Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna
Source: Syosetu

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Chapter 258

 After hearing Hannah's words, not only I but also Leona was silent as if in thought.
 They could perished.
 I couldn't even imagine how much emotion she had put into those words.

"Do you think it was a mistake that the demon tribe has survived until today?"
"I don't think to that extent. But ...... rather than being shown a false sense of hope, I think it would be better if we were just destroyed."

 What on earth has this person seen?
 It seems to me that she is somewhat distorted to this point.

"Before the Demon King's resurrection, the Demon King's territory was ...... my hometown was in a very bad state. Often we couldn't even get enough food for the day, and most of all, ...... everyone had to deceive and push others down every day in order to survive."
"But I was stupid when I was a child. In the midst of that everyday life, I ended up with something unnecessary like good intentions."

 Hannah-san, walking in front of me, continued speaking with her head down.
 Her tone of voice was somewhat thrown off, as if she had been cornered and had become mentally unstable.

"I went to the trouble of gathering nuts for my one and only little sister...and then I gave some to a child I found collapsed on the street...and the next thing I knew, I was being hit on the head from behind..."

 I called out to her but she didn't seem to hear me and continued speaking.

"When I woke up, the child was no longer lying on the street. All the food that I had desperately gathered had been taken away... My little sister hadn't had any food for days, and now even that has been taken...!"

 Then Hannah-san finally came to her senses and looked over at me.
 She held her mouth as if regretting having told us something she did not want us to know, and then she uttered a small voice while adjusting her tone.

"Even if you have kindness, you will only end up being trampled on. That's why I decided to be the one to deceive. No matter how dirty I live or how much I am hated, I want to live..."
"...What am I talking about? Am I trying to repent? Even though I'm speaking to a devil..."

 I couldn't say anything to her as she said these words and laughed at herself.
 Let's ignore the fact that she was being treated like a real devil, but I was made to understand all too well that demons have their own circumstances.
 I knew it, but when I actually heard it, it was hard not to be troubled.
 Then I realized that Nea was trying to talk to Hannah.

"...What about your little sister?"
"She's dead"

 Only two words are uttered, and it made my heart feel even heavier.
 Afterwards, without saying a word, everyone made their way down the newly discovered stairs.
 The stairs are long, and at the end of them is a wide corridor with marble-like floors and pillars.
 We had descended the stairs several times, but the interior finally began to look like a castle.

"Are we still a long way from the Demon King?"
"If you go through this passageway and down the last staircase, you will reach the bottom level. From this point on, it will be impossible to avoid the soldiers."
"...It's getting creepy we haven't encountered many soldiers up to this point."

 Indeed, I could feel the presence of soldiers, but they seemed to be few in number.
 There was no way that the soldiers were concentrating their efforts on searching the upper areas.
 The only possible explanation was that they were on the lowest level where the Demon King was, or in the surrounding area———!

"———Please stop"

 My sense of smell, strengthened by my assimilation with Blurin, catches the enemy's reaction.
 Are they advancing straight toward us?

"Usato, what's wrong?"
"There are a lot of people coming this way. Among them ——— there is also a tremendous, sweet smell that is no less than that of senpai and Kazuki. ...Ferrum, strengthen the assimilation."

 By strengthening the reflection assimilation with Blurin, animal ears grow on my head.
 Next to me, Hannah-san let out a cry of surprise, but I ignored her and waited to see the other parties's reaction.

"There is no hesitation in their steps. The person at the front... is most likely the corps commander!"

 It's a move that shows they know we're here.
 Hearing my detection, Nea grabbed the panicked Hannah's shoulders.

"Can't we avoid it?"
"T-That's impossible. It's a one-way street, and to get to any other stairs, we'd have to take a long detour!"
"Then there is no other way but to fight."

 Leona-san, still with her hood up, changes the sword she had hidden at her waist into a spear.
 I, too, pulled back my animal ears for the time being and changed my mind so that I would be ready for a battle at any time while wearing the disguise of a demon tribe.
 As I carefully proceed down the passageway, trying to look as natural as possible, a red-haired demon woman appears from ahead with a group of soldiers in tow.

"Fumu. For now, let's expose their true colors..."

 At the same time that my hearing, enhanced by assimilation, picked up on that mutter, the woman ——— Amira Belgred had unsheathed her sword and was unleashing a huge flame towards us, covering everything in front of us.


 Leona-san, who has taken off her hood, holds her spear like a cleaver and releases a wave of cold air forward.
 In response, I thrust my hands forward ——— releasing a healing explosion wave, boosting the cold air and accelerating its momentum.
 A wall of cold air covered with flames and green particles collides, and a roar echoes through the air.

"It seems you've gone quite deep."
"Amira Belgret, huh?"

