Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna

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Chapter 3 | Busy and Hectic | Remake our Life!

Part 1

November. This year, the school festival, a major feature of Geidai university, began as usual.

The minibusses from the station to the university were always packed, the announcement in advance that no parking lots were available were not heeded, the roads in the area were frequently littered with parking violations, and once you climbed up the Geizaka slope, you found yourself in a scene of carnage, with deep voice, shrill voice, angry voice, jeers, flirtatious voice, and scream.

The school festival starts from the moment you get off the station.

The bus stop for Geidai is located at the rotary of Kintetsu Kishi Station. In front of it, students with various discount tickets are already waiting.

"The volleyball club's specialty, a huge volleyball grill, is a 50 yen discount ticket~!"

"Dear customers, would you like to have a fortune-telling session? Here is a priority ticket for the fortune teller's house next to Building 9, if you show this, the 700 yen appraisal fee will be reduced to 500 yen!"

These types of solicitations line up in front of customers trying to board the bus.

And then the real festival site. From the moment the buses climb the hill and arrive at the roundabout in front of Building No. 11, a very serious customer pull begins.

"Customers, customers, the Shorinji Kempo Club's specialty, fried chicken, is delicious! Try one for yourself!"

"What do you think of the nori-maki rice cakes from the Film Study Club! You see, the nori has a pattern that looks like film!"

"We are a crepe shop setting up a store next to Building 8! Avant-garde art by students of the Department of Art will be expressed on crepes!"

"This is a variation of okonomiyaki made by volunteers from the International Student Division!"

I experienced this last year, but these advertised words are constantly bombarded from front to back and left to right. You are bombarded with so much information that you lose track of what you are talking about. And the next thing you know, you're buying some kind of gourmet food at a stall, and you've got something in your mouth.

We were on such a battlefield right now.

"Whoa, wai, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I’m just passing by! Tsurayuki, are you okay over there?"

"Well, somehow! Ah, sorry, Kyoya, go first, wai, oi!"

"Tsurayuki ~! I'll be waiting for you in front of the old 2 cafetaria~!"

Tsurayuki and I were walking through the crowd of stalls, each carrying a large supermarket bag in each hand. The back roads were blocked by event vehicles, so we had no choice but to wade in the rough sea.

"""Thank you very much!!"""

Somewhere in a store, three girls in angelic costumes were all thanking a customer for a large purchase. I finally made it through the waves of people and sat down on a bench in front of the previous cafeteria No. 2 where we were to meet and catch my breath.

"Ha~, what a terrible experience. I think it's more crowded than last year?"

Tsurayuki came back breathing heavily, cracking his neck.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'm glad it was a great success."

"Well, right. But at this rate, we'll be out of stock soon, too."

Just then, Tsurayuki looked up at the area where Art Club's cosplay cafe was and made a sour face.

"I think Kawasegawa contacted the vendor a while ago, so I think we're okay to go around buying."

"If we can manage with what we have here now......huh? All right, let's bring it."

I nod and head to the third floor of the art department building.

After last year's great success, we rented a larger space where it was easier to create a line for the queue. This was thanks to the committee's consideration to avoid confusion as much as possible, but it turned out to be a big problem.

"I never expected nearly twice as many people to come."

"I guess it must have had a great reputation. Well, I guess that's a totally good thing."

It seems that last year's maid café was featured in a report on a university festival in the suburbs of Osaka, with the following added: "This year, it has been upgraded to a cosplay café!" Even last year's crowd was large, but this year, the line was full from the very beginning.

I've heard that this happens at Comiket, but I wonder if the same thing happens at school festivals.

"Thank you for waiting! I brought the ingredients!"

When I entered the classroom next door, which was used as a back room, it had already turned into a battlefield.

"Kakihara~! Can we serve the pancakes now?"

"You can, you can! Ah, Hiyama, we are out of maple syrup!"

"That's what Hashiba-kun bought......Look, he is back!"

I panicked and took out the syrup from the bag I had bought.

"Kakihara-san, this!"

"Thank you!"

Kakihara-san took the tube of maple syrup I handed him and poured it vigorously over the pancakes.

"Ah, was the butter first?"

I have confirmed such things after there was no point in turning back now.

"Good! You can put it on later, it'll be fine!"

"Eh, are you sure?"

"If it goes into your stomach, it’s all the same, so get it out!"

Slightly ...... No, pretty much in its own way, the pancakes, which were different from the finished sample, flowed toward the store.

"Okay, I guess we'll wait for now. Sugimoto, where is Kiryu-san?"

Hiyama-san asked,

"Areh? He was here a while ago, but he doesn't have a camera, so he probably didn't take pictures of the inside of the store......"

