Translated: reireiss, MTLs-nim 

Edited: reireiss, Grammarly ssi 

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Translator Note:

This is a long chapter. Longer than previous chapters...

So...... Bear with me, please (/▿\ )

Thank You!


Chapter 5 – The Male Lead of Romantic Novel Is Different

"Um, Dad. Athi wants to walk alone."

"This is faster."

Hey, excuse me. Can you explain the reason why we have to walk fast? Moreover, isn't a 'walk' given the name 'walk' because we have to walk on our own feet? I guess my current state can't be called 'walk'………… That's what I thought while looking at the scenery around me, I wrapped my hands awkwardly in Claude's arms. Even though this 'walk' was aimed at my rehabilitation process, how could this happen?

"That's right, Princess. You shouldn't force yourself yet."

It is you. You are the perpetrator who made all this happen! After all, no one other than Felix could say all that nonsense. About 10 minutes after we started walking around, I sneezed for a while because some pollen hit my nose, and as soon as that happened, Felix started babbling. I couldn't immediately run as vigorously as before because of the side effects of sleeping for 48 days. The reason why I fell while trying to run towards Claude on the first day I woke up was because my leg muscles weren't strong enough. A few days after that incident, I was able to move on my own two feet thanks to the help of magic, although I could only walk a short distance.

"10 minutes is enough for a walk."

"Of course. That's enough."

Hah? Of course, that's not enough. What's actually wrong with him? Did he take the wrong medicine? Just now, suddenly he...

"Because the weather is nice today, we'll take a walk in the backyard."

Claude immediately carried me even though Felix didn't ask him to, and after that, he immediately walked to the backyard while carrying me. Hmph, I prefer Felix to carry me. Give me to Felix or let me walk alone. Do you really have to carry me like this? Maybe it's just me, but lately, Claude has been gentle towards me. Hehe, isn't that crazy? Sometimes I think like that. It must be just my illusion. Isn't it?

As I was thinking like that, suddenly something that looked like grass or leaves flew and entered my gaping mouth. Da#n, I'm eating grass because of the wind. Gosh, go! Go!

"Spit, spit."

Cuih, cuuhhh! I think I spat it out a little noisily. Claude turned his gaze to me because he heard the sound of me trying to spit out the grass. I stopped moving just as I stuck out my tongue with a wrinkled face.

"Spi……… Ehe. Hehe…………"

D-Don't look at me like that. I'm not eating this grass because I want to! I smiled as naturally as possible in front of those eyes that had a bored look. There is a saying that 'you can't spit on a smiling face'*!

T/N: *This proverb means 'If one speaks in a soft and calm voice, there will be no noise or anger. But if someone speaks in a high tone, it can cause emotions and anger and ultimately an argument.' In other words, Athi thought that because she was smiling, Claude shouldn't be angry.

"Grass is not for eating."

Ah! I know that, you idiot! You and that crazy person are the same, you treat me like a fool! At my age, I can already speak 4 languages, especially Obelia, my mother tongue! But look at this. Ah, never mind, luckily he didn't get angry when I spat on his shoulder! My fear and nervousness went away, but now I feel annoyed! You understand my feelings, right? Got it, right?

"Your Majesty, how about I carry the Princess?"

"Just follow me, 5 steps behind me."

Haa. Quickly, Felix became gloomy and sullen, he took 5 steps back. I looked at him confused, should I laugh or not? Then I rested my chin on Claude's shoulder with the feeling that everything would be fine. Ahhh, my goodness. He really had broad shoulders. Every time I see him, I feel like I'm looking at a man showing off his skin, chest, and muscular back when his wife isn't around. Luckily my heart doesn't beat a song every time I see him because I'm used to seeing his skin. Moreover, this man is my biological father, it would be embarrassing if my nose always bled every time I saw his smooth skin. I have to resist that temptation! That is an immoral act! I am a tough woman! After finding out that I was weak towards 'beauty', I snorted and shook my head arrogantly.


What? Who pulled my hair?

"What are you doing?"

Ugh, when I felt like my hair was being pulled by something, I felt the top of my head, and then I took a breath.

I started my morning by coming to 'Lily's Hair Salon!'. Lily was the one who styled and decorated my hair carefully and wholeheartedly. There were sparkling beads on the hairpin decorated with ribbons on the top of my head, Lily tied my hair on the hairpin, making it shaped like an apple. And now, Claude's hair got caught in that hairpin? Ha, ha, ha. What should I do with this?

"It's not enough just to eat grass, now you're getting my hair stuck."

No, I didn't eat it. Besides, it wasn't my fault that your hair got caught in my hairpin. Ugh, what should I do? Until this morning, no, until just now, I liked this hair clip because it really suits my cute appearance. But, why does this have to happen? You da#n hairpin. Aaahhhh! Sigh.

"Then don't linger. Let go quickly."

Da#n! If it were that easy, why should I be anxious like this? Felix, who was behind, quietly approached while I was trying to free Claude's hair which was caught in my hairpin.

"Can I help you, Princess?"

"5 steps."


Sob. Felix said he wanted to help, but why did you chase him away!?

"Let it go before the walk is over."

Ugh! Geez. I have to let this go before the walk ends!? If I still can't let it go, you will kill me!? That won't happen, right? Huhuhuuu. But, fortunately, he walked very slowly. However, I used everything I could to free Claude's hair from my beautiful hairpin. While I was doing that, Claude walked through the garden leisurely.

Whoops. I accidentally pulled Claude's hair. I was surprised and immediately glanced at Claude. But he didn't react at all to the attack I just made on his scalp. Thank you, God bless you. Looks like he's a little dumber than I thought. I blew Claude's hair behind his back gently as if nothing had happened. That is not me! I didn't do it! But really, I didn't mean it like that. Ugh, I really didn't mean to use this method. In the end, I managed to free Claude's hair by pulling out the hairpin that Lily had made from my hair.

"There, that's it!"

Huhuuu, even though I like my hairdo today. It's a shame, but I can't keep it. I removed it from my hair. With this, Claude's hair is now free. Sob, Huhuhuuuuu……

"My hair is messy."

What do you mean, now I have to comb your hair?

"Dad, your hair is really shiny today. Hehe."

Aaahhhh. If you want me to do it, then I will. I smiled broadly and stroked his hair which was tangled by my hairpin. Well, now you're satisfied!? But Claude furrowed his brows instead. What are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that!? I looked back at him as if to show that I didn't understand him.

Then, Claude clicked his tongue and started walking again without saying anything. But, I felt that his gaze on me was the same as the gaze of that crazy person when he looked at me. Ugh! You want to say that I'm stupid?!!

And after a while, Claude put me down on the grass. Hah? Didn't you carry me and take me for a walk? Well, that doesn't matter. But this man suddenly reached out his hand to me. Geez. I think he's really crazy. Haaa, you want to hold my hand? Really? In that case, I have no other choice but to place my hand on his. Even so, I still wonder, did he eat something wrong? But, yeah, again this guy looked at me like he was looking at a fool, then he raised one eyebrow. What? What? What!? Why? You were the one who asked to join hands! It is not like that?


Hah? Then why did he reach out his hand to me? When I made an expression that showed I didn't understand what he meant, Claude finally moved his hand. I stared blankly at Claude's large hand as my hairpin passed from my hand to his. Then, his other hand took the hair that was on my forehead, gathered my hair, and pinned it with a hairpin with a nonchalant movement.

"Now you look nice to look at."

I was so shocked that I could only open my mouth and stammer. Did he really take the wrong medicine? Was there poison in his breakfast this morning? And his next action made me wonder again, am I dreaming right now?

"Don't run around, walk slowly."

Are you holding my hand right now? Will you walk around holding my hand? Crazy, this is crazy………… He really has gone crazy. It's natural that my feelings become very strange, it's because of Claude, his words and actions are different.


Lately, Claude's behavior has been unpredictable. Of course, I did feel that he was gentler towards me than before, perhaps it was because of my efforts. But, it's strange because he always holds my hand whenever I walk around, carries me himself (instead of telling Felix to) whenever I move, and now he's pinning my hair. Looking at it from any angle, this is clearly very strange.

Even Claude changed my residence to another palace! As everyone knows, because of Claude's indifference to me, I still use the Ruby Palace which is the Palace of the Imperial Concubine as my residence.

However, a few days ago, Claude sent a message to me to move my residence to the Emerald Palace, another palace close to the Emperor's Palace. Maybe because he saw the miserable situation when he came to the Ruby Palace a while ago……? In fact, the gold and jewels embedded in the walls disappeared, and there were more than 1 or 2 places that had to be repaired due to incidents several years ago (such as the massacre incident and the maids' incident). And all the broken things were not repaired under the pretext of lack of budget. So, when Claude saw my palace for the first time, it was natural that he muttered darkly, 'Since when did this palace turn into a doghouse?' And on that same day, the massive move to the Emerald Palace began. No, actually, I didn't need to move an inch. Not because I'm lazy, but because there's nothing I can do.

By the way, this is the first time in 7 years that Claude has come to the Ruby Palace, where I live. In fact, if we were a normal family, I should have been surprised by the fact that the Dad was visiting his daughter's residence for the first time in 7 years. But, maybe because my father is Claude, I was surprised that he wanted to set foot in the palace where I lived. Even so, I still lived alone in the Emerald Palace, a palace that was more beautiful and sparkling than the Ruby Palace.

Why did Claude do all this? The most likely thing is... He was shocked and regretful that I almost died, and from now on, he became nice to me. That's true, right? Haha………… But, the more I think about it, the more it makes me laugh. Turns out I can dream wild things too, huh. It is impossible for someone who has no blood or tears to shed like that, especially if he is the person who killed his own biological daughter. So how could he change just because he saw me vomiting blood and fainting?

But, after a while, I furrowed my brows again. In fact, Claude was not actually a person who had no blood or tears to shed, but rather, he was a person who was extremely indifferent to anyone except those who could fit within certain boundaries. On the contrary, he was not a person who had the slightest feeling for those who came within that boundary. The proof, in the original story……

"Huh!? Aeternitas is both the Emperor and the greatest Mage of all time? That stupid bast#rd?"

My reverie was interrupted by the sound of laughter that suddenly pierced my eardrums. Yes, that's correct. This Crazy Bast#rd is also in this room, together with me.

