Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna

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TL Notes: Sorry, I am late. I am busy this week. If you confuse, this is a little time skip after the prologue. It will be explained in the other part what happen after the prologue.

Chapter 1 | Pursuing a Dream | Remake our Life!

Part 1

"Yes, ano... I'm sorry. Regarding this problem, the correction data has been uploaded on our homepage, so please download it... Yes, ano, we are sorry, but we can't come to you directly to fix the problem, so we will ask you to handle it yourself ... "

    I bowed my head repeatedly to the person on the other end of the line (though I couldn't see him), and after almost half an hour of talking, the phone finally went silent. Fu, I let out a breath and leaned back in my chair,

"Thank you for your hard work... It looked like a tough one."

    The woman sitting next to me called out to me in a sympathetic tone.  Because of her beady eyes and curly hair that looks like the tail of a small animal, I secretly call her "Squirrel Girl".

"Thank you. Well, that's the usual thing."

"What was that like today?"

"It was like, "You sold us a game with a bug, so the good faith thing to do would be to come to our house and apply the corrected data, and if you can't do that, then replace the disc and mail it to us, and give us a refund for the time we can't play the game". "

    In response to my words, Squirrel Girl raised her voice, "Hieee". She must have experienced the same kind of response. She looked at me bitterly, as if she remembered something.

"But, well, some things can't be helped, can they."

    This time, I heard another woman's voice coming from the seat across from me. She is a beautiful woman with long straight hair and sharp eyes, and I secretly call her the Queen.

"That title was released with a lot of fanfare, but the content is dull, and the big-name creators who were touting it look like they had nothing to do with it, so I think the people who bought it feel deceived, I guess~ "

"In that case, why don't you help me answer the phone."

"No, it's a hassle. I don't want to do it because it's supposed to be done by the newcomers in the department."

    Pushing away the pile of survey postcards with her elbow, the Queen posed "bye-bye" with her hand. It was rare to see such a clear rejection.

"Sorry, sorry, I've forced you to do a difficult job. But I'm sure there will be fewer inquiries next week, so just be patient, okay?"

    I heard the voice of a very friendly man instead. I could only see the top of his head, which was a little thin due to the pile of papers on his desk. He was the head of our department, but I inwardly called him Takoyaki-san because of the top of his head.

"That's what head says, but Sark Wizard 3 is coming out next week, so we'll be busy dealing with that, I'm sure."

    As I answered, the top of his head suddenly grew vertically. The face on the bottom was completely pale, revealing a look of anxiety.

"Th-That's right... What should I do, I thought the development of that was pretty bad, too, I'm sure...?"

    As if in response to Takoyaki-san's pathetic voice,

"The planners who worked on 1 and 2 were brought in, right?"

"The person who was doing the character design also left with us, I'm sure."

"The planner who was put in charge of the project hadn't done anything in six months, and the person who came in after him was a complete failure, I'm sure."

    A very minus point erupted clearly from the three of them.

"Well, that's why I don't think we'll have a calming day for a while."

"Looks like it..."

    Takoyaki-san sank his head into the pile of papers again. He may have been trying to comfort me in his own way, but I was already prepared for this, so I wasn't too shocked.

    As the air was filled with gloom, there was a somewhat violent thud and the door opened.

    Squeak... The front side of the door turned toward here. On the raised plate, there are black letters that are slightly faint and thin,

"13th Development Department"

    Yes, that's how it was written.

"Hey chief, I told you to be quieter when opening the door~!"

    Squirrel Girl's angry voice was directed towards the open door.

"I can't help it. I've got my hands full."

    A violent reply came from the other side of the open door.

    Then, as if following in his footsteps, cardboard boxes were thrown into the room one after another.

    After the number of cardboard boxes had been filled, a flirtatious-looking man entered the room and closed the door with his foot in a bad manner. It was the chief, Chara. We call him "Chara" because he is so flirtatious.

