Chapter 1 We Make Games

Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna

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Part 7

    It was after 20:00 when we reassembled and started the planning meeting.

    "Then, let's decide what kind of story we want to set in the school."

    When I asked everyone for their opinions, Tsurayuki's hand was immediately raised.

    "Can I ask you a question?"

    "Yeah, please"

    "If it's a school story, it will take place in a school, right? If you go out and wander around too much, it'll just be a story about people wearing school uniforms."

    I thought that the careful definition of the word showed the earnestness that is typical of Tsurayuki.

    "You’re right, some people think that as long as they wear school uniforms, it's a school story, but considering the background CG, I think it's more coherent to stay within the school."

    If we ask Yamashina-san to create a special background CG, the "art setting" becomes quite difficult. This puts pressure on the schedule and reduces the number of copies that can be produced in a given period of time.

    If the story takes place only in a school, the work can be minimized with the help of photos and specifications. One of the reasons why there are so many school stories is because there are so many materials.

    "All right, let's set the stage around the school."

    Tsurayuki "Let's start with what comes to mind," and roughly listed things that might form the framework of the story.

    The seven wonders of the school, the mysterious transfer student, the eccentric teacher, the controlled school and the revolutionary students trying to break through, the strange club activities, the class caste, the war between the school's factions, etc.

    As you would expect from someone who is trying to make a career out of storytelling, all of the content that came up could be developed into the main storyline of a song.

    "All the stories Tsurayuki has come up with sound interesting."

    Shinoaki listened with a smile on her face.

    "Really, everyone has at least one thing they're good at."

    Although her lips pursed in frustration, Nanako seemed to appreciate the wealth of ideas.

    "What do you think, Kyoya? Do you think there's anything you can make the main part of this?"

    In response to Tsurayuki's question,

    "Yeah, I think all of them are good... as long as you can use more than six months of production time."

    That's what I replied.

    "Eh... does that mean that all the material I'm putting out is all have been rejected?"

    I nodded my head,

    "That's right, it’s too bad."

    "Seriously! That's harsh, director!"

    Tsurayuki plopped down on the kotatsu with his hands on his head.

    Indeed, he came up with a wide range of interesting stories, from the standard to the slightly tricky.

    However, this time the capacity and time are limited. The more elaborate the setting is, the more space will be consumed by the stage description alone in the beginning.

    "That's why... something dealing with a strange club activity or something as simple as this might still work."

    "Oh, I've got a great idea. This club is called the Occult Research Society."

    "That's no good, too specific is out."

    "It's too strict!"

    ......Well, it's not the second best story, because a certain blockbuster of a redo hadn't come out yet in this era.

    "It's okay if it's more of an after-school club or something like that. Or you could make it a student council."

    "...Is it possible to create a story with a setting that is almost nothing like that?"

    Well, some writers can create a masterpiece out of an ordinary maid cafe setting created by others.

    "Yeah, do your best there"


    Tsurayuki shook his clenched fist and bowed his head in a sign of surrender.

    "Fufun, that's too bad, Tsurayuki-kun, but I'm looking forward to your masterpiece scenario~"

    When Nanako agitated here and there,

    "Damn it, you can't even handle your own equipment, you should worry about yourself, speaker."

    "D-don't call me a speaker! I'll learn to use the equipment properly, I'm sure!"

    Well, as long as we can talk about this, we'll be fine.

    "Kyoya-kun, is this going to turn into a love story in the end?"

    Shinoaki interjected.

    "Yeah, I think so."

    "Then, it looks like it'll be fun to draw a kiss scene ~"


    She suddenly said something like that.

    "Ki-Ki... ss...?"

    For some reason, Nanako raised her voice.

    "N-Nanako, what's wrong?"

    "N-no, nothing!"

    In a panic, Nanako turned her face away. I wonder if She was surprised to hear the word kiss that didn't look suitable come out of Shinoaki's mouth.

    ...... Don’t tell me, did she see that at the school festival?

     No, Nanako must have been on stage at that time.

    "I'm looking forward to it, since I've been drawing mostly single girls."

    And the person in question did not seem to be aware of anything.

    I was also shocked for a moment.

    "Then, let's put together the settings more specific."

    Now that we had a rough idea of what we wanted to do, we decided to work out the details.

    Considering the number of scripts and CGs, we decided to limit the size of the text to 500 KB. There are three heroines in the game. Each of them has their own route, and their own stories unfold.

    At Tsurayuki's request, I assigned the two non-main characters a horror-like route and an unusual battle story, respectively. In fact, I wanted to make all the routes daily life type, but I decided it was possible considering Tsurayuki's motivation to write.

     "Team Kitayama's Game Production Department... It's finally started."

    All that was left was to actually proceed with the production. Everyone seemed to be somewhat anxious, but as an experienced person, I just had to make sure everything was in order.

    "Okay, that's enough for today, tomorrow we'll start again..."

    I was a little tired, probably because I had spent the morning negotiating and going out.

    I can rest for now, and get up early tomorrow to put together the planning and production instructions.

    Thinking about it, I tried to close the meeting.

    Yes, I was a little tired. So,

   "Good evening, excuse me!"

    The door opens with a loud voice,

    "Tsu-kun, long time no see! I wanted to meet you ~!"

    "Ha~ah? ... Whoa, Sayuri-nee !?"

    "Anyway~, shall we kiss here to celebrate our reunion?"

    "I won’t! Wait, why your face is trying to get closer, you are listening, right, oi!!"

    "It's okay, it's okay, nnnn ~~"

    Tsurayuki shouted in a voice I had never heard before, but he was pushed down on the spot in vain.

    "Eh, Tsu-kun? Sayuri? ...Who?"

    "Is she a customer of Tsurayuki-kun?"

    Even though Nanako and Shinoaki's eyes lit up and they were stunned,

    "Come on, Tsu-kun! Let's quit the university and go back to Saitama with me! Everything is ready, all you have to do is say 'yes' and you'll be fine ~"

    "Eh, quit... college?"

    It's not hard to realize that this woman, clad in white from head to toe, is the same person as the one I met in the daytime...

    If anything, I was more baffled by the sudden statement of her decision.

    "Ah, my carelessness, I'm so happy and come in without greetings, I apologize for my rudeness."

    The woman suddenly patted her clothes and stood up quickly on the spot.

    "Nice to meet you. My name is Jishouji Sayuri. I am Rokuonji Tsurayuki-san’s ― "

    The next words, which had more power than quitting the university, completely crushed my memory of the daytime.


    After the high-pitched declaration, a stunned me, Shinoaki, Nanako and then there was Tsurayuki, whose eyes wide open and rigid, and the last is Sayuri, a girl standing on the ground with a big smile on her face.

    I don't know exactly who said it, but I think that one word, which was neither a sigh nor a reply, explained the unfamiliar situation of this place.

    On the very first day of making a Bishojou Game, I was caught in an impossible situation that was very much like a Bishojou Game ――

    I couldn't decide whether this was a good start or a bad one.