"Even if this is a storybook for children, isn't this too exaggerated? Even though he died a long time ago, he is still glorified like this. Don't joke around."

"That's not a storybook for children!"

"If this isn't a storybook for children, then this is a silly history book."

I looked at the man rolling on the carpet. He took the book I studied in history class and read it while munching on a snack. Hey, don't you look very natural, as if you own this room? No, you da#n bast#rd, why are you using my room as if it were your own?!!

"Are you lying that I'm not completely healed? How long are you going to keep lying in my room like that?"

"No. You're still not healed."

Who would believe it if you answered so casually!? This is the third time this man has deceived others by saying that he will treat me. He was always going in and out of my room without doing anything, as soon as the time came when someone else came into the room, he would start acting out! He would cough as if he was going to vomit blood and stagger, what incredible acting. In fact, at first, I thought it was real and I was very surprised to see it. Turns out it was just a lie.

"Hah, he was the one who expanded Obelia's territory to what it is today? A great mage who was called a rare sage? What kind of great mage would freeze to death?"

He continued to talk about Emperor Aeternitas, he also said that he had to find out why Obelia's current mage seed was withering and drying up. Then, he started looking at my other history books, and as he said before, he wanted to find out the reason why the sacred beasts disappeared and why the number of mages had decreased drastically over hundreds of years. Actually, I also want to find out something, I want to find a story about sinsu. But, it seems that the story about sinsu is not in the history books. And I didn't want to bother asking him, because I didn't know if he was serious about me or not.

"Why is his life so long? It was a very long life. That person even peed his pants."

By the way, who exactly is this Crazy Bast#rd? He spoke as if he had lived 200 years ago. After hearing it over and over again, I felt uncomfortable because it didn't seem like the words he said were the usual nonsense spoken by a crazy person. Hmmm. Emperor Aeternitas was a mage who had extraordinary magical powers, and it was said that he lived a long life and lived until he was 170 years old.

But, after thinking about that, I felt goosebumps and trembling. I also felt that he was brainwashing me by making me always hear him declare that he was a handsome genius mage. It's said that Emperor Aeternitas died at the age of 170, right? That is 3 times the life expectancy at that time. So, Emperor Aeternitas is the same as the Tower Mage? Ehehe. It is impossible.

"What's this?"

Then, suddenly the previously silent Crazy Bast#rd became serious. Eh, there shouldn't be much content in the book, why is he acting like that? Why is his expression like that?

"Haa. Aeternitas. You bast#rd."

The curse words that suddenly came out of the beautiful boy's mouth were quite surprising to me. Why did he suddenly act brutally like that?

"I wonder how a person who can't even use magic properly becomes the strongest mage ever."

He looked as angry as he was stunned. If I were an ordinary child, then I would have died of a heart attack when I saw those eyes. This Crazy Bast#rd glared at me as if he really wanted to tear up my history book. I was intrigued by the words he said angrily, so cautiously, I asked him.

"Why? So what if Emperor Aeternitas became the Archmage? Was it something that irritated you so much that it made you angry like that?"

After dealing with Claude for several years, I became easily scared. But I'm curious! If I don't die in Claude's hands, I will become an Archmage in the future! Hmmm, amazing.

"If that bast#rd didn't use forbidden magic and even ate his own offspring, then it wouldn't be impossible. Isn't that right?"

Then, Crazy Bast#rd groaned in annoyance. Of course, I didn't understand what he was talking about. Of course, he didn't be kind enough to explain it to me, he just kept grumbling and gritting his teeth.

"This Crazy Bast#rd. If you want to die, just die yourself. Is it because you're old, so you can't differentiate between what you can and can't eat?"


"Besides, it seems like he's consuming my magic power."

There was a crunching sound, it sounded extremely terrifying. I don't know what it is, but I know 1 thing, I can't disturb him now. Even though he looks like a child who is a few years older than me, he is not to be trifled with. Wow, I'm scared.

"What a bast#rd."

However, his low voice seemed to hide other complex emotions besides anger. I saw that Crazy Bast#rd kept rolling on the carpet. Hey, this is my room. Why do I have to look at him all the time? Sob. At that moment, his tiny hands closed the thick history book as if it were no longer worth looking at. Then, he sat up and got up, then, reflexively, I opened my mouth.

"W-Where are you going?"

"Today's treatment is complete."

This guy?! He came into my room with a lie of his own making, then lay down and rolled around on the carpet, read a book, and forgot about my existence! Treatment?!! I won't stop him, I won't catch him! But, as soon as he, who was acting annoying, left the door, I immediately glanced at the door without realizing it. This was the first time I had seen him so angry, and it made me provoked by unwarranted curiosity. What did he actually do? And after a while, Lily came into the room and I was stunned.

"I'm really worried about that young mage. What if something happens because his body is so weak? I feel sorry for his figure, which always staggers as if he would fall at any moment. Even in the midst of that, he still does his best for the Princess. I'm really very grateful."

So, even when your anger peaks, you still don't forget to act…………

"Princess, His Majesty will be here soon. So, may I rearrange your hair?"

I, who had been silent for a long time, now realized when I heard Lily's words. If you think about it, there is 1 more thing that has changed about Claude. That's right! Now, Claude will come to my palace to meet me in person. It is said that if someone does things they are not used to, that person will die soon. What do you think!?


"Don't talk nonsense."

Suddenly a cold voice penetrated my eardrums.

"Of course, not. Yesterday I met Duke Alphaeus and he said that he plans to send his son to Arlanta soon. So, I think he wants to introduce his son to the Princess before his son goes to Arlanta."

"Good. I won't hear his barking anymore."

Y-You're not talking about me, right? Ugh, I'm surprised because I was thinking about something else. But, if it's the son of Duke Alphaeus, doesn't that mean he's the male protagonist, Izekiel?

"Oppa at Albie's house is going to play in Arlanta?"

"It looks like he's going to school in Arlanta."

"That's nothing to worry about."

Co-Cough, cough. Isn't that so sweet? Albie, whenever we talk about you, you always make us laugh. Hmmm. Come to think of it, I remember that Izekiel studied abroad. In the original story, it was said that he went to Arlanta to study when he was a child, and it happened now.

"You want to have friends?"

"Yes. But, because he said the oppa looked like him, Athi wasn't curious about him!"

"I will try harder to be your friend, Princess."

Oh no. You don't need to try! You can stop learning by memorizing words from the Arlanta Language! Stop studying philosophy too!

"How about your new palace?"

Look, he's really weird. Now Claude asked me how I was. Geez…

"The palace is sparkling!"

Ruby Palace is beautiful too! And sparkling! But unlike in the Ruby Palace, the jewels in this palace cannot be removed, even so, I'm still excited. Oh! Ah! Just look at my beautiful children over there! Oh my gosh, I suddenly remembered my beautiful children who I hid in the Ruby Palace. Aaahhhh!

"Ah, yes. I also changed the Head Butler. Even though he knew, he remained silent."

Instead of breaking out in cold sweat and frustration, I was shocked. Hah? Did you change the Head Butler? That person who doesn't even buy me new toys because of budget constraints? The person who still doesn't repair the Ruby Palace because of bad finances? After seeing the appearance of the Ruby Palace with his own eyes, it seemed like Claude was angry with that person. But, you didn't change him in a bad way, right? For example, making that person unable to see the light of the world anymore? Is that why my residence was moved? Ugh, just thinking about it makes me scared, I should just keep quiet.

"Athi thinks the Emerald Palace is good because it is close to the Garnet Palace and the environment is also comfortable."

It was said that the Garnet Palace that Claude was currently using was not the official Emperor's Palace. Ever since Claude was still a Prince, he once said, 'I will continue to use this palace even after I ascend the throne'. And speaking of the Emerald Palace, that palace is the palace used by the Princesses for generations. So I was quite surprised when Claude gave me this palace. Because the Emerald Palace was the palace that Claude gave Zenith when he acknowledged Zenith as his daughter.

Claude wasn't a very easy guy, even in <Lovely Princess>. But, about a year before Athanasia died, Claude fully accepted Zenith as his daughter and gave her this palace. Until then, Zenith had to stay in the Sapphire Palace —the palace where the guests stayed. For reference, Athanasia in the novel remained in the Ruby Palace until death overtook her. Sob.

But now, you give me a palace that has such special meaning!? How can I not be surprised? Claude, did he really do all this because he ate something wrong? Geez. Moreover, when Zenith comes, won't you take back the palace I used and give it to Zenith? It is very painful! They say that taking after giving is a worse thing than giving nothing at all! My gold! My gem!

“…………I think it would be better that way. The Princess must think so too, right?”


"As I thought."

Anxiously, I recalled the gold and jewels in the Emerald Palace that I hadn't even touched, and I subconsciously answered the question heard from the side. Hah? What did you just say? As soon as I realized and turned my head, I saw Claude's face narrowing his eyes. Eh? Why are you looking at me with that face again?

"I don't understand. Why do you need something as annoying as that?"

"Of course, the Princess still has me. But I think it would be better for children to have friends their own age."

What, what! Have you still not finished talking about the son of Albie?

"Athi doesn't want to be friends with that oppa who looks like Albie!"

"Yes, of course."

By the way, doesn't the conversation we just talked about have some meaning? This could be seen from Felix's meaningful smile.

"That's enough for today. Go."

"Understood, may you rest well."

But, because Claude knitted his eyebrows and ended the conversation, I looked at the two of them suspiciously. I've said clearly that I don't want to be friends with Izekiel. It is okay, right? I also wanted to say that I didn't want to be friends with Zenith, but it seemed like Izekiel was the only person that Albie talked to Claude about. Ugh, I feel like I want to scratch that Albie the next time I meet him. I glanced at Claude guiltily. My anxiety came true in a slightly different sense a few days later.

"From today, I will be your companion, Princess Athanasia. Nice to meet you, Princess."

Crazy Bast#rd, what are you doing here?

I froze when I saw this Crazy Bast#rd standing in front of me with his head bowed in respect.

"I recommend the Young Mage because he seems suitable to be your friend, Princess."

I really wanted to hit Felix as he spoke while smiling proudly. So it's you! How many times have you thrown bombs at me with that bright smile on your face? Aaahhhh! Nooo!

"Last time, the Princess also said that you liked the Young Mage more than Young Master Alphaeus, right?"