As he was saying it, Hiyama-san ran silently into the store.

After a while, a short scream "Gyaa" was heard from inside the store. Probably Kiryu-san.

"It's like, if she takes her eyes off of him for a second, he'll go off to take a picture of the inside of the store."

Sugimoto-san said that with a wry smile.

"Well, that's what happened last year, and I don't calculate him as much of a worker......"

Kiryu-san is as frail as he looks, so he is not suited for work that requires physical strength.

"No, but I thought it was pretty good last year, but I think this year's quality is definitely amazing."

Tsurayuki looked at the inside of the store and muttered in admiration.

"Well, that would be a topic of conversation."

I totally agree.

——— ———

Part 2

When I went to see what was going on inside the store, I found that it was even more of a commotion than the back room.

Shinoaki, Nanako, Saikawa, and Kawasegawa took turns moving around and managing the noisy store perfectly.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, please go here to customer No. 3 ~!"

The guide was Saikawa.

Today, she was not wearing glasses, but was dressed in her own maid costume and was guiding customers in the waiting line to their seats in a familiar manner. Since she used to work part-time serving customers, her responses when asked about something were undisturbed and reassuringly level-headed.

(It's the perfect position for Saikawa)

When they arrive at the table, Nanako and Shinoaki come to take their orders.

"Welcome~! Here's the menu. Please let us know when you've decided to order!"

"Fruit parfait and shiratama anmitsu, right? Understood. Ah, I'm going to ask if it's okay to order shiratama anmitsu. Hiyama-san, is it okay if I order shiratama~?"

Nanako was dressed as a princess knight and Shinoaki as a fox girl in kimono. Since this was a continuation of last year's event, their interaction with the customers and backroom staff was smooth.

"Well, but."

Tsurayuki grinned as he looked at the other waitress.

"The highlight of this year's show, after all, is this one."

I also nodded with a wry smile.

"E-Etto...... I will repeat your order. Strawberry parfait, chocolate crepe, pancake, two straight teas and one hot coffee, is that correct? Eh, one straight tea and one milk ...... My apologies, milk tea correct."

Kawasegawa Eiko repeats her order while looking somewhat awkward. In the lottery to decide which outfit she would wear, a sailor uniform was drawn for her. She was extremely shy and became a high school girl for the first time in three years.

That alone was just adorable, but in addition to that, her hard work + her clumsy customer service made her the most popular in the cosplay café so far. I don't mean there is a popularity contest, but it was obvious that the customers' eyes were drawn to her.

(As for the person herself, I'm sure she's unwilling to do so.)

If it were her usual self, she would want to act straight forward in this kind of situation. However, in addition to being nervous because of the unfamiliar clothes she was wearing, she was probably too nervous to behave as usual in a situation where everyone was staring at her.

"Kawasegawa~ Good luck"

When I called out to her, she glared at me and gave me a look that said, "Remember this". ...... I guess she must have been very nervous, because she was losing her composure.

"Pupuh, just the fact that Kawasegawa is cosplaying and serving customers is insanely precious, so let's record it on video."

"If you say too much, I’m afraid of what will happen next, Tsurayuki."

Well, Kawasegawa herself seems to be enjoying it to a certain extent, so that's a good thing.

——— ———

Part 3

"If you keep making such lame jokes, I'll stop!"

All the members of the club joined in to soothe her, saying, "Well, well, well well" The one who was angry was, of course, Kawasegawa Eiko, and the rest of the members were trying to calm her down.

"Eh, but it's true that it's popular. There were people outside the store who heard the rumors and came."

"Even on the Internet, people who came to the campus festival wrote that "the JK-like JD who was working hard at the cosplay cafe was really cute"." (Note: JK/Joshi Kousei= High School Girl. JD/ Joshi Daigakusei= College girl)

Tsurayuki said that it was very well received.

"That’s because those people are a little crazy!!"

It was a very rude response, and she cut it off at the drop of a hat.

During a break at the cosplay cafe, we talked about how good Kawasegawa was as a beginner waitress, and she thought we were making fun of her, and although she noisily protested, the boys calmed her down and the girls watched her with smiles on their faces, and the atmosphere was such that I was not surprised that she blushed.

"Isn't that nice? Eiko, you were so cute, working so hard and flailing around."

Nanako smiled,

"I don't like that! I've made so many mistakes, and when I apologize to the customers, they don't even try to get mad at me, saying, "It's okay, this one looks tasty, too" If they had told me, I would have replaced it right away......"

Although Kawasegawa complained, everyone in the room, except her, probably thought, "No, that's a huge gain."

"Kawasegawa-san is cute and sweet~."

"Shinoaki is 5 million times cuter than me. I'm just like a rare species, and I'm sure they'll get bored of me soon."