    And then he clapped his hands,

"Yes, yes, just give me some space on the desk. I'm going to put some stuff down."

    I did as I was told, clearing a space on the desk, and one by one, the cardboard boxes from earlier were placed there.

"What is this...?"

    Squirrel Girl asks, patting the box suspiciously.

"Does it look like a birthday present?"

    Charaji replied sullenly and began to tear the duct tape from the box.

"Yeah, I understand."

    The Queen frowned with a sigh.

    At about the same time, when we saw what Charaji had taken out, all the rest of us sighed deeply and profoundly as well.

"This again"

"Isn't there a little too much of that going on in the publishing department lately?"

"This is also small... It's hard for me because I'm starting to get presbyopia."

    In each hand was a bundle of sticker mounts with fine writing on them.

    Charaji looked as if he had a mouth full of bitter worms that he'd squashed,

"...So, we are going to start applying stickers to deal with the misprints now. Period is first thing tomorrow afternoon."

    Then, with a thump, he sank back into his chair. As if in harmony, everyone's sighs echoed through the room again.

    When you turn some article or manuscript into content, there will inevitably be mistakes in it. The term "typographical error" refers to the misrepresentation of information that is different from the original intent or information.

    If there is a mistake in a particle or a word that has little effect on the text, a simple report is all that is needed, but in some cases, there is a risk that all the copies printed and sold will be recalled, resulting in a huge loss.

    Somehow you have to notice the typographical errors before they are sold! This is one of those times. In such cases, you have to correct what was printed incorrectly.

"That's what we do, we put stickers on the relevant parts."

    Squirrel Girl said, as if confirming to no one in particular.

"Even a simple task like this would cost a lot of money if they had to hire part-time workers. We do it for them, so they can save money."

    Charaji answers bluntly while sticking the sticker with a familiar hand.

"But you should be grateful for my popularity, because this is how the work flows."

    I wondered what kind of popularity only comes with this kind of chore.

"Development is just a name, here."

    The Queen stretches out, Hmm, and checks the time on her smartphone,

"Well, I'll be leaving now."

    With that, she quickly got up.

"Ah, it's almost time. I'm going home too."

Charaji also stood up, gallantly putting on his jacket.

"Eh, wait a minute, isn't this a must for tomorrow morning?"

    Even considering what I have to do when I get back to work tomorrow, it seems like I have too much left to do.


"No, we should really get this done today."

    When I asked him about it, Charaji laughed it off.

"You may be a mid-career guy who's really into it, but there's no point in showing that kind of motivation here."

"I-Is that so..."

"It doesn't matter if we’re late. I'm sure they set the deadline with plenty of time to spare anyway."

"Yup, yup, they said it would be fine if we just sent it out in the evening~"

    As if to show how determined they were not to sit in the chair anymore, they both refused to listen to me at all.

"Then, see you"

    And, without waiting for this reaction, Charaji and the Queen left the room for greetings.

"I wonder if it's okay"

    I tilted my head, and Squirrel Girl smiled at me,

"It's okay. Nothing's ever happened before."

"I-I see."

    If you ask the people who were there originally, it doesn't seem like a big deal.

"Yes, yes, you guys should finish your work in moderation. If you work too much overtime, the higher-ups will be noisy, you know."

    The head of the department patted his smooth, slippery head,

"Then I guess I'll be going now."

    After saying that, they left the room quickly. Only when they were leaving did they act so smoothly.

    All that was left was Squirrel Girl and me. In my left hand is the sticker I removed, and in my right hand is its mat. With an insignificant weapon in my hand, I am forced to choose how I will fight.

"Do you still do it, Hashiba-san?"

    The squirrel girl looked up at me with a calm face.

"Let's just try to get it down to a point where we won't have to worry about it tomorrow."

    An employee of the 13th Development Department, Hashiba Kyouya. No matter what the situation, I have always had the principle of moving my hands at all times.