Is that a question I didn't hear well at that time?! I thought at that time you were only talking about Albie and his son!

"Athi doesn't need new friends! All Athi needs is Felix!"

"Thank you, Princess. I am very happy."

Yes, so let this Crazy Bast#rd go and we'll talk!

"But, if you think about it, it seems like it would be better if you had peers. I think cross-age friendships are great too, but there are a lot of valuable experiences that only peers can have."

Oh my. Felix, since when did you become good at talking like that? Hm, of course, that's true. But no. All of you have been cheated! He's not the same age as me!

"It's a shame, but in the past, because I had a weak body, I couldn't learn various academic skills well. But, as the Princess' companion, I will try not to show my shortcomings."

What? This Crazy Bast#rd? From now on he will be my friend!?

"Where's Dad? Athi will tell Dad directly."

All this time I kept my mouth shut because you were the person who saved my life, but now I will reveal everything! I will speak sincerely, and everyone will not think that everything I say is a lie!

“Princess, Blackie looks really cute today.”

But suddenly, this Crazy Bast#rd smiled creepily and said that. Of course, that smile looked pretty like a beautiful flower painting, but in my eyes right now, it looked really scary. Besides, how long have you been carrying my Blackie?! Blackie must have been hiding under the table all along, so how could this guy…?

"Just as I expected. The Princess's pet is amazing. Every time I see it, it looks so adorable that I want to take it to my room."

Hiiiikkkkk. Hearing him say that while whispering and stroking Blackie's fur, I immediately trembled with fear. Blackie also trembled from his touch. Is he threatening me? Did you threaten to kidnap Blackie from me? Are you threatening that you will eat Blackie?!

"It's so small, it won't even take 1 bite. So cute……"

He whispered the words in a very small voice, barely audible. Ah, I give up.

"W-Whoaaa. Athi has a new friend. Oppa, please take care me, okay? Athi will have to thank Dad later. Hehe."

"I was the one who must asked for you to take care of me, Princess."

Ughhhh. Why do I have to live by continuing to humble myself like this? After that, Felix left the Emerald Palace with a very happy face because the friendship plan he made had succeeded. Felix, that evil oppa! I'll write it in my diary tonight! I will continue cursing you for the next 10 years! Huwaaaaaa.

"Let me trouble you for a moment. After a few days in the palace, I have become comfortable and accustomed to living in the Imperial Palace."

Who is this shameless guy? Who are you that you treat my house as your own and make a fuss? Now, you, who are an uninvited guest, sit and brag that you feel comfortable here?

"Oppa, who are you?"


"Not that!"

I looked at the man who was again lying comfortably on the carpet and shouted at him. Then, the man looked at me with a surprised look.

"Oppa, how old are you really?"

"According to you?"

Are you asking me now? Let's see. Judging from his appearance at that time, he must have been quite old.

"18! You're 18! No matter where you look, you look 18! 18, right?"


"I mean, your age."

He put on a stupid expression at the words that came out of my mouth as if he had been waiting for that stupidity to come out of my mouth.

After a while, he let out an empty laugh with a face that showed he was too stunned to be angry. But, what can I do? Now I am 7 years old. I'm sure, you wouldn't think that a 7-year-old child was cursing*, right? I feel bad, but what can I do? Then, all of a sudden, this Crazy Bast#rd smiled with an incomprehensible facial expression and said something that didn't make sense.

T/N: *In Korean, the pronunciation of ‘eighteen’ [십팔 (sibpal)] is similar to the swear word [씨발(ssibal)] which means ‘je*k’

"I'm the same age as you."

Hey, don't be so cheating! Are you happy with that? Do you think that's fun?

"Yeah, let's just say that. From now on we will grow and grow old together."

Are you really going to become a child just because your current form is that of a child? In a fit of irritation, I approached him and took Blackie from him.

"Who are you actually? You said, from now on you will be my friend, right? Then, shouldn't you introduce yourself properly?"

"You already know my name and age. What else do you need? Everything else that could explain me is gone. What would you say when you introduce yourself when you first make friends?"

Ugh. Suddenly I was at a loss for words. When this Crazy Bast#rd looked straight into my eyes and said that, I couldn't think of anything to answer him. Yes I know. Friend. How do fellow friends introduce themselves?

"Hey, do you have something to say?"


Hah? Am I the type of person who gets carried away easily? I didn't know what to say because he looked at me with a serious look!

"Rather than that, Duke Alphaeus, is that the man you briefly met in the corridor when your father called you yesterday?"

'Rather than that'!? He sneaked in here apparently!

"Oppa, if I knew everything would end like this. I would rather be friends with Albie's son!"

At least, Izekiel —The male lead will be saner than you, the crazy bast#rd who likes to intimidate Blackie. Eh? Ah, at first I rejected Albie because I didn't want to get involved with him. But everything turned out like this. Hufftttt.

"Could it be that Albie you mean is the raccoon?"

He laughed happily, probably admiring my taste in names. Just who was this Crazy Bast#rd laughing at right now? I glared at him with puffed cheeks. I'm not worried that he will run out of here like a few days ago. After all, he was a public enemy to me and Blackie! You trash of society! Licking ants! Oh no. I'm sorry ants.

"If you really want it, then you can befriend Albie's son."

Suddenly, the man who had been laughing so hard now looked at me and smiled evilly. Wait, what are you going to do? My danger alarm started going off loudly for the first time in a long time.

"Learn how to introduce yourself to your new friend."

"What? What are you—"

But before I could finish the question, my vision turned upside down. Suddenly I felt that my body was floating. What's this? What have you done to me, you bast#rd!


And as soon as I came to my senses after I felt dizzy for a while, somehow, I fell down.

"Aaahhhhhhh, Mother!"

Of course, I was shocked and screamed. Why can I see the sky? Why am I floating in the air?


For a moment, I felt like my body was floating in the air. Just as I thought that my falling speed would slow down significantly, someone grabbed my body at that exact moment. However, maybe that person couldn't catch me properly, and in the end the person who caught my body also fell to the ground together with me.


The green grass seemed to shimmer under the sunlight. I groaned for a moment due to the shock of falling. Then I realized that there was someone under me, I gasped and immediately stood up.


With a low voice, I hurriedly opened my mouth.

"Ummm. Sorry…………"

But what caught my attention at this moment was the silver hair sparkling in the sun and the golden eyes shining like gold coins. For a moment, our eyes met. I stared blankly at his eyes which were blinking little by little, he looked a little in pain. After a while, a boy who looked the same age as that Crazy Bast#rd looked at me and muttered in disbelief.


Don't tell me, you are Izekiel…………?

But I immediately denied that thought. Ahaha. What the hell was I thinking? That's not possible. Maybe only the appearance is similar. Of course, the face of the boy under my body is very similar to Albie, they are just different versions. Yes, there's no way he's Izekiel. No, right? Right, right?!


Once again, the boy muttered as if surprised by my sudden appearance. He mumbled again in a daze as he continued lying on the grass. He looked cute because his wide eyes looked quite innocent for someone his age. Hey, you look more like an angel than me…… Of course, I am cute, beautiful and adorable! But, a sparkling silver-white-haired boy like you is more pleasing to look at than me. I guess I think that way because I really like shiny things.

However, at one point, as if he came to his senses, his golden eyes which were filled with confusion and shock, slowly began to show calm. The boy who looked at me with eyes that had regained his senses was surprisingly calm as if all the helplessness that had been on him had just disappeared.

"Not an angel."

It was a murmur he said to himself, a murmur that seemed to give him the right answer. And, of course, the child who looked so innocent a moment ago, now looked at me confusedly. Ah, I feel embarrassed. I wanted to escape from his gaze.

"How can you—"


Uwaaaaa. I have to run from here immediately! Then, suddenly there was a sound that pierced my ears, the sound made me immediately move reflexively —not giving me a chance to think. Eh!? This sound! I got up from my position in a hurry, and the boy opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. But I hid before he could speak.

"Izekiel, apparently you are here."

As soon as I sat behind a tree surrounded by bushes, that person appeared.


"What are you doing here?"

What have you done to me, Lucas, you are crazy! It was the Albie! So the boy really is Izekiel!

"I'm looking for Zenith."

And here I am, at Duke Alphaeus' Residence! Ehehehe. Zenith, Zenith is here! And now the male lead, Izekiel and also that Albie, they're right behind me!

"She must be upset and come out of the house again to sulk."

Lucas, that crazy person, he threw me into the Albie's lair. I struggled to stay still and hold my breath so that the Albie wouldn't know where I was. I don't think Izekiel will tell him who he just met, right? Luckily, Izekiel only glanced to the side once so my hiding place wasn't discovered, and it seemed like Izekiel had no intention of telling his father about me.

"She always follows you wherever you go, you two are like siblings. So it seems like she feels sad because she has to be separated from you for a while."

Duke Alphaeus said that and clicked his tongue. Hearing his words, it seemed like Zenith was very annoyed because Izekiel would soon be studying in Arlanta. Uhmmm, Zenith, you don't need to be discouraged. That's because, in a few years, Izekiel will return here as the best bachelor.

I thought back to the boy I had just met, for a moment I admired him because he had a promising future. But, then I realized that his face was similar to Albie, and immediately my expression became ugly. No, they are different versions. Hm, but, doesn't that mean he will look similar to Albie when he grows up?

"Didn't I tell you that you don't have to accept all her advances?"

I refocused my attention on their conversation, especially on Roger Alphaeus' tone of voice which showed that he was annoyed.

"Of course, that child is Alphaeus' precious treasure. But you are the most important person. I'm sure you, my son, would already know that even if I didn't remind you of that fact."

"Yes. I didn't forget."

Wow, look at that Albie. He educates his son very well. No, of course, it was natural for Albie to think that way. But, should you say something like that to a 10-year-old child? The conversation I overheard made me a little annoyed.

"But, I'll look for her a little longer. As Father said, I'll be leaving Alphaeus soon, so I need to calm her down first."

Even during that situation, Izekiel continued to be consistent and calm when dealing with Duke Alphaeus. He was clearly only 10 years old, but why did he look so mature? Even so, he still has a pretty cute face.

"Okay. I'm sure you'll do well. I trust you."

