Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna
Source: Syosetu

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Chapter 260

 ...Has Usato gone?
 After confirming that his presence is moving away from the ice wall behind me, I turn my attention to the powerful enemy in front of me.
 Amira Belgred, a warrior who manipulates flames.
 She is not a corps commander, but she is a demoness who is equally powerful.
 This brief battle made me understand how strong she is as much as I hate to admit.

"Was it okay to let him go?"
"If you had fought alongside him, you would have had an advantage over me."

 Perhaps she was purely questioning, I returned silent to Amira's words as she brushed away the flaming sword.
 What she said was certainly true.
 With Usato, the battle would be in our favor even if we were up against Amira.
 He has the ability to make it possible and the healing magic.

"Because I believe in him"
"If we were talking about offensive power alone, I'm probably superior to him. But even so, seeing him correct the mistakes of me, a single person, and stubbornly forge ahead ——— that has given me courage."

 I remember the battle with Karon in Mialak.
 I was knocked unconscious by a blow from Karon, and when I awoke, I saw Usato desperately trying to save the rampaging Karon, who was disintegrating his own body with the power of the dragon.
 He lifted me up when I was feeling disheartened and on the verge of giving up.
 I was fascinated by him.

"It's true that he does some ridiculous things sometimes. Just now he transformed into something like a devil and threw the soldiers around, but that's only a small part of it."
"...Just a small part of it? That?"

 I felt as if the corner of Amira's mouth was twitching.
 However, it is a fact that even during this short journey, the devil's form is a part of it, so I will not correct it.

"His actions always go far beyond what we expect. Even with comrades who have been fighting alongside him for a long time."
"Isn't that a problem for you as an ally? Shouldn't he have told you that beforehand?"
"Hmph, after all, he thinks of things on the spot."
"Isn't that a bigger problem? Are you okay with that...?"

 An accidental explosion of system strengthening.
 Application of imparting elasticity.
 Most of the techniques he uses are far removed from anything that already exists.

"That's why it was meaningful to let him go."
"Even if he had to face the Demon King-sama?"
"No, even if he faces the Demon King, he won't change. That's the man Usato is."

 When I assure her of that, Amira lets out a somewhat stunned laugh.

"I see, he's just as troublesome as his master Rose, after all. But even if you let him go first, don't think that he will be able to reach the Demon Lord straight away, you know?"

 I guess so.
 The fact that Amira, who was watching me and Usato split up in front of her, did not show any signs of stopping means that there is another corps commander beyond this point who is as capable as she is.
 That person is probably ——— someone who has a history with Usato.

"Nevertheless, he will go on. All I have to do now is defeat you here."
"Hmph, ridiculous. It's not me that's going down, it's you."

 The thin layer of flame armor that was covering her now burns intensely.
 As the sword she holds turns a scorching hot color, I also wrap my sword in condensed cold air.
 A moment of silence.
 The next moment, fire and cold, and the slashing attacks of each side collided before my eyes.
 Having my face so close to Amira's that it was within sight of her, I challenged her to a duel and dared her.

"I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Leona...! I'm the hero who will defeat you here!"
"Hmph, let's see how long your bravado lasts, Leonaa!!"

 I release cold air to negate the flames that are threatening to attack me, while Amira continues to increase her heat to turn the cold air that is trying to freeze her.

"It seems that you and I have magic with opposing attributes!"

 As a demon, she had the advantage in terms of physical ability.
 Without striking each other head-on, I handle the sword and strike the sword that has collected the cold air to the maximum.


 As soon as the distance of a few steps separates, I thrust the tip of my sword into the ground to release its magic power.
 A huge icicle emerges from the ground and attacks Amira.

"You keep using the same technique! Your ice doesn't work on me!!"

 But with a mere swing of her sword, Amira melts and vaporizes the icicles in an instant.
 ———! Water vapor blocks vision!!
 Sending power into the hero's armament clutched in my right hand, I create eight swords around myself and charge at Amira, who is beyond the wall of vapor.