"That's not true! I am always ready to jump into Kawasegawa-senpai's bosom, so please tell me as soon as you are ready!"

"Saikawa, just be quiet. And don't get your face too close to me right away!"

Kawasegawa rejected with both hands at Saikawa's come at her when the opportunity arises.

"Well, it looks like we'll have no problem attracting visitors this time. This time, there will be an event by the Department of Film, so for now, the first and second days are fine, but on the third day, I'll have to think about when to close the store."

I nodded my head in agreement with Hiyama-san's words.

On the third and final day of the festival, the screening event will be held in the hall of the Department of Film. Naturally, the club members involved in the event will be heading there, so the cosplay cafe will be in "preparation" for the event.

At this point in the conversation, it was being suggested that the store could be closed as is, considering the hassle of changing clothes back on again.

(I see, it's only two days left.)

The campus festival is held for three days, which means that there are only a little more than two days left until the screening of the films. As one would expect, no team has been dragging out production until this point, so most of the films have already been completed and are just waiting to be shown to the public.

Naturally, Kuroda's team will be doing the same. I don't know the content, of course, but I'm sure they will have created something amazing.

"Then, after lunch break, we'll rotate the rest of the shifts. Some of you might want to take a look around campus."

"Ye~s! I want to take a look around~!"

"This is your first school festival, right, Saikawa-chan? You can use my break time as well, so I hope you can have fun."

"Eh, are you sure......?"

"That's right. You've been working hard since we opened."

Saikawa happily raised her hands in the air and said, "I understand."

"H-Here! It's my first time at a university festival, too, and I'd love to go and take pictures~!"

Kiryu-san raises his hand smiling and holding up the camera. Hiyama-san gives him a cold stare that could not be any colder.

"If you really want to do that, fine, but let's talk about it later, okay?"

"...No, I'll do my chores."

Kiryu-san shrank down further and retreated to a corner of the room. According to what I heard earlier, Hiyama-san, who was fed up with his uselessness, had sentenced him that if he kept on fooling around, she would consider his future as well.

(Good luck, Kiryu-san)

I guessed that "future" probably meant a relationship, so I sincerely wished him well.

As Hiyama-san was applying pressure on Kiryu-san in front of him, the sound of an alarm echoed in the back room.

"Ah, then it's almost the end of break time, so let's go back to shift."

Hearing Hiyama's words, "Ye~s!" echoed through the room, and everyone stood up from their seats at once.

"The shift is ... Saikawa-chan will take a break, and then maybe Hashiba-kun and someone else will take a break. Who wants to go first?"

When Hiyama-san was about to say it, she raised her hand,

"Me! I'm going to take a break~!!"

She gripped Hiyama-san's hand tightly with both of hers, and her voice was very powerful,

"It's okay, right?"

"Yes, it's fine, Nanako-chan......"

Nanako Kogure smiled and nodded,

"Kyoya, let's take a break."

She turned to me and smiled with an unusual atmosphere.

"Have a nice day~"

As always, Shinoaki was waving with a smile on her face.

——— ———

Part 4

"Ha~, This is the first time since our trip the other day that Kyoya and I have been alone like this~."

"Y-Yes, that's right."

The moment we stepped out of the back room, Nanako, without saying a word, took my hand firmly in hers. I let out a faint "Ah" at that moment, but Nanako, who was standing right beside me, glanced at me with a powerful expression, and we walked away with her hand still in mine as if nothing had happened.

"You know, Nanako, that."

It was dangerous to ask her what was wrong, as I expected, so I thought I would ask her what she was really thinking through a casual conversation.

There was only one thing that came to mind. If at all possible, I want to avoid the subject and safely avoid upsetting her feelings. I want to live peacefully.

That's why I was trying to be careful with my answer.

"Ne~ Kyoya"


"Did you enjoy your date the other day?"

Suddenly, a straight ball was thrown at me, and I was at a loss for words.

"A, aaah, eeeh, the stingray is, you know, uhm"

I try to remember what I have seen at the Kaiyukan. I would have remembered a lot more, but as it turns out, Shinoaki's story was so impressive that I could only vaguely recall everything else.

"I-I-I-It was so much fun. There were huge fish. Whale sharks were amazing."

After a moment of panic, I just answered the question like an underdeveloped civilized human being,

"Hm~hmm, it was fun, I'm glad you did."

I got some kind of cold shoulder.

(Bad, this is definitely a continuation of what happened the other day.)

A sudden invitation for a date from Shinoaki. Well, it didn't result in this or that between a man and a woman, but Nanako, who saw the invitation scene right in front of her, looked at the scene with an incredible expression on her face.