 Amira stepped forward, brushing away the rising steam, and frowned when she saw us.
 Unlike the soldiers on the ground, the soldiers behind her didn't seem the least bit scared when they saw me.

"The fact that they are not afraid of Usato, who has terrorized the demons so far as a devil ... that means they are elite."
"Usato, be careful. These guys will come at the devil with the intent of killing."
"Sometimes I wonder if you're even on my side."

 It's terrible that you are seriously considering this.
 It's not like I want to act like a devil either!
 However, I agree with the word elite.
 Now that we were quite close to the Demon King, the soldiers guarding him should be equally strong and well-trained.
 It's not just Amira that is troublesome...!

"I was certain that you guys would make it this far, but I never thought it would be you, Usato, who would come instead of the hero Suzune."
"I didn't want to fight you, though."

 The worst thing about Amira is that she is a bad match for me.
 I finally became able to fight her properly after assimilating with Ferrum, but even so, I don't really want to fight her.
 Hearing my words, Amira gave a fearless smile.

"Really? I've always wanted to fight you. We both have extraordinary masters. We have a lot to talk about."
"Well, I'm sure we have a lot to talk about..."

 Is it a complaint?
 Or rather, it's more likely nothing but complaining.
 The only other thing is unreasonableness.

"And the Ice Hero of Mialak? Although I did not have a chance to see her on the battlefield, I have heard of her bravery in defeating the large Barjinak."

 She turns her gaze from Leona-san, who is silently holding her spear, to Hannah-san, who is hiding behind me.

"———I can't believe you've been captured by the enemy, Third Corps Commander."
"I don't know if you're being threatened, but this is very pathetic... No, that's not something I could have said, as I was a former commander of the Third Corps"

 Seeing Hannah-san's upset, Amira smiles a self-mocking smile, but her eyes immediately sharpen.

"But it's strange. According to the information above, I was told that you were extinguished by the magic of the Hero of Light... so why are you being held captive by them?"
"Demon King-sama had already foreseen what you were thinking. However, after that, betraying us and leading the heroes to this place, then———"

 Perhaps unable to find an excuse, Hannah-san hesitates to say.
 From the way the story goes, she showed her subordinates a vision of her death and then ran away.
 Seeing that she is unable to even reply, Amira has a bitter look on her face for a moment, and then she points the tip of her sword.

"———No more words are needed. Together with the hero and the healing wizard, we will bury the traitor."
"They are coming!"

 At the moment, the flames flare up with such force that it could be mistaken for an explosion in front of our eyes.
 ...! What an incredible flame!
 At the very least, it was far stronger and hotter than any flame I had seen before!!
 To block the raging hot wind, I created a shield made of black magical power to protect myself and Hannah-san behind me, and while I was defending myself———Leona-san, who was standing next to me, was surrounding herself with cold air and thrusting Amira with her spear.

"This level of heat!"
"The Ice Hero, huh!!"

 The thrust and the swung sword collided, sending a high-pitched metallic sound echoing through the corridor.
 Seeing her own weapon being repelled, Amira smiles, while Leona-san has a sharp expression on her face, and they engage in a sword and spear sword fight.

"She is strong...!"

 Leona-san and Amira.
 Flames and cold air collide with each other as they swing their weapons at each other.
 Hot and cold———As I tried to cover her in the face of gusts of wind that I could no longer tell whether they were hot or cold, Hannah, who was shivering because of the aftermath of the battle, turned around and started to run.

"R-Right now...!"

 It was probably a reflex.
 As Hannah turned her back on us and tried to run away, I reached out and grabbed her arm.


 Seeing her arm caught in my grasp, her expression turns despairing.
 At that moment, I remembered what she had said earlier ——— and with a little bit of conflict, I let go of her hand.
 Turning around, I extinguish the flames that Leona-san's magic couldn't neutralize with healing magic bursting palms.

"I don't remember being a devil at heart!"
"...Wh, why...!"
"Thank you for all you have done so far! The rest will be fine!!"

 I said to her, who looked at me, stunned, at her now freed hands.
 Without looking back, I remove my disguise and put on Ferrum's dark magic.

"Usato! Hannah ran away!"
"There's no need to chase! Nea, assimilate!!"
".... Yes! I get it!"

 Nea transformed into an owl and jumped into my body, assimilates with me.
 As I confirm that her presence is within, I hear a call from Ferrum, who is within.

"Ferrum, are you ready?"
『No, he said he is not a devil in his heart. You're a human being, and yet you've just admitted that you're the dev———』
"Leona-san! I'll back you up!"

 Regretting fiercely the words I had carelessly uttered, I headed toward Amira, who was fighting with Leona-san.

——— ———

Author's Notes:
A human (?) who finally admits he is the devil by twists of words.
Words are difficult.