[Novel] The Great Wish Vol. 4 Chapter 1 Part 1

Translated: reireiss, MTLs-nim 

Edited: reireiss, Grammarly ssi 

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Translator Note: Hi, Umm... I'm sorry T_T

I've only been able to upload [Novel] The Great Wish now, even the advanced chapter on Patreon and Ko-fi was stopped for a while because I was busy at rl *Hiks. I can't promise that I will always update, but I will try to stick to the schedule (updates once a week).

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I'm sure many of you already know that. Korean Publishers is strict, so...... Again, PLEASE DON'T SHARE OR REPOST!!

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Novel The Great Wish Volume 4

Chapter 1 - Touching Hearts

Part 1

The maids saw Silver Queen leaving the palace in light armor. Her swordsmanship practice was steady every day. It was a familiar sight to see the Silver Queen in armor going alone. She hung the sword from the sword belt around her waist, but held another sword in her hand. The practice location has been Sienna’s favorite place for a long time. As she got closer to her destination, her heart started pounding faster and faster.

And at the promised place, Kuhn is standing in moisture posture.


I had a slight chill. As the loud heartbeat stopped suddenly, the hot blood that the heart spouted spread throughout the body. I'm happy. Just seeing that man made me feel better.

Unlike her armor-clad, he was impeccable. His tall height was well balanced with his big physique. If there was no one around to compare, it looked very sharp.

He was bare-handed. There was nothing I could do about it, because if Marquess Lard, not a knight, entered the palace with a weapon, the back story would come out.

Rumors spread widely that Lard Merchant Union belonged to the Marquess, but there were more people who did not know about Kalligo Mercenaries. The aristocrats are interested in money rather than force. So, the unusual swordsmanship skills of the Marquess were hardly known.

His eyes met me and he smiled. Sienna walked over to him without taking her eyes off him. As he took one step closer, he grew taller. I can't put it at a glance. I feel it every time I meet him, but he was a really big man.

Sienna smiled broadly, looking at Kuhn. I couldn't stand the laughter that came out by itself. His eyes are now darker.

And in a brief moment of blinking eyes, he came closer. His lips pressed against hers.

At first, he just going to put my lips in a hurry. After a while, he seemed to have calmed down a bit, and he gently wrapped his hands around her face. He tilted her head further and the two of them opened their mouths more.

His tongue was tightly entangled. There was a sound of sucking each other's insides. Their kisses are always hot. Sienna felt like she was swallowing hot fire every time they kissed. The sharp sensation was thrilling.

'Does he feel cold in my mouth?'

Apparently, the two of them had slightly different body temperatures. As the length of the kiss increased, the temperature difference became fainter, and Sienna felt like she was sharing his temperature.

He persistently poured a light kiss on Sienna's lips, then parted them reluctantly.

Sienna opened her eyes. His face was right in front of her. He grinned and gave her a few short kisses. After that, he let go of the hand that covered her face.

He always regretted that it was not enough every time he finished kissing. I've never seen him look satisfied. Will the day come when his endless greed will be satisfied?

Sienna hoped that day would never come. I wish he was constantly wanting her. She looked at him and she smiled.

Kuhn let out a small sigh. Her unguarded smile suffocated and made the world go round. When he thought others saw her smile, he had a radical urge to tear that person apart.

'I'm getting more and more crazy.'

Kuhn was careful not to reveal his vulgarity. In front of her, he acted like a gentle puppy. But how long can it continue?

Now that he feels that her heart is slowly opening up, it's still okay. But if she changes her mind and withdraws or turns away. Can you respect her judgment?

'...Cannot. I will never let her go.'

Kuhn grabbed Sienna’s sword under the handle and gave it a little force. He released his hand that was holding her tight.

It was cumbersome, but with a few shortcuts, he was able to pick up the sword. But Sienna said, 'Don't do anything that will get you caught'. He volunteered and brought her practice sword. It was good that she worked hard for herself. So he silently followed her instructions.