 Nine slashes wrapped in intense cold air.
 Just as I was about to unleash them, which would surely inflict a fatal wound if they hit, Amira, who was beyond the vapor, was about to unleash her sword, which was tinged with a red glow, intercepting me.
 ———We were thinking the same thing!!
 There's no time to back down! Let's just crash into it!!

"Take this!"
"Burn 'em up!!"

 A flash of light.
 In the next instant, my body was hit by an impact that could have been mistaken for an explosion, and I was blown backwards.


 I was blown away and my back crashed into the wall that had been created to send Usato off.
 I managed to land before falling to the ground, and checked my own body.
 T-Thank goodness, I don't seem to be badly hurt.

"As I thought, she is a swordsman similar to me..."

 Using my sword as support, I stood up and looked ahead.
 Amira Belgred is a swordsman whose fighting style is similar to mine.
 Her combat ability is exceptional, based on her skills and magic, as well as her experience in actual battles, which she must have had many.
 In addition, she has the physical ability of a demon tribe, which is troublesome.

"It's difficult, but it's also easier to fight..."

 As I speak the contradictory words, I look ahead to where the dust and steam have cleared.
 Ahead of my gaze, an almost unharmed Amira is about to stand up.
 My opponent is, without a doubt, the most formidable foe.
 But even so, I must not be cowed.
 I cannot allow anyone to pass me by from this point forward.

——— ———

 After neutralizing the soldiers of the demons who blocked the way, I found a spiral staircase at the end of the path.
 We descended the staircase and came to the same wide passageway as before.
 I released Blurin's ability to detect the enemy, and found that there were many soldiers on this level, and that he was one of them.

"There are enemies there, but I can't see them."
『The underground space itself is said to be quite large, so they may be guarding another staircase that leads to the top』

 We proceeded down the passageway, keeping a wary eye on our surroundings.
 The marble walls and pillars are dotted with illuminated magic tools, so it does not feel dark.
 It seems to be inconvenient in many ways, as I almost forget whether it is day or night outside when I am here in the first place.

"It looks similar."
『With what?』

 Ferrum responded to my muttering.

"No, it looks similar to the ruins where the Demon King and the Hero are said to have fought..."
『Perhaps those ruins also were originally a castle, but the Demon King remodeled it with his magic.』

 If that's the case, then that complexity makes sense.
 It seems like a stroke of luck that he's using the same tactics on us as the previous hero.

"Demon King, huh?"

 It was the first time we encountered him at those ruins, but he had a tremendous presence.
 That alone was enough to wear him out, so I can't help but wonder how he was in his prime, but on the other hand, even after all that the Demon King ——— the demons still wanted to fight us.
 The reason for this is none other than the survival strategy of the demon tribe born in a dying land.
 I consciously tried not to overthink it, but hearing about the story of Hannah, who I had just let slip by, made me think about it, even if I didn't want to.


 We have already passed the stage where both forces can reconcile unscathed.
 Or rather, we don't have the luxury of saying such naive things.
 But if there is a choice that will lead to the future of the two races, humans and demons, then———,

『———Usato, what are you thinking?』

 As I was thinking about it, Nea called out to me.
 Coming to my senses, I replied with a wry smile.

"No, it's nothing."
『I see... well, since it's you, I know most of the answers.』

 Nea lets out a sound of dismay, as if she had guessed what it was.
 Next, Ferrum speaks up. 

『So, is Koga really here?』
"...Yeah, because I sensed the same magic as you."
『Well, he's probably the only one in the Demon King's army who has the power to use dark magic.』

 If a new dark wizard were to appear here, it would only cause trouble.
 Koga alone is the height of trouble.

"And what's more, they've been so kind as to not place any enemies on this side."

 There were no soldiers in the hallway in front of me.
 They are within the range of Blurin's sense of smell, but they seemed to be concentrating on another part of the floor rather than this hallway.