After saying that, Roger Alphaeus left. Then, the surroundings became quiet, only the rustling of leaves echoed everywhere. Behind the bushes, I broke out in cold sweat because I couldn't find the right time to come out.

“…………Are you still there?”

At that moment, Izekiel's low voice reached my ears. It was a very careful question, like a hunter about to catch his game.

“I'm sorry I couldn't catch you well because I still have shortcomings. I hope you don't get hurt, Your High……”

"An angel wouldn't get hurt just because of something like this."

Should you ask about the condition of my limbs……? Time and space seemed to be turned back because my hands and feet didn't feel pain. But, I can't say that I'm a princess, right? How can I explain why I suddenly fell from the sky and entered the Duke's Residence without permission?

“……………An angel?”

Ugh, come on, you were the one who called me an angel in the first place! I'm old, it's embarrassing for me to say such words. Should I say those words with my mouth? Those forbidden words?

"Emmm, yes. And an angel can't show her face to humans. So, just stay there."

There was no answer from behind me to my bold words. Ugh, even though I already risked my embarrassment. Why do you react like that? No matter how mature you are, a child is still a child. Didn't you just call me an angel? So, if you are still a child, then you have to be willing to be fooled like a child. Aaaahhhhhh, in such a short time, you don't know my identity, right? The problem is my eyes. But my hair was messy, so I thought maybe he didn't see my eyes. When I was thinking like that, behind the bushes, I heard the sound of someone who seemed to be holding back laughter.

"Indeed, you are an angel."

Da#n, da#n, I'll bet my snack today that he doesn't believe my words. I was so embarrassed that my face felt hot. Maybe if someone saw me, they would laugh at me because right now my face was as red as a tomato. Huhuuuu. Didn't that kid just call me 'angel' with a cute expression? You haven't forgotten it, right? You clearly called me 'angel' with a very innocent face and wide eyes!

"Ahem, ahemm. Why are you acting as if you don't know? You were the one who called me an angel first, right?"


Now Izekiel looked surprised and confused at my sudden counterattack. Yes, try explaining. Let me hear what you have to say. But it all turned into a strange silence. Hmmm? Why is it so quiet?

Srek, srek.

I peeked through the gap between the bushes. And now that I could see him through the green leaves, I took a deep breath as I saw Izekiel's face. Likewise Izekiel, he was shy with a slightly red face. It was hard to believe that he was the boy who had shown his mature side earlier.

Wow! Oh my. *Moe! Is this what is called *gap moe? Ahhh, no! I think I'm about to awaken something dangerous (desire)! For a moment I gasped because I felt the same feeling as when I first saw that Crazy Person. Most importantly, for the first time in a long time, I felt happy and moved when I saw someone acting shyly like that. Maybe it's because the people around me are shameless people. Seeing him act like that, he really was a 10-year-old child. Ugh, but why are you Albie's son?

T/N: *Moe is a Japanese term that can be interpreted as cute.

T/N: *Gap moe is a Japanese term that consists of two words, namely, gap and moe (cute). So, gap moe is the feeling of moe (cute) that you feel when a character acts and/or looks different from usual.

“Since you said not to come any closer, then I will stay here.”

Now that Izekiel recalled his words and actions, he seemed ashamed of himself for a moment. Then, he sat leaning against a tree trunk near where I was hiding.

"Miss Angel, how did you come to this place?"

'Ahahaha, that's because my magic power is weakening!' Should I say that out loud? Ah, no. I don't want to say something ridiculous like that! I crouched behind a bush and curled up, burying my reddened face in my hands.

"That is a secret……"

Huhuhuuuuu, why does it feel like I keep collecting dark history? I didn't want to do this, but I couldn't do anything and just buried my face in my palms. That's when Izekiel replied to my words with "I understand." in a voice that held back laughter. After that, no more words came from either of us, only the faint sound of insects could be heard. Am I the only person who feels uncomfortable with this silence? I groaned and suffered silently, and thought of a way to break this silence.

"Leave me alone and look for your little sister."

Now that I think about it, how do I get home? I hope I don't have to stay here and end up having to ask Albie for help. However, no matter how crazy that person is, he shouldn't just leave me here. He will definitely come to pick me up. You will come to pick me up, right? Ughhhh, I don't know anymore,

"If it's little sister…………"

"Someone named Zenith. Didn't you say earlier that you were looking for her?"

"You heard everything."

Now, Izekiel fell silent. After that, he hesitated. Oh, come to think of it, if I met Zenith here, maybe Izekiel would be in trouble. What about Zenith's gem eyes? But, considering Albie once tried to introduce me to Zenith, I think there is a way to hide the gem eyes, but I don't know whether the gem eyes are hidden now or not.

"Actually, I hesitated to look for her because I thought she was crying alone."

I don't think that's the reason for Izekiel's hesitation. I don't know if that's true or not, but for some reason, that's quite a naive reason. I asked pretending not to know even though I had already deduced the whole story from the conversation with Albie earlier.

"Why is your sister crying?"

"I'll be away for some time. So, I think she feels very sad about it."

"Hm, it seems like she really likes you."

Again, Izekiel didn't say anything. Suddenly I wanted to hear the story about Zenith come out of Izekiel's mouth.

"Hey, what kind of person is Zenith?"

Actually, there was a reason why I was curious about their childhood, which was not discussed in detail in the novel. Well, of course, just like other heroines, Zenith must have been cute and adorable when she was little, right? However, I was shocked and felt a little confused by the words that Izekiel said so nonchalantly.

"She is the child I must protect."

If you say words like that, shouldn't you say them in a childlike tone? But instead, you said it nonchalantly as if you were reciting a predetermined answer.

"T-Then shouldn't you quickly find and calm her down?"

For some reason, now Izekiel is silent. Why does he always fall silent whenever I say something, am I asking something difficult?

"Crying child,"

And after a while, his low whispering voice made me feel strange again.

"I don't know how to calm her down."

Hah? What kind of nonsense is that? Could it be that it's just a made-up excuse because you don't know what to say right now? I didn't believe what Izekiel said, so I looked at his face through the bushes. But, it seems to be true. He looked serious. Ah, look at that shy face. He's really cute.

In <Lovely Princess>, Izekiel is described as a cool guy who is suitable for being a male protagonist, but there is no single narration in the novel that says that he is an adorable innocent boy like this. Oh my gosh, I really want to pinch him! I really want to pinch those cheeks! Wow, it turns out I also have a sadistic side like this, huh? Ehehehe.

"Your Hi…… Miss Angel, how do you persuade and calm someone down so they stop crying?"

Covering my face with both hands, I raised my head when I heard Izekiel's question. I'm sure I can answer this question with pride!

"I do not know."

"Ah, that's a very difficult question, right."

"I never cry."


"I'm a big girl, how could I cry like a child."

Yes, how old do you think I am now, will I cry like a child? Since I was a baby, I've been famous for not crying. Of course, when I almost died a while ago, I cried and whined in pain……… But, that's all. Besides, I never cry. Then, after being silent for a while after hearing my grandiose declaration, Izekiel finally opened his mouth.

"Is it true?"

"Wh-Why are you laughing?"

Now, Izekiel's smile looked wider than before. What? What does that mean, are my words funny? Is that what it's like? Now, the sound of Izekiel's laughter confused me.

"I'm sorry. It's because Miss Angel is very funny."

Geez. Are you teasing me? Is that normal? Now he is only 10 years old. You say that because you think of me like your little sister. Yes, that's the fact. I'm the same age as Zenith, the person he loves and considers his little sister. But, when I heard him say that, suddenly my face became even hotter and my heart started beating faster…… It's really crazy.

"Lucas, the…………"

Da#n! Get me out of here now, you insolent bast#rd! At that very moment,


Just like when I first fell here, my eyes seemed to see a light, and soon the sound of insects in the grass and the gentle breeze around me disappeared.

"How are you?"

As soon as I opened my eyes, my feet had stepped on the carpet in my room.

"Judging by the length of time you've been calling my name, it looks like you're having fun."

In front of me, this Crazy Person smiled beautifully and said that to me. As for Blackie, he greeted me by wagging its tail gently on my bed.

"Have you learned how to introduce yourself?"

I smiled at this Crazy Person. Introduce yourself? Of course. That is easy. Then, I swung my arm at him with all my might. If you want to get to know me, then talk to my fist first!



I could feel it, his 10-year-old body was pushed slightly by the blow of my hand.

"Wow. You're the first person to hit me."

Actually, I was worried about the consequences I would receive because I had attacked him blindly like this, but this Crazy Rascal didn't get angry or reply to me. It seemed like he felt nothing but bewilderment at my actions.

"How can you hit me so mercilessly when I look like this?"

"Because I'm younger than you?"

"Ah, right. That's true."

'Ah, right.' Do you like it!? Have you forgotten that I am younger than you? Hey, you know what you look like right now, right? Ah, is that the reason? Because all this time you have been pretending to be weak in front of everyone and buying sympathy and help from that.

"Then why did you hit me? I sent you because you said you wanted to be friends with Albie Junior."

"That's just bullsh!t!"

You actually sent me there just because I said that I wanted to be friends with Izekiel! You think I'm stupid?

"Okay, I was wrong. Don't be angry. But, if someone hurts you or if you really want to come back, you will come straight back here, so nothing dangerous will happen."

When I was angry and offended like this, this Crazy Person actually apologized to me as if he had a conscience. Ughhhh, what an annoying bast#rd.

"Promise me you won't do this again."


He answered obediently, as if being hit by me was a big surprise to him. I still felt a little uncomfortable, but for some reason, I didn't move and just remained silent, this all became more ambiguous because neither I nor he said anything else. But then, this Crazy Person suddenly looked at me with an incomprehensible gaze and asked me,

"You know that I am a very powerful mage, right?"

Why is this bast#rd suddenly acting pretentious again?

"If I wanted to, I could blow up all of Obelia. Blowing up this Imperial Palace is no problem for me."


Are you trying to threaten me again?! Why do you speak so confidently that you are a madman? This Crazy Person looked at me carefully and opened his mouth again.

"Yeah, that's what I meant."

Did he go crazy because he got hit in the head? Or are you just monologuing?

"It feels strange. Since I was born, I have never been hit, not even by my parents."

