Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna
Source: Syosetu

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Chapter 251

 We left the place where we had trained and headed for the center of the Demon King's territory. We proceeded along the roadless path, being as vigilant as possible about our surroundings.
 Although there was a clear pedestrian path to the demon king's territory, we had to continue through the forest because demon soldiers might be watching us.

"Usato, Amako, is there any reaction from the enemy?"

 Leona-san speaks to me from behind as I lead the way.
 I further reflected and strengthened Blurin's senses as a magical beast, and searched for signs and scents of magic around me.

"Not at the moment."
『Same here, I didn't see any prediction that we would be attacked』

 Amako, who is assimilated with me along with Blurin, continues and informs me of the contents of the prediction.
 I was currently assimilated with Ferrum, Blurin, and Amako, and in that state I was walking in the lead and searching for enemies in the surrounding area.

"Moving in a group takes time and can be unsettling. At times like this, Ferrum's assimilation is convenient."
『I'll only show you around, so I don't have to walk』
『Yeah, it's easier because I don't have to walk to』
"I understand, I totally understand."

 As if agreeing with Nagi-san's words, the assimilated demon girl, the little fox, the bear, ——— and the owl on my right shoulder chirped.
 T-These guys...! They treat someone's body like a bus...!

"I was wondering, what does it feel like to sniff out magic?"

 Just as I was feeling the urge to shake off the people who were assimilating with me or clinging to me, senpai spoke to me from behind.
 I reply to her question with some concern.

"To be honest, I can't really put it into words. I just feel like I have a sense of it."

 I understand it through my sense of smell, but beyond that it is difficult to describe it in words.

"Then, do you know the smell of my magic?"
"Senpai's? ...Hmm, kinako mochi (soybean flour cake)?"
"Japanese style!?"

 No, if I had to say it, it just smells like that, okay?
 Or rather, basically, the smell of magic power is somewhat sweet. I don't know if it is because magic creatures have a constitution that is sensitive to magic power, but it is a strange thing.
 In that sense, it's different from something that can be discerned with the naked eye, like Halfa-san, who has magic eyes.

"Then what about me?"
"Kazuki is like...cake?"
"I wonder if my magic smells as sweet"

 Nagi-san tilted her head curiously, as if not knowing about the sweets, but Kazuki responded somewhat amused.
 However, senpai seemed unconvinced by this and approached me as I walked in the lead.

"Usato-kun. Why am I a kinako mochi (soybean flour cake)...? Could you use a cuter sweet analogy? Maybe something like an eclair!?"
"Senbei (rice crackers)"
"The bitterness has increased!?"

 No, the rice crackers are just a joke.
 It's really vague, so I honestly don't want you to ask too much about it.
 And it's even possible that Blurin's sense of smell is fundamentally different from that of humans.

"For now, all I can say is that Blurin has a great nose."

 I hear the proud voice of Blurin from inside.
 Then, senpai spoke to me, looking depressed as if there was something that bothered her.

"It seems that Blurin has been included as a target for assimilation, but that means your fighting style has increased by that amount, right?"
"You're... right. I feel like I can do much more."

 Like now, I can reflect Blurin's sense of smell to me and I can now perform searches.
 Above all, the advantage of Ferrum's assimilation is that she can combine the abilities of the assimilated people.

"Assuming that I am assimilated with Ferrum is basic form, the way I fight will change depending on the three combinations of Amako, Nea, and Blurin.”

 Foresight and sorcery with Amako and Nea.
 Foresight and the power of magic beasts with Amako and Blurin.
 The power of magic beasts and sorcery with Blurin and Nea.

"I see, so you have Blurin for power, Nea for sorcery, and Amako for foresight."
"Yeah, something like that."
"And when I enter there, it will be "speed" and "beauty"."

 Senpai looked at me with a smug look on her face.
 The sudden boke (joke) causes me to smile somewhat awkwardly.

"Y-Yeah, r-right..."
"Stop!? Stop reacting like that!?"

 Then why do you make such jokes that are hard to respond to?
 Seeing senpai's desperate state, Amako and the others inside me and the one on my shoulders let out a cry of disappointment.

『Suzune is jealous, but it's a lot harder than you think, you know?』
『That's right. Do you know how many times have we been pushed around by this guy?』
"I really don't like it~. Ah~, if possible, I'd like it if you'd take over for me~."

 "Right?" Amako, Nea, and Ferrum said in unison in a way that was unimaginable from their usual behavior.

"Senpai, please stop looking at me with a serious face. It's plainly scary."
"Usato-kun. Just now, for the first time, I feel something other than affection for Amako and the others."
"How do you usually look at Amako and the others?"

 If this person is not stopped at this stage, she will do something terrible.
 The three people who were getting carried away let out a short scream.

"We hate because of love, and our hearts are stolen because of love. Then what happens in the end may be safe...!"
"What are you trying to be so cool and self-affirming? You are out enough, out."