“It’s a different sword from yesterday.”

Sienna glanced at him as he looked at the sword. He hadn't been able to get out of the afterglow of the kiss he had just had before, but his expression was clean.

'Not all men do this, right?'

Sometimes I felt he was good. He also had a natural personality. Since I don't have anyone to compare with, I can't say in detail. Feeling her observing gaze, he lifted his head.


“You resemble someone that I know.”


“Eung (Yes).”

Kuhn twisted his brow.

"With whom?"

"There is someone like that."

You that I saw in my dream. Sienna mumbled to herself.

"I guess it's the sword you always carry...... What's the difference?"

Kuhn resisted the urge to ask, 'Who is he? What kind of person is he?' Then, he answered my question with a dissatisfied expression.

"It's lighter."

"Isn't a light sword bad?"

"There are pros and cons. If you lack physical strength, then it would be better to use a light sword. Whereas a heavy sword has strong attack power."

"Then wouldn't it be better to use a heavy sword?"

"What's the use of attack power if you can't lift the sword properly?"

"Is the sword I use to practice a light sword?"

"It's not a light sword. You can use a heavier sword because you are strong."

"You think I'm strong? Me? Even though I always feel like a child fighting adults every time I train with you."

Kuhn laughed.

"Your Highness, don't compare yourself to me. For a woman, you have very strong strength."

"Ah. For a woman."

Sienna who had never felt limited by the fact that she was a woman became angry.

"Then do you have enough strength for a man?"

"Me? I have extraordinary strength for a human."

"......Now I know what it is. The people around me must be feeling this strange feeling."

Seeing him smiling mischievously, Sienna laughed too.

"Your sword, the sword I've seen before......"

Kuhn smiled at her cautiously.

"What are you curious about?"

"......The hilt and blade, are all black. That sword is the famous Black Sword, right?"

"Although that sword isn't famous in a good way. It is quite famous indeed."


“Then? Sienna, everything will be fine. Just tell me.”

Sienna hesitated before speaking.

"There's no need to answer if this is a difficult question for you."

The expression on his face as he nodded was odd.

"You...... Are you the Leader of Kalligo?"

"Eung. (Yes)"

He immediately answered calmly, causing Sienna to feel slightly embarrassed.

"I heard that Kalligo's Mercenaries wield Black Swords. However, the Leader's sword is more special......"

“The Black Sword was made by a special smelting method. We added the Desert Monster's body parts into the manufacturing process, and it resulted in a black-bladed sword that was extremely hard and elastic. My sword was slightly different because it was passed down from generation to generation. There is only 1 in this world."

"Is the material different?"

"I don't know exactly because that sword is an inheritance. What's special about that sword is, you know, it feels like it's alive? It protects its owner."


"It's hard to explain. I'll show you when I get the chance."

"I heard that Kalligo is a soldier of the Lard Merchant Union. Since you are the owner of the Lard Merchant Union, so you became the Leader of Kalligo?"

"I can't say that it's unrelated, but that's not the only reason. To become the Leader......"

Sienna, who had been listening with interest, now shook her head.

"No need. I don't want to hear it anymore."

Kuhn said with a laugh. But somehow, it sounded sharp.

"You were always like that. Every time I felt us getting a little closer, you would put up another wall."

Sienna wasn't used to Kuhn's expression like that. I don't want him to be misunderstood thinking I rejected him.

"It's not like that. I feel that it's unfair."

As if he wanted to say something, he tilted her head.

"I have nothing to tell you. So it's not fair for me to be the only one listening to your story."

"Not...... Fair?"

He muttered and laughed.

"Why don't you have anything to tell me? There are many things I want to know about you. Who is that woman who lives in your palace? I don't think she's a maid."


"I have seen her at the Countess's side many times. Judging by the way she is dressed, she doesn't look like the maid the Countess brought with her."