If you want to tell me something, then say it clearly. If you're only saying it to yourself, then shouldn't you just say it in your heart? Why does he keep muttering to himself? Then, he tilted his head with a curious face and looked at me for a while, then he got up from his seat.

"I'll go. Play by yourself."

Hey, have I asked you to play? You are the one who comes in and out as you please. Yes, quickly get out of my way. That way my mind can return to peace. Then, after that Crazy Person left my room, I lay down comfortably on my bed and rested with Blackie. Eh, come to think of it, didn't I just leave without telling Izekiel?


"Are you thinking about becoming a scholar later?"

The Crazy Person who had been paying attention to me was now asking me something as if he was bored. I've been busy lately because my study progress has slowed down, but he's been bothering me.

"Oppa, are you stupid? Is studying only for people who want to become scholars? I study hard like this because I feel proud and happy when I get praise."

"Hmm. Do you want to be Emperor?"

After reviewing what I had learned today earnestly, I snorted when I heard his question. An Emperor? What kind of nonsense is that? My goal is to survive until I am 18 years old. And as for the next Emperor, do you think anyone can be what they want? Even at the end of <Lovely Princess>, it only said that Zenith, Izekiel, and Claude ate together and they lived well. So, I don't know who will be the next Emperor after Claude, and I'm not interested in that. I just want to live a long life without any problems!!!

"Don't say anything strange. Go away. You're bothering me. Go over there and read a history book. I have to finish my homework today."

"Those books are no fun. They're all scams."

The man who not long ago was giggling while reading a history book, now scrunches up his face and hates history books. Why is he like that? At first, he looked serious while reading the story about Emperor Aeternitas, but after that, as he held another history book, he held his stomach and laughed as if he was reading a comic.

"None of that is any different from novels, especially books about the Black Tower Mage."

I grumbled in my heart because his words made my desires change.

"What's wrong with the Black Tower Mage?"

Black Tower Mage? Wasn't he the figure that appeared in all the books about magic that Lily read to me when I was a baby? A powerful age in the world who secluded himself alone in the Black Tower surrounded by thorns. This story always makes my heart beat fast.

"If I tell them one by one, then there will be no end. First of all, it's ridiculous and unreasonable that the Black Tower Mage couldn't stand the corruption that occurred in the Old Obelia Dynasty and destroyed it to purify it (I just didn't like the arrogance of the Emperor at that time, so I hit him once. But the Imperial Family was impressed with me instead), and about the Black Tower Mage who was impressed with Aeternitas because of his mighty magic and claimed to be a confidant and continued loyalty to Aeternitas, as well as the fact that he disappeared in despair after Aeternitas' death ( You know, that bast#rd has really committed fraud and spread nonsense), and most importantly, the fact that Black Tower Mage has an ugly and hideous appearance due to having an unexpected accident and because of that he exiled his life is nonsense."

What this person said, always felt like the real thing, but also felt like the bluff of a madman. This Crazy Person, after he explained that all the facts in the history books were bullshit, he laughed and said confidently,

"The Black Tower Mage is always, always, the most handsome person in the world."

……Ah, yes. Whatever you say. But, why are you talking so passionately? All of this was made even funnier because he was talking seriously while lying prone on the carpet like that. Of course, I also like the Black Tower Mage, so I hope what he said is true. Could it be, that he is also a big fan of the Black Tower Mage? Oh, yes. Even in my previous life, it was said that the boy's attractiveness was no joke.

Knock, knock. Kriet.

"Princess, time for a snack."

At that moment, Lily opened the door and went inside. I looked at Crazy Person with a subtle gaze, and then I turned my head and looked at the snacks Lily was carrying.

"Wow, that looks delicious!"

Hehe, chocolate soufflé, chocolate soufflé!

"This is for you, Young Master Mage."

Glancing at him briefly, unable to take his eyes off the plate, the Crazy Person returned to pretending to be a kind and calm person. Whoaaaa, the snacks that Lily makes are the best.

“And as for Blackie, it's here.”

Now, Lily knew that Blackie was a sacred beast and would not get sick, so she gave Blackie as much food containing chocolate as it wanted. Blackie who was curled up on the bed was panting and wagging its tail at Lily's feet.

"Then please enjoy your snack."

Lily looked at all of us as if she thought we were adorable and then she left the room. Ever since I started having someone to talk to, Lily always went somewhere else whenever we were together, supposedly so as not to disturb our playtime.

"This is delicious, hmmmmm."

After eating a mouthful of warm soufflé, I shuddered with joy.

"Hey, tell me honestly. Did that woman put some drugs in this snack?"

"What do you mean 'that woman'!? That's Lily!"

To be honest, even though I've always been annoyed with him, but this Crazy Person who scoops soufflé into his mouth and chews it, makes his cheeks puff up, it makes him look like a cute hamster. Of course, only the appearance was cute. Oh, but, there is a mole under his left eye. Is that what makes him look charming even when he's silent? After all, this madman and now Izekiel. Why do you men look so beautiful?

"If you don't eat that, then give it to me."

"Hah! This is mine!"

Ughhh, it turns out I shouldn't let down my guard. Son of a bit#h!!


Today, after a long time, I went to see Claude first. However, before I could meet him, I met Duke Alphaeus instead.

"Hello, Albie!"

Entrance to the Garnet Palace. There was Roger Alphaeus, he saw me so I greeted him politely, it seemed he was deliberately not avoiding me for some reason.

"Hello, Princess."

Ugh. Seeing him like this, he really looked similar to Izekiel.

"Sir Robane, you seem to be fine."

"Yes. You seem fine too, Duke Alphaeus."

What did this man eat until he became like a ridge (tall and big)? Izekiel wouldn't grow up like him, right?

"Princess, I'm glad you look healthy. I was very worried when I heard that you, Obelia's treasure, suddenly fell ill."

Having not seen him for a long time, Albie started to open his mouth and say something to me.

"I've heard about the Young Mage healing you."

However, Duke Alphaeus' eyes narrowed slightly when he brought up that Crazy Person.

“I heard you made that Young Mage your friend……………”

Ah. You felt annoyed because you had tried to push Izekiel to me but failed. Moreover, from other people's perspective, the Crazy Person —a person who didn't even know where he came from, had instead taken the position that Izekiel wanted to fill, so Albie had no other choice but to disagree with that. Pretending not to know his true intentions, I said with a grim expression,

"Yes. Athi hasn't finished learning Arlanta Language, so Athi can't be friends with the oppa and the girl that Albie said at that time."

When I brought up the story about our previous meeting, Roger Alphaeus cleared his throat as if he was coughing, but in any case, it seemed like he had boiled and eaten 100 snakes so he had strong endurance (courage). On my way to meet Claude, he instead took the opportunity and tried to persuade me.

"Actually, my son will soon be leaving for Arlanta to broaden his knowledge and experience. Of course, he can already speak Arlanta Language quite fluently. Princess, before my son leaves, my son can help you learn Arlanta La..."

"Wow! That's great! Then, Albie, Athi must study hard until that oppa returns to Obelia!"

“No, my son can help you to study……”

"I will go to see Daddy now, after that, I will go to study. That way Athi can become even smarter! Then, Albie, see you! Tell that oppa to do his best in Arlanta!"

As soon as I pulled the hem of his clothes, Felix immediately bowed to Duke Alphaeus and started walking away. Roger Alphaeus, who I saw just before I turned around, made an expression as if I had shot him (surprised). I'm only 7 years old, so he won't think that I'm deliberately deceiving him, and he's just frustrated because he's never seen someone as articulate as me. I felt so happy every time I teased Albie.

"Princess, I will also increase the portion of my studies starting today. Your future friend, namely Young Master Alphaeus, will study abroad to expand his knowledge. So I, your current friend, also have to try harder."

Ughhhhh, I forgot that Felix also heard the conversation. I don't remember him because he was like a transportation for me, not my knight. Oh my gosh, stop!

"Ah, no. I already like the current Felix."

"No. Learning is fun in its own way."

In the end, I lost to Felix's enthusiasm which was stronger than before. Yes, learning is food for the mind. Come on, let's all learn. Come on, open the book!



Actually, I didn't study, instead, I met the Crazy Person who came to my room on time after I asked him to come. Come to think of it, I didn't tell him that today I went to see Claude. Wow, if it wasn't for Albie, I would have told this guy to fu#k off.

"What? Why are you so friendly to me? Suspicious."

Hey, can you speak a little better? I mean, it's possible that I feel happy when I see you for no particular reason! Ahem. After clearing my throat a few times, I said to this Crazy Person,

"Hey, can you send me back to that place, like at that time?"

"That place, like at that time? You mean the Albie's house?"

If he could do it then, then he can do it now too, right?

"When? Now?"

"Oh, are you really going to send me?"

"You asked me to send you. Was that just empty talk?"

"Not like that."

Unexpectedly, he didn't ask the reason. Why is he being gentle like this? Is it because of that time I hit him? Even though I would stop if he refused or made a condition or something like that. Well, whatever it is, a good thing is a good thing. Therefore, I would like to ask for 1 more thing.

"Um, then……"



Do you have to send me off in such an inelegant way!?

"Ugh. Cough, cough!"

After a while, I cursed that Crazy Person in my heart. It seemed that this person's method of teleportation was not limited to just dropping someone from the sky. The proof, as soon as I opened my eyes, I was in a narrow, dusty room.


Where is this? Why is it so narrow? Ugh, I hit my head trying to get up. Aaahhhh, my head. Huhuuu.

“Your High…………!”

Even so, it seems like I'm in the right place. I looked forward, my eyes were filled with tears from the dust, and Izekiel was in front of me, now he was looking at me with a confused expression on his face. But, what does 'Your High—' mean?

"W-What are you doing there?"

He seemed to have recovered from his shock, but he still looked confused. He must have been so shocked that he stuttered like that. I guess I should quickly change the topic. But what?


I got out of this narrow room by accepting a helping hand from Izekiel. Ugh, is that narrow space a fireplace?

"Are you okay?"

Sob. The dust got into my mouth. Oh my, Lucas, why did you send me to the fireplace? Now Izekiel is cleaning the dust from my clothes while I frown and sneer. Then, with a gentle touch, Izekiel also cleaned the remaining fireplace dust in my hair. Oh, he is very skilled at it and this action is very natural. I was a little impressed by his concern like an older brother, I have only ever felt a caring touch from Lily. Then, suddenly our eyes met.