『What should we do? Break down the wall and get around it?』
"Could you please stop talking as if I can break this wall?"

 You won't know until you try it....
 I know from the smell of the enemy that there are other rooms, but breaking down the walls and getting around isn't a very realistic strategy.

"No. Either way, even if I smash through the wall, that guy will come after me. If things go badly, he might go to Leona-san, who is fighting Amira."
『...I see.』
"And he'll use it to threaten me if I try to avoid combat."
"Isn't he too villainous?"

 It's villainous because he knows my character and takes such a method.
 As one would expect from a self-proclaimed worst personality.
 As I proceeded down the passageway, fed up with what was about to happen, I saw a large door ahead of me.
 It is a door with a solemn atmosphere that is clearly different from anything I have ever seen before.
 Someone is standing in front of the door.


 I sigh at the person I expected to see, not even needing to look hard enough to see him.
 I stop when I get close enough to clearly see the man standing in front of the door ——— Koga. 

"Yo, I've been waiting."

 I shrugged my shoulders as Koga waved at me with the same casualness as if he were waving at a friend he had known for ten years.
 No, I knew he was waiting for me, but somewhere in my heart, I was hoping he'd let me go.

"That reaction hurts my feelings too, you know? Because a sigh is more hurtful to a person than a normal disgusted sigh, right?"
"You're so mean, man."

 Hinomoto, the land of the beastfolk.
 Battle against the Demon King's army.
 An encounter in the Demon King's ruins.
 I really have a connection with this guy, even though he is an enemy.

"It was worth the wait."
"But I was sure. Someone like you would definitely make it this far."

 Koga laughs heartily.
 I released the hand that was pressing down on my forehead and looked forward.

"Hmm? What is it?"
"Don't act like we're friends."
"You'll make me cry, oy."

 "Liar!" I glare at him without saying a word.
 If you just want to talk, that's fine.
 However, based on past experience, he is not someone who is going to let me off the hook by just talking it out.

"You didn't wait here to talk to me, right."
"Well, I guess so. Of course, I'm going to fight you now."

 ...What's this? This isn't the usual Koga.
 If it were the normal Koga, he would have come charging at me with gusto, but...

"What are you plotting?"
"I'm not plotting anything. I'm just wondering what the future holds."
"...The fate of the demons?"
"No, that's not it."

 That's not it?
 If you think about it carefully, there's no way that someone who loves fighting more than anything else would have such a noble personality that he would be sad about the future of the demons.
 Is this guy really the army commander?

"Even with you in front of me, I still haven't found the answer. So, there's only one thing I can do next."

 The atmosphere surrounding Koga finally changes to his usual belligerent one.
 I also clench my fists, ready to move at any time.

"The doubts within me. I will clarify them by fighting you."
"It is just a nuisance for me."
"We're enemies, aren't we? In that case, there's no reason for me to go along with your wishes."

 Without the need for further words, black magic oozes out from under Koga's feet and envelops his body.
 The black magic, which covered him from his toes to the top of his head, made his body more than twice as large, and furthermore, transformed his figure into a deformed one.
 It was the dark magic of the "beast".
 Although we fought with each other on many occasions, even now that I have improved and grown stronger with the help of my friends, he is still not an opponent you can let your guard down against.

"Ferrum, Nea, Blurin... we're going all out."
『Koga, I'll blow you away.』

 Black magic power engulfs my limbs, and bear ears grow from my head.
 From there, the reflective strengthening is further intensified, and jet-black fur made of black magic extends from the elbows of both arms and from the neck to the cheeks, giving my body the appearance of a beastman.
 As soon as our bodies finished transforming, Koga and I jumped forward with all our might.

"I'll hit you with all our might!"
"Entertain me!"

 Clashing fists.
 The air trembles with shock.
 I'll settle things with Koga here and now!

——— ———

Author's Notes: 
Beast (Bear) VS Beast (Darkness)