 I have no idea what she means, but I'll stop her for now.
 It's really no laughing matter if a hero gets involved in evil deeds.

"If you want to assimilate so badly, why don't you just get along with Ferrum?"
"Hmph, if I could do that, I wouldn't have a hard time."
"If you talk to her normally, even Ferrum will respond accordingly."

 Upon hearing my advice, senpai nodded and came over to stand next to me, walking somewhat awkwardly.
 As it is, I take a slow, deep breath and talk to Ferrum, who is assimilating with me.

"Ferrum, I consider you my comrade."
『Is that so?』
"... Hey, Ferrum. What do you think of me?"
『For now, I understand that you're bad at closing the distance with people.』

 Rather, it is awkward that senpai may think she is talking to Ferrum, but it looks like she is talking to me.

"O-O-O-O-Once I was almost killed by a hole in my stomach, but I don't hold a grudge at all!"
『Y-You... I also feel bad about it, so don’t bring it up again...』

 A big smile on her face...
 I think this person is probably panicking because she's been hit right on the mark.
 Any further could be awkward for both of them, so I let her step back.
 Giving a wry smile at senpai who slumped her shoulders, I spoke to Ferm inside.

"You don't hate senpai, right?"
『...It's not that I hate her.』

 If she really hates it, I'll know it by her voice.
 At least she felt like it was a bother, but not that she disliked it.

『I've never been around someone like that, so things are a bit difficult for me to do, and it's a little different from Koga』
『Mm, that's not normal』
"It'd be too much trouble if there were two Suzune."

 Amako and Nea's evaluations are too harsh...
 But as for Ferrum, I guess senpai is the type of person she has never been around in her life, so it's hard for her to have a conversation with her.
 Well, I guess it can't be helped since it seems like senpai was pushing things a little too hard.

『...We'll be there soon』

 Ferrum's voice brought me back to my senses.
 Before I knew it, I saw an open space beyond the forest in front of me.
 I took nervous steps and walked towards the light ——— and what I saw ahead was a city lined with low houses.
 Thick stone walls rise around the city, and a number of crossbow-like objects are placed on top of the walls.
 In the center of the city, which gives an overall impression of gloom, stands a piercing castle that looks like an icicle.

"No way, this is..."
『Yeah, the Demon King and the headquarters of the Demon King's army———the Demon King's city, Belhazar.』

 We came out of the woods just before a high cliff.
 The city I looked down on from above was different from what I had imagined.

"The Demon King is here..."

 Strangely, I find myself putting more force into my fist.
 This is the final battle.
 As I was getting nervous looking at the city, Nagi-san came up next to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Everyone, be careful. From here on out, you don't know where you're being watched."
"...So, has our location been discovered?"
"I don't know about that. At least if it was that guy before, it didn't matter where we were."

 I had heard about the Demon King's detection ability beforehand.
 I heard that in his heyday, there was no point in hiding anywhere, but now that he's weakened, no one knows.

"If they know, then that's fine. If they don't, then we'll come up with a plan. That's all we can do."

 Indeed, that's the only option.
 We've come this far, and we already know what we're going to do.
 After a quick overview of the city, we decided to return to the woods for a discussion.

『Usato, I'll cancel the assimilation for now』
"Ah, okay."

 When Ferrum releases the assimilation, from my body, Blurin, Ferrum, and Amako come out.
 When Leona-san sees that everyone is present, she draws a simple diagram of the city with a tree branch.

"From here, we can see the whole of the Demon King's City, so let's start by looking for a place to break in———"

 At that time, should I call it chills?
 The familiar murderous intent makes the back of my neck tingle and makes my body tremble.
 At the same time, Amako and Nagi-san, their head ears shaking, raise their voices.

""It's coming!!""

 In the next moment, the forest on one side of the city was sliced into slices in an instant.
 I quickly push Ferrum and Nea behind me and ——— catch the slash of the wind with my gauntlet deployed on my right arm.

"...This technique is!"
"Is everyone okay!?"
"I am okay!"

 Senpai and Kazuki, who, like me, caught the blade of the wind.
 Nagi-san, Leona-san, and Blurin are safe.
 Ferrum and Nea... roll to the ground with all their might, but Amako is protected by senpai.

"Yeah, it looks like they've noticed! And speaking of the wind blade...!"

 Nagi-san, with the corners of her mouth lifted, leaps forward at the same time as she puts her hand on the hilt of her sword.
 At the same time, she clashed with Nero Agence, a demon swordsman who came at an extraordinary speed, tearing through the trees.

"...Are you the Kannagi I've heard about?"
"Nice to meet you! Nero Agence...!"

 While Nero was holding the sword with both hands, Nagi-san pushed the black sword into him with one hand.
 Without a moment to catch their breath, the battle began.
 The final battle between us and the Demon King's army is about to begin with an attack by our greatest enemy.

——— ———

Author's Notes: 
It's really easy to write because senpai just do things on their own (?)
Regarding Blurin's sense of smell, the more talented a person's magic power is, the sweeter the smell.