"Red eye……"

Izekiel muttered in surprise. Oh, before I came here, I asked that Crazy Person to change my eye color if he could, apparently he actually did (when I asked him, he snorted and said that there was nothing he couldn't do in this world).

But why is it red, hey, is Izekiel surprised that this looks like a ghost's eye? But, that Crazy Person's eyes are very beautiful,

"Hey, please don't look at me like that."

Izekiel just realized that all this time he had been looking at my face from such a close distance. Soon after, he stepped back in shock.

"Forgive me."

No, even so, there was no need for him to retreat in such a hurry. For some reason, Izekiel seemed so flustered that he couldn't make eye contact with me. He looked confused as if he didn't know what to say, but then, he asked me.

“How did you get here………”

I answered him while fiddling with my hair because I felt embarrassed.

"Be-Before, didn't I just disappear like that?"

"Yes. I was getting worried."

He answered as if he had been waiting for the question. Wow. As I thought, if you were still a child, of course, you would be worried. Now Izekiel looked back at me and immediately smiled as if he was relieved.

"I expected that, thank goodness you returned safely to where you came from."

Whoaaa. Geez. Are you a healer? Is there a boy out there as heartwarming as this? It's really the right decision for me to come back here again. If I continue to let this naive boy feel guilty, I will feel guilty too. Sob.

"Um. I didn't have time to say goodbye before, so I came back here."

Basically, if I hadn't met Albie in the Imperial Palace and if that Crazy Person couldn't send me here, then I wouldn't have come here.

"That means, you came back here because you felt bad about not being able to say goodbye to me..."

Now, it seemed that Izekiel was trying to confirm my words, he did so by muttering to himself. Ouch. When he said that, I felt embarrassed.

"So, today you came here to see me."

"Um, yeah. Is that so…………?"

Umm, earlier, it was Crazy Person who sent me here to meet you, so I came to meet you. And I can't believe my eyes at what I'm seeing right now. Right now, the ears that were slightly revealed between Izekiel's silver hair turned red. Oh my. Are you embarrassed? Just because of this? Awwww, that's so cute. As expected, what a fresh reaction that makes it fresh! Anyway, this time I was sent to a room. Hmmm, surely this is Izekiel's room………? I was a little doubtful because the interior and atmosphere of the room didn't look like a children's room.

"What are you doing now?"

Haha. Now you know that I'm fine, right? Then, see you! Pyong! It was too embarrassing to disappear like that, so I asked something to make small talk. However, the answer he gave actually made my eyes tremble.

"I am studying [Study of the curvature of space and time with partial differential equations and reinterpretation of Gale Schiller's logic based on the special theory of relativity, its criticism and interpretation]."

……Hah? What's that? Is that the title of the book? You mean, you learned that when you were only 10 years old? Is it true? It is said that basic culture such as etiquette in this country is only taught to a child when the child is 8 years old. But what the hell is this kid?

"…………How far have you studied sociology? Do you know Bill Rowitz? What about Joseph Lotus' Theory of Recursion?"

"You already know Bill Rowitz and Joseph Lotus? Awesome. I recently learned about the Representation of Reality from Harpers Coel."

"[Try having everyday conversations in Arlanta Language]."

"Yes? That's…… [Why are you suddenly asking that question? I don't know what to say because it's too sudden. But, it turns out you can already speak Arlanta Language]."

"Explain to me about the Representation of Reality in the Arlanta Language."

“[It is a theory first claimed by Harpers Coel in 231 Markvil, the direct or indirect perception of an object conceptually and indirectly from that object…………]”

"You can speak the Holy Imperial Language, Saikansia? [God said, you have been born from the milk of my blood. So, you will never escape from the paradise of depravity]. What's the next sentence?"

"[However, after thousands of years, I will save all of you, until the day of destruction, where everyone holds a goblet of blood]. Wow, you have already memorized the contents of the Saikansia Bible up to chapter 12 verse 41. From what I know, normally you have to be 15 years old to learn up to that chapter. You are amazing."

F-Fu#k. He knows which chapter and verse? ………! Even I didn't know about that! He's only 10 years old and he'd already memorized the Bible that far! Moreover, even when I asked him to continue the sentence I suddenly said, he answered immediately without the slightest hesitation. He also knows Harpers Coel which I haven't learned yet, and he even explains it in Arlanta Language! He is also very fluent in everyday conversation! He can even pronounce words that are difficult to pronounce in Arlanta Language correctly!

"I really can't believe it."

Is this the male lead buff? Is that true?! But, this person actually views me as a genius. What kind of stork looks at a raven and says that the raven's feathers are white? When a crane meets a big bird, will the crane be amazed and say that the bird's legs are long? Did Albie say that his son was handsome and smart in front of me because he had a certain reason*? Is that true? Is it true? For some reason, I just stood there in a daze for a while because I felt tired from this sudden study time.

T/N: Basically, Athi is wondering whether Izekiel is 'humblebragging', and whether Duke Alphaeus has some kind of plan by trying to introduce Izekiel to her.

Knock, knock.

Suddenly, there was a knocking sound from outside the door.


It was the voice of a little girl. What?! A little girl's voice? The little girl in this house is only Zenith, right? Izekiel's silence showed that my guess was correct.

"Is that your little sister?"

Pretending not to know, I asked that, and Izekiel's golden eyes started to shake.


"Oppa, may I come in?"

As expected, the voice heard outside the door was really cute, perhaps that was the strength of a heroine.

"Wait a moment. I'll go out."

Actually, I came here with the thought that it wouldn't matter if I met Zenith right here and today. Indeed, I didn't want to see the child because it would definitely get awkward, but after hearing words about Zenith from Albie and Izekiel the last time I came here, I became a little curious about little Zenith. Lucas has changed my eye color. And the only person who knows my face in this place is Albie. Honestly, even if I met someone here, no one would know that I'm Princess Athanasia. Even if I end up meeting someone here, hmmmm. Hey, I'll say that I'm an angel. Besides, in a situation like this, between Zenith and I, the one who has to hide the identity, is probably Zenith.

"Please wait here for a moment."

Izekiel regained his composure quickly. Zenith didn't immediately open the door and enter the room without permission, maybe that was because she was highly educated. That seemed to be the thing that really benefited Izekiel at the moment.

"What happened?"

Now that the door was open, Izekiel asked in a soft but also direct tone to someone who might be standing outside the door. Her face was hidden by the side of the door, but the little girl's voice was clearer than before when the door was closed.

"Please read me a book."


"Um. I want you to finish the last part of the book you read to me last time."

"I already finished reading that 2 days ago."

Then the little girl, Zenith fell silent for a moment.

"Then help me comb Alice's hair."

Hah? Who is Alice? Combing its hair, is it a pet like my Blackie?

"Alice should have been on the clothesline by now. You and Amy put her in the laundry tub this morning to get it clean. You said you didn't like it even though I told you I would buy a new doll."

It turned out to be a doll! So you asked Izekiel to comb the doll's hair? A boy playing with dolls, that must be fun.

"T-Then, let's go to the greenhouse. Anna said, this morning, white roses bloomed for the first time."


Somehow, a slightly salty smell started to smell (sadness). That's because I started to understand why that 7-year-old little girl suddenly came into Izekiel's room and said that. Maybe she didn't care what to do, she just wanted to spend her time with Izekiel.

"Uncle isn't here right now. So, come with me to see the roses. Okay?"

At this moment, I could feel the embarrassment that Izekiel felt. Hmmm. When I recalled what Albie said the other day, it seemed that while Albie was here, Zenith couldn't bother Izekiel. Because of that, now Zenith wants to spend more time with Izekiel before Izekiel leaves the house………… Is that enough of an explanation? Suddenly I felt his gaze and looked up. When Izekiel opened the door a moment ago, I looked around randomly and hid behind the curtains, only my head poking out and tried not to laugh.


I told him by moving my mouth. Besides, my goal had already been achieved, so I didn't need to spend any more of my time with Izekiel. However, Izekiel looked doubtful and then he turned back to the voice in front of him.

"Why? Is there something in the room?"

"No. I'm just checking whether... The window is open or not."

After that, Izekiel was silent for a few seconds.

"Okay. Let's go to the greenhouse."

And happily, Zenith said, 'Really?'. Her voice even echoed into the room.

"Thank you. I know you will definitely come with me."

Even without seeing her face, I could tell that Zenith was feeling very happy. Hahaha. Maybe because she is the main protagonist, so she is very adorable. Will Claude melt because of that? N-Now is the time for me to feel that crisis, right? Just before the door closed, Izekiel looked back at me one last time and quietly moved his lips. Yes? What did you say?

'I'll be back soon, so please wait for me!'

Blam. The door closed. Did he ask me to wait for him? I don't know when you will come. I think I'll just go.

"Is she a chimera?"


Right at that moment, I was suddenly startled by a voice that came to my ears, and I screamed.

"Ouch, my ears hurt."

Oh my! Why you are here? Bast#rd, Crazy Bast#rd!

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean, what's wrong? I came to see the kid you wanted to befriend."



I swallowed the harsh words that filled my throat and tried to calm my pounding heart.

"But, just now, is that a chimera?"

"What are you talking about, who?"

"That girl."

I thought my heart would really stop because this Crazy Bast#rd suddenly appeared from behind the curtain where I was hiding. However, I was once again surprised by what he said as he poked his head out from behind the curtain, following me.

"You're going to the greenhouse too, right? I want to go and take a look too."

"What do you want to see? I'll go home now."

"It's okay. We won't be found out."

He is very confident. And he didn't even listen to me. Yes, let's go!!


A moment after he snapped his fingers, we arrived outside the greenhouse. Izekiel and Zenith are already in the greenhouse. As this Crazy Person snapped his fingers once again, something translucent appeared before us, flickered once, and then disappeared.

"What are you doing?"

"I made it so they couldn't see us."

Oh. Spectacular. But, is it really reliable? But, if I ask him that, he will definitely be angry.

Wow, my goodness. Zenith's gem eyes! Can Lucas see Zenith's face from where he is standing now? Slowly, I pushed this Crazy Person aside and peered into the greenhouse. As Zenith said, the white roses bloomed this morning. Among the white flowers, I can now see Izekiel and Zenith standing side by side. Oh! I can see Zenith's face clearly! And at that very moment, my mouth dropped open.

Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa! It's Zenith! Very beautiful! Very cute! Crazy! After all, it is indeed a heroine! Someone beautiful must have been beautiful since childhood. Isn't it? This is truly amazing! What kind of cuteness is that!? Her jeweled eyes sparkled, looking dazzling against the mane of brown hair. And what was even more amazing was that her beautiful face was slightly red, as if she was happy to be in this glass house with Izekiel. Wow, 'Beautiful Princess' is still 'Beautiful Princess'.

"This is strange."

But, this Crazy Person who was next to me, was observing Zenith closely but instead frowned and said,

"No matter how you look at it, that magic wave doesn't belong to a pure Imperial Family member. It's mixed with something. I think I can see it clearly if I look closely."

"What do you want to see up close?"

Oh. Come on, man. If this was in my previous life, then we would be considered intruders and we would be caught immediately.

"Do you know that little girl?"


"You seem to know her. You weren't surprised when you saw her."

I'm confused. Oh, da#n. I didn't expect this Crazy Person to see Zenith here. What should I say? No, I can't look panicked.

"Well, whatever it is I don't care."


"Really? Then there's no need for oppa to go."

Eh? It was Zenith's voice. Suddenly the conversation in the greenhouse started to sound loud as if the sound was echoing right beside me. Crazy Person, isn't he very mysterious?!

"If you also want to stay with me, then you just have to stay here."


"I'll say it for you. Both Uncle and Aunt, they will listen to my words. Oppa, actually you want to be here too, right? I'll talk to them, in your place. That'll work, right?"

What were they talking about, Zenith's face blushed as she said it. But, on the other hand, Izekiel's face now looked awkward.

"That's why it's forbidden to say nonsense to small children."

Lucas, who was watching the two of them casually, muttered that. That's how it is, right? Hearing what he said now, it seemed like Zenith took the words Izekiel said seriously. Maybe it was words like, 'Actually, I want to be with you too.' or 'Actually, I like you more than studying.'

"Even so, I will still go."


Now, Izekiel's firm words made Zenith confused.

"Oppa, all this time, you've always granted me everything I wanted. So why?"

"Because that's how it should be."

Izekiel said that while looking at Zenith, then he continued his words in a softer voice than before.

"I won't be gone forever. I'll come see you often in the middle of the semester, if you want."


"If you send me a letter, I won't forget to reply. So you don't have to cry as if I'm leaving forever."

Tears dripped from her big, blue eyes. Ummmm. I did know about it from the novel, but it seems like the two of them are very close. Especially Zenith, it seems she really likes Izekiel. Although I also want to prevent him from going to Arlanta. But, in the novel, in the end, Izekiel still goes abroad to study, and then he returns to Obelia.

"Don't cry."

Even though at that time he said that he didn't know how to calm a crying child. This time, Izekiel couldn't hide his embarrassment, he who was standing still, finally stepped up and put his arm around Zenith's shoulder who was crying in front of him, they hugged. Their appearance, they looked like a pair of very beautiful child angels………… Seeing the side of Izekiel's face, it felt like I was melting.

“Once a month………… Come see me.”


"I will write you letters every day. You must always write me back."


"Don't be friends with anyone other than me."


As if still not calm, now Zenith buried her face in Izekiel's chest and continued to cry.

"I was wondering if there would be anything interesting, but it turned out just 2 little kids were doing a drama."

This Crazy Person looked at the scene with cold eyes and muttered that in a harsh tone.

"I told you, let's go!"

Hearing my muffled scream, he clicked his tongue and snapped his fingers. Then, my vision became distorted.


I should have closed my eyes before we teleported. Now I feel dizzy!


It gives me a headache!

As soon as I arrived at my room, Blackie, who had been left alone here, immediately ran towards me as if it had been waiting for me all along.

"What is that little girl?"

Again, this Crazy Person was acting strangely by talking to himself.

"That kid is strange. She looks like a chimera but isn't a chimera either."

Hey, isn't calling her a chimera too scary? Chimera is a word usually used in the sense of something like a mutant monster, but I actually know why this Crazy Person asked me if Zenith was a chimera. Yes, that's because Zenith, the heroine of <Lovely Princess> is the child 'made' by the woman in the portrait painting in Claude's room, namely Zenith's mother, Penelope Judith. That was also the reason why she had to secretly give birth to Zenith outside the palace, avoiding Claude's wrath.

Um, yeah. Actually, it didn't make sense to say that Zenith's Mother 'made her'. Because she only participates in the process. Apart from that, using the word 'made' is also not an appropriate word, because Zenith is a child born from her mother's womb. However, it is the birth process that is 'made'. Let's see, what actually happens is,

As I said before, Penelope is the fiancee of Claude, the Second Daughter of Marquis Judith. Penelope is a woman who is quite arrogant and proud of her beauty, and was nominated to marry Claude from an early age. But, that fact was not made official even after Penelope made her social debut, because she was not a woman who would be satisfied with just being Claude's wife. So, she asked Marquis Judith, who cared deeply about her, to postpone their engagement, and then, she seduced Crown Prince Anastasius.

Her seduction was welcomed by Anastasius, who considered Claude a thorn in his eye. He uses Penelope to take down Claude. Penelope is also willing to join Anastasius' plan for her lust for power.

It is said that Claude had an unhappy childhood because of his Father, who at that time was an Emperor, and his Half-Brother, the Crown Prince. To the point, the Emperor gave his second child the name 'Claude', which means 'paralyzed'. Claude's childhood story isn't explained in detail in the novel, so I don't know much more than that, but I do know that he had a really bad time.

Penelope dug into Claude's weaknesses. With ease, he shook Claude's lonely heart. At that time, Claude was also still small, so Penelope's promise to 'stay by his side forever' must have felt like a sweet temptation that Claude couldn't refuse.

But, Penelope's betrayal was destined. Penelope, who always whispered sweet words to him, was found in the bedroom of Anastasius, who had become Emperor, and Claude swore never to trust anyone again. And when Anastasius taunted him about it, Claude decided to break the hope he had in the blood and kinship ties that had always existed between them.

In fact, Claude knew that Penelope was lying to him from the moment they first met. The words Penelope said that she would be by Claude's side forever. But, even if it was all a lie, Claude still couldn't let go of Penelope's hand first. That's why Claude pretended not to know, even though from the start, Claude knew that Penelope was seducing Anastasius.

However, Anastasius did not stop there. He killed Claude's mother, and even attempted to get rid of Claude using black magic. So, Claude chose to face him.

On the day that Claude killed his own half-brother, on that very day, the relationship between Claude and Penelope ended. However, the secret story behind Zenith's birth is only the beginning. When Claude became Emperor, everyone praised him as the 'Saint' who executed a Demon Follower.

Hmmm. It was a story that appeared in all the history books I read. Anastasius, the evil man, carried out an experiment using Penelope, who had ambition and wanted to throw herself into the fire moths. Anastasius created a child by implanting magic power into Penelope's body. He wanted to know how much power he could create with black magic. Penelope agreed to this on the condition that she would become the best woman in the Empire.

However, Penelope's dream was shattered when Claude killed Anastasius. Penelope realized that her plan had failed and she disappeared from Claude. She hid the fact of her pregnancy and waited for the child to be born with a magic power greater than anything else. While dreaming of an extraordinary future where all of Obelia would be at her feet, with her child at the forefront.

Later, the child was born with jeweled eyes, but other than that, the child was just a very ordinary girl.

Moreover, before Penelope knew about that fact, she had already died from blood loss right after giving birth. She didn't know that she would never open her eyes again, and she said to her older sister who was beside her, 'This child will lead me to higher places in the future'. That was her last will.

The funny thing is, no one except the parties concerned, knows that Penelope had a child through black magic. So, Penelope's older sister and Duke Alphaeus, who would later support Zenith, believed that Zenith was Claude's biological daughter. That's because Penelope had been Claude's fiancee since she was a child, and on the surface, their relationship seemed good until the day when, suddenly, Claude killed the Emperor and ascended the throne.

However, they hid the news of Zenith's birth to protect Zenith from Claude, who began to display the same madness as the previous Emperor after he ascended the throne. So, in other words, Zenith was not Claude's biological daughter. Uwaaaaa. When that fact was revealed in <Lovely Princess>, I felt like the back of my head had been hit. No matter how popular the plot twist was, did the author have to put the story about the secret of birth in such a useless way?

On the other hand, after Penelope's affair, Claude fell into distrust and hatred towards women and he came to live an immoral life, a life that was completely different from his previous life. Until finally, he met a dancer from Siodonna, Diana. Even though they are the same age, Zenith was born in the first month while I was born in the last month. So, judging from her birthday, Zenith should be the First Princess.

Of course, that's what should happen if she really is Claude's biological daughter, but do you know how messed up this story is? So, in short, Claude's only biological daughter was Athanasia, but she ended up dying because of Zenith, who wasn't even Claude's biological daughter. Geez. Isn't that so tragic? Even though Claude knew that Zenith was not his daughter.

As time went by, Claude became like a doll who forgot all his anger and hatred in the past, and he felt bored with his monotonous routine. At that time, perhaps Claude would have grown tired of killing people. However, the girl brought by Duke Alphaeus, who was said to be his daughter, might be a refreshing stimulus for Claude. You Fu#king Bast#rd! Of course, I thought that way too. But, what can I do!? It was the author who wrote it that way.

A junior high school kid who introduced me to this novel, for the first time, annoyed me with the nonsense they said, they said that Zenith was 'a child born from Claude's heart'. So, I read the novel and thought that Claude loved Penelope, Zenith's mother more than his own life. Doesn't all this sound like that? Claude really cared about Zenith, who wasn't even his own daughter. And doesn't Claude still have a portrait of that woman? However, the painting got stuck in a dust hole. Apart from that, the relationship between Claude and Diana also seemed so shallow that Claude finally forgot about Diana until Diana gave birth to Athanasia at the Ruby Palace.

But this is strange. Obviously, Claude's only love is Zenith's mother, but why in the dream, Claude seem to really love Athanasia's mother? When I thought about the dream that Claude showed me, I was surprised because it showed that Claude remembered Diana as a very, very beautiful figure, especially in the dream I saw last time………… Did all the events I saw in that dream really happen? Claude told Diana to abort her child, Athanasia, because Diana's life was in danger. Ughhhh. What kind of bad relationship did Claude have with the real Athanasia in their previous life that Claude wanted to kill his daughter before she was even born?

