength, makes the floor tremble.
 The shaking of the ground caused some of them to lose their balance, and I threw healing magic bullets filled with restraining spells at them.

"Start with you, the fastest!"

 I gathered strength into my legs and moved in one swift motion in front of the female soldier.
 She quickly changes direction and moves, but I immediately move ahead of her using acceleration with the elasticity grant.

"No way, that was too fast———"
"Healing Restraint Bullet!"

 The female soldier, whose leg had stopped moving due to the healing restraint bullet, falls down.
 When she gets up and realizes that her leg has stuck, she touches her leg in a confused manner.

"M-My legs won't move...? Wh, why...? Hih!? S-Stop———"

 Immediately, I place my hands on her shoulders and apply a restraining spell to stop her entire body from moving.
 Looking away from the immobilized soldier, I can see the soldiers who have not yet lost their will to fight.

"You monster! Guhe!?"
"Take this! Guha!?"

 Before the sword can be brought down, I swing my fists in succession, knocking the soldier who was coming toward me unconscious.
 I turn my gaze back from the soldier, who crumples to the ground on his knees with white eyes, and head toward Leona-san.

"Bring it on if you want to faint...!"

 As I tried to move forward, a large demon clad in full body armor appeared before me, blocking my way.
 It was the same soldier who had been clad in the stone armor from earlier.

"You won't be allowed past this point!"

 A soldier swings down a large spear as tall as himself.
 Instantly, I stepped out with the elasticity grant and entered the bosom with a single breath, and by using magic power circulation, I moved the elasticity grant to my right fist and struck it into the exposed torso ——— activating the healing continuous strike fist.

"Healing Bullet Fist"
"Guh?! ———Gaah?!"

 The next moment after my fist is thrust, a delayed impact is made by the magic power of elasticity and outburst, and the man in full body armor is blown backward.
 Despite seeing that, the soldier's fighting spirit remained undiminished as he glared at me and threw a wooden spear at me.

"Don't resent me...!"

 I approached with my left hand repelling the spear ——— I hit him with a healing explosive bullet in time with the bottom of my palm and pushed him away so that the soldiers behind him were caught in the middle.
 In the next moment, the healing explosive bullet exploded, blowing away the surrounding soldiers.

"...Alright, the path is clear."
『Looking at the scene before my eyes, I'm glad that you defeated me when I was still weak...』

 I ignored Ferrum's disheartened voice.
 Going through the space filled with green particles, we finally arrive at Leona-san's place.

"Are you okay!"
"Yeah...! But it's a tough situation...!"

 Thankfully, she doesn't seem to be seriously injured.
 I move next to her and see Amira still alive and well a short distance away. 
 While remaining wary of her, I cast healing magic on Leona-san.

"She's strong. If we fought together we would have the advantage, but that would be too exhausting for us."
"Then I will hold her back."

 There was no need to hesitate.
 If I had to choose between me and Leona-san, it had to be her.
 No matter how I tried to figure it out, Leona-san was the one who should go on, because she was more capable than me, who was only a healing magician.

"Leona-san, leave this to me and go ahead———"
"...That kind of lack of hesitation is very typical of you. But you know what, Usato...!"

 She looked at me and gave me a small smile, and I wondered what she was thinking, and she pulled my shoulders back hard and made me move backwards.
 What...!? The next moment, a wall of ice was created to block me and Leona-san.
 A wall made by system strengthening?

"Suzune and Kazuki-dono need you. I'll hold Amira and the others here. So, I leave the rest to you."

 The wall of ice completely cut off the passage, and the next moment the sound of flames burning beyond the thick ice wall and the sound of metal being hammered together could be heard.

『Usato, there's no time to hesitate. There are still enemies out there』
"Yeah, I know."

 There is no point in regretting it here.
 If Leona-san has decided to hold them back, we just have to move forward so that her resolve will not be in vain.


 With my back to the ice wall, the figures of soldiers on guard came into view.
 Until now, they seemed to be trying to stay out of the battle aftermath between Leona-san and Amira, but their goal had changed to me.

"Nea, Ferrum, from now on I'll just be fighting using hand-to-hand combat."
『Are you okay?』
"We'll save your strength for the Demon King and our next opponent."

 While closing in before the soldier in front of me moves, I slam my fist into his abdomen, rendering him unconscious.
 Before the soldier next to him notices, I grab his breastplate and slam him to the ground.
 I punch, throw, and keep punching, knocking out soldiers who move into my eyes without using healing magic.


 Staring at the soldiers, who are reluctant to move forward, I step forward again.
 While I was dealing with the soldiers, I heard footsteps approaching from the end of the corridor, which seemed to be reinforcements.
 And beyond that ——— I could also smell sweet magic, similar to that of Ferrum.
 Needless to think, I knew who it was.

"It's time to settle things with you. Koga."

 I'm sure you're waiting with a fearless smile on your face, as always?
 I think he's a really troublesome guy, considering he's so certain that I'll be here.

——— ———

Author's Notes:
The soldiers who appeared in this chapter are those who appeared in Arc 6, "After the Battle," SS.