"Emma is my guest staying in the Palace at my request. She is very good at making tea. I believe you have also drunk the tea made by Emma several times."

"Ah. There are days when the tea smells really good. Was she introduced to you?"

"Yes. She is a relative of the Countess."

Kuhn continued asking lighthearted questions. These are questions that I don't need to ponder deeply. What time do you wake up and sleep, what time do you eat, what do you usually eat, and so on. Sienna could answer all of that without hesitation.

As the conversation grew longer, the two sat side by side under a big tree.

“……So, Emma's wedding that was hosted by the Countess was postponed. It was postponed because that family is related to the Duke Morton Family. They said, they weren't in the mood to talk about the topic of marriage. You know that, right? The son of Morton died."


"I heard the outline from the Countess."

It is revealed that Levi was the one who spread the rumors about Joseph's illegitimate child and that it was the background to the murders involving the 2 Duke Families.

"How do you feel about that?"

"It was very noisy."

"What punishment will be given to Sir Luke?"

"Because it was an accident. He can make amends quite lightly."

"After all, there will be discord between the 2 Duke Families."

Sienna didn't know if Levi Morton would also die in the future in her dreams. News of that did not appear in her dreams. Perhaps Joseph will not be so severely punished. Because in her dream, Joseph married someone and became a Count.

Sienna who was thinking, suddenly, her chin is grabbed and he made her turn sideways.

"You don't give me much time. Focus on me when you're with me."

His expression was gentle, but his way of speaking was firm. I feel an irresistible power. Sienna's head bobbed up and down on its own.

"Is Levi your second fiancé?"

"Eung (Yes)."

"Is there a third?"

"If there are?"

"Then I have to get rid of him."

Sienna winked. Is he kidding me? Is this a joke? If this isn't a joke, then there is a lot of work to be done.

Seeing the strange expression on his face, Sienna doubted her ears a bit. Did I hear wrong? As she hesitated for a moment, Kuhn stood up and stretched out his hand.

Sienna took his hand. With just a slight tug from him, her body jerked up.

"If you delay any longer, the maids will come looking for you. You need to stick to your schedule."

Kuhn opened his pocket watch to check the time.


The time I spent practicing swordsmanship flew by without my noticing. Sienna was slightly taken aback. Unknowingly time flew by as we chatted. And it's not the conversation that matters. Those are things that don't really work.

"......I haven't practiced at all."

"Isn't it fine to do something like this sometimes?"

Kuhn lowered his head and kissed her on the lips. It was a light kiss that just pressed the lips together and let go.

"See you in 2 days."

If one saw the two of them, they would realize that their separation was very natural.

Today was our seventh meeting since that party. Sienna was used to the repeated kisses every time we were apart.

The possibility of being caught by someone was small, but that was something one couldn't be sure of. I'm not afraid if other people see it. However, I was worried that Mother would bully him.

"Kuhn. If Mother calls you again, use me as an excuse, put on an act. You're good at that, right?"

"What act?"

"Act as the victim. Tell her that I was the one bothering you, she will have a very difficult time dealing with me."

He stared at Sienna with a speechless expression and muttered inexplicable admiration.

"You want me to hide behind you? My life is wasted. Do I look so unreliable?"

"You should know how to take care of yourself if it's necessary. There's no need to be ashamed of that."

"Sienna. I'm not the type to care about my face (image). But I don't want you to protect me by standing in front of me."

Sienna frowned.


"Hmm...... The pride of a man?"


"A man could risk his life over an insignificant matter like this. While we are discussing this, the diligent maids of the Silver Queen's Palace have already come looking for you. Go."

With no more time to argue and show logic, Sienna was forced to turn around.

'This man, he didn't take my warning seriously at all.'

Sienna made up her mind to protect him from her mother's clutches.


You can read the newly released chapter of [Novel] The Great Wish Vol. 4 on Patreon or Ko-Fi at The SeiRei Wish tiers. Thank you!


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