By the way, I did know that Diana died when she gave birth to Athanasia, but I didn't know that she knew that she could lose her life when she gave birth to Athanasia. And that makes me feel a little strange. The fact that I'm not the original Athanasia, but Diana still sacrificed herself for the sake of who I am now. A father like Claude and a mother like Diana, it's not equal! That's too extreme. Aaaahhhhh, my beloved Diana, it would be better if you were still alive. That way, maybe Athanasia's life would be very different, and I wouldn't have to live with suffering like this!


Suddenly, I felt like this was all very unfair. I banged my hands on the sofa until Blackie got annoyed by it and jumped down from the sofa.

"Why are you suddenly going crazy?"

Then, as usual, this Crazy Person was lying prone on the carpet and he looked like he was thinking about something, he scrunched up his face and scolded me. By the way, this bastard, with just one look, could tell that Zenith was a child made of black magic! Of course, I don't know the details yet, but judging from the way he calls Zenith a chimera, it's clear that it's not an ordinary thing.

But, that's all.

"How can you use the word 'crazy' to a child? Don't you know that you have to use kind words when talking to a child like me?"

I've felt it for a long time, but that way of speaking, it's a way of speaking that can have a bad impact on children! If I was a normal child, I could be really affected by that! But, the words he said after this, made me freeze and then my whole body started shaking in panic.

"You're not a child."

W-What is this person talking about? Of course, I could assume that it was just a meaningless remark, but when I remembered that this person could identify Zenith's identity with just one look, I suddenly felt a chill down my spine.

"I-I-I'm not a child? Why am I not a child? I'm only 7 years old. Don't you know about that?"

Then, this Crazy Person lay on his side on the carpet and turned his gaze toward me by positioning his arm to rest on his head. His red eyes seemed to stare directly into me. And then, he smiled faintly like a fox.

"Aha. 7 years."

"Of course!"

"You're 7 years old? Really?"

I did everything I could to hide the panicked tremor in my eyes. Does this bast#rd know?

"If I'm not a 7-year-old kid, then how old am I!?"

I beg you, stop talking about this —I screamed in my heart. It felt like I was being stabbed for no reason. Then, Lucas who was still narrowing his eyes, said to me with a smile.

"Who said that? Yes, okay. You're 7 years old. Even though you're old inside."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"I didn't mean anything by it. Just like Albie's son that I saw earlier, you are precocious."

My eyes are still shaking. Huh, is that true? Was he just trying to make fun of me? Hahaha, yeah. I guess that's true, right?!


"Princess, time to eat."

Just at that moment, Lily opened the door and entered. So, I lost the opportunity to talk further with this Black Je*k.



"Don't run too fast, you'll fall."

Claude said coldly to me who was running towards him.


Hey, did you hear that? You heard that, right? 'Don't run too fast, you'll fall'. I deserve those words after 2 years of being with this man.


I smiled as sweetly as possible while looking at Claude.

"Dad, I miss youuuu."

Claude tilted his head slightly as I smiled and approached him, then took his hand. But it's not over yet! I didn't stop there, I rubbed my face in Claude's hands. Then, Claude's hand twitched for a moment, now he was touching my face.

"Ticklish. Let go."

Is it true? If that's the case, then you can be the one who does that, right? So why do you even remain silent? At first I thought it was strange, but then I understood. You are fascinated by me, right? Without realizing it, you have fallen into my cuteness! Did Plan C work? Plan C, the plan to 'grab Claude's heart by currying favor with him', now that plan was half successful? Yeyyyyy! This is amazing!

"Dad, Dad."

Ehehehehehe. In the future, you should be even more fascinated by me. I looked at Claude with a bright smile on my face, then I stretched my arms up. Then, Claude looked at me with raised eyebrows. And he immediately knew what I wanted.

"You seem to be eating well lately."

Ugh, stop talking about weight. Ugh, he knew very well that I stretched out my arms for him to carry, and he actually carried me! Everyone, our Claude has changed!

"Hehe. All the food that Athi eats with Daddy is very delicious! Athi is happy because lately Daddy often comes to see Athi!"

So, let's start the operation now! Ugh, after seeing Zenith a while ago, I felt threatened without realizing it, so I had to act cute with all my strength. As I smiled and spoke, I could see Claude's expression soften for a moment. However, Felix, who was watching us carefully from the side, opened his mouth.

"It feels like today the Princess is acting strangely…………"

What!? What's with my behavior!? So what!? Of course, today I indeed acted cute actively in front of Claude. Then, what's wrong with that!? If you want to cause trouble, then stop, stop! There's nothing wrong 'for me' to act cute like this. Your courage and self-confidence will be completely eroded if you say things that ruin the atmosphere.

"I think you are..."

Felix groaned for a moment as if he couldn't remember the right words, then he shouted as if he had remembered them.

"Ah! You look like Blackie."

What! This guy!

"That's right."

After hearing those words, Claude immediately confirmed as if he had been waiting for those words. Hey, you guys! I think words aren't everything! Of course, my Blackie is very cute and adorable, but that doesn't mean I look like it. Huhuuuu. That, is that a compliment?

"Hehe. Is Athi that cute?"

I put up a thicker wall against my face to suppress my expression. Yes, you only live once………… Now, I don't need to feel embarrassed. Sob.

"Perhaps even, you are the cutest person on the entire continent."

Uwaaaaa. Thanks, but that scale is too large. For now, I just need to look cute in Claude's eyes. Felix's face looked very serious when he said that, so I felt very embarrassed. Why do you say such embarrassing things? My father is Claude, not you. But why are you the one saying something like that? Hah? Can't you give Claude half that attitude?

"That's true, right? Your Majesty?"


Claude crushed Felix's words with one blow, then he carried me and walked away towards the palace. However, Felix didn't give up and once again said embarrassing things while following us from the side.

"Princess is very sweet and beautiful. In this world, there is no other child as beautiful as Princess Athanasia."

"Don't say nonsense, stay away, 10 steps."

Wow. Felix again received the 'Stay away' sentence from Claude. But, what Claude said sounded quite ambiguous. Did he actually say something positive or negative*?

T/N: *The meaning of this sentence is that Athi is wondering whether Claude's statement of 'nonsense' was intended to mock her or mock Felix?

"What about the mage?"

Hm, mage?

"Is that mage worthy to be your friend?"

Lucas? Are you talking about that Crazy Bast#rd?

"If you don't like him,"

As I thought about it for a moment and thought about what I should say, Claude narrowed his forehead and opened his mouth again.

"I'll look for another child."

Hah? Another child? What do you mean by that? I got confused, I really couldn't understand, so I widened my eyes and continued looking at Claude.

"I still don't understand why you need something as annoying, troublesome, and useless as friends. But, Felix keeps insisting."

I continue to doubt my hearing.

"So, if you really want it,"

In the end, I just opened my mouth like a fool.

"I will find another suitable child to be your friend."

Claude said that with a seemingly displeased expression on his face. The man who previously ignored Duke Alphaeus' requests many times and pretended not to hear Felix's words, now told me that he would find me a friend. It was clear that he still didn't agree with it, but he was willing to allow other children to enter this palace. If………… I really want it.

I am surprised. What happened?! You actually said that you would find a friend for me? Claude hates children! Last time, he said that the kids were too noisy and annoying, and he was sick of it just thinking about 2 kids being running around in the palace! Geez. If you think about it, it's strange, that Claude -a person like that, even allowed Lucas to live at the palace, even though Lucas was a child, especially since Lucas was a man.

Moreover, he accepted Felix's recommendation and allowed that Crazy Person to be my friend! Don't tell me he did all that for me? Felix really annoys me, but he's like that often, so just do whatever you want. But, this is Claude, he is Claude!

"I told you, my hair can't be eaten."

Unconsciously, I pulled Claude's hair as if to chew it. He might have been someone else using Claude's skin. Oh, but I can't take his skin off. You, are you really Claude?

"Let go."


I immediately removed my hand and acted as if I had never grabbed Claude's hair. Aaahhhh! I can't stop my tears. Our Claude has changed a lot! Still, I think, after I fainted, this guy really showed a remarkable change in attitude. So, when there's a big event like this, usually the rewards that accompany it are also big, right? Seeing things like this, all of this makes me feel like it's worth risking death, at least once or twice!!

But, right at that moment, a terrifying memory of the events of that time flashed through my mind. Oh, my goodness. No. I take back my words earlier. I made a mistake! I think, the dangerous event where I almost crossed the Jordan River, was enough to happen once in my life. Yes, I'm completely serious.

"Yes, Athi likes Felix and that Mage Oppa."

To be honest, at first, I didn't like Lucas, but after we lived together for a while, I felt that our life was fine. There were times when we could communicate well and other than our first meeting as interlocutors, he didn't threaten me with using Blackie again. Besides, strangely, recently the amount of impoliteness has decreased drastically. It was incredible. But most importantly, I felt comfortable when I was with Crazy Bast#rd because I didn't need to behave myself by pretending.

"I like it because they are the friends that Daddy sent me!"

After smiling and saying that, Claude stared at me for a while. Then, he averted his gaze from me and continued his stopped steps.

"If you like it, then it's fine."

Claude didn't say anything else, but somehow I felt better. So, I continued to babble in his arms.

Not long after, I heard the news from Felix that Izekiel had gone to Arlanta. The last time I saw him, Izekiel asked me to wait for him, but then I just left. I felt a little uneasy, but I quickly dismissed the feeling. But, wouldn't it be strange if I went to meet Izekiel? Although, of course, the tired expression on his face that I saw in the greenhouse at that time disturbed my thoughts.

But now, my interest in Izekiel cannot overcome my interest in his academic abilities. Does this make sense? I felt ashamed of myself for losing to the knowledge that a 10-year-old boy had. Even though I have a very good memory, I actually lost to Izekiel who was still a child! This can't possibly happen. Because of that, I buried my face in my desk every day and studied hard. The Crazy Bast#rd looked sick of me continuing to study hard, but there were still so many things I had to learn in this world.

Years passed and I spent my time busy studying.


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