(I wonder if she's angry)

I stole a glance at her face, but she didn't seem to be angry or anything. However, she didn't seem to be amused either.

"You know, Kyoya."


I ended up replying like a soldier.

"Go on a date...... with me too, just a little bit."


Her expression, which should have been pressuring, had changed to a reserved and embarrassed one.

"Is it ... not good?"

Nanako looks up at me with an upward glance.

Under this situation, there was no way I could say no.

"No, it's okay, let's take a look together."

Nanako is jumping with joy,

"Hooray! Then let's go, we only have a one-hour break!"

Pulling on our linked hands, she darts vigorously outside.

While I was being pulled along as it was, I was thinking about Nanako.

(I was told that I didn't have to answer for now.)

Judging by the state of things, that's just the maximum compromise that can be made.

(I guess it's never too early to say...)

I felt as if I was being pressed for answers, including what had happened in my room the other day.

——— ———

Part 5

"Wah! There were so many people outside? Isn't it amazing?"

Nanako, who has been serving customers indoors, is surprised by the number of people outside.

"Earlier it was more. I think it's a little less now."

Naturally, the flow of people is not yet organized for a while after the event opens, which makes it easy for crowds to form here and there.

Compared to before, there are still more people in the area now. The density seems to have decreased as the number of people has dispersed.

"Somehow, I feel like I'll be nervous the day after tomorrow with so many people around."

Of course, the day after tomorrow that Nanako is talking about is the screening.

Usually, school festivals are dominated by stalls and stage events, and events such as screenings are usually sparsely attended, ...... so they are not so popular. However, this time, the event was co-sponsored by Nico Douga, so it was announced well in advance and attracted a great deal of attention.

The hall where the films were screened could hold about 200 people, including standing room only. Since we were about to witness the reaction to our work in the hall, nervousness was inevitable.

"But this is just the starting point for this event."

"Eh, what do you mean?"

"The real thing comes after that, after we upload it to Nico Nico, and that's when we get the reaction."

Immediately after all the works are shown at the screening, they will be uploaded all at once to Nico Nico Douga. From there, points such as the number of views are added up to arrive at the final result.

"I see, the reputation there will be the deciding factor."

"Yeah, but of course, it would be better if the reaction at the screening was good."

In general, films that receive a good response at screenings are more likely to be well-received as videos as they are. The feedback from the screenings will be immediately available on the Internet, and there is a great possibility that the highly rated films will make a strong start and cross the finish line with a great deal of momentum.

"...... I feel like my stomach feels sick just thinking about it."

"Kyoya, you're thinking too much! Come on, for now, just look around the stalls! Hey!"

Apparently, I'm starting to become somewhat aware of the screening ahead of time.

The stalls lined the main street from the top of the hill to the area around Building No. 9. As in previous years, all kinds of stalls were lined up, including snacks, refreshments, mini games, fortune telling, portrait drawing, life counseling, art, raffle drawings, and other unimportant things.

"Excuse me! I'd like two grilled squid please!"

"Ye~s, thank you very mu~ch!"

Squid girl ...... No, it's a girl wearing a hat that looks like a squid, happily grilling squid and dipping it in sauce repeatedly. If you're dressed like that, you would be letting people eat your brethren, is that okay?

(Well, there are some places that sell fried chicken, saying that chickens are "fairly tasty," and that's okay.)

It's a common story in this kind of stall.

"Please wait a little while until it is browned!"

So, we ended up waiting in front of the store for a while.

There was a bench right next to the stall, so we decided to sit there.

"I'm looking forward to it ~ it's going to be baked."

"Right," when I said in response,

"Did you hear that? The work of Kuroda's group"

"Eh, did he do something again, that guy?"

Just a few meters away from us, we heard two students from the Department of Visual Arts talking to each other. From the content of their conversation, they seemed to be the same second-year students.

(Eh, this is)

Nanako seemed to notice as well, looking at me and nodding.

The two people talking were apparently discussing the work of Kuroda and his team.

"No, this time it's not that they did something bad, it's simply that the quality is terrific. You know, they made an animation in a previous production."

"That was amazing. Only one work was mixed in with professional work."

"It's a sequel to that one, but they're still working on it today. Moreover, they're trying to improve the quality."

"Seriously? It's not like it's not finished, it's amazing."

"Wha? Even though we were trying so hard to complete it, those guys are really crazy......"

The students left, saying it was strange.

Once they were out of sight, Nanako spoke.

"It's amazing, they've put so much effort into it."


I feel like I'm being shown how much Kuroda is willing to do whatever it takes to improve the quality of their work.

Of course, since this is nothing more than gossip, it is dangerous to take everything seriously.

However, there is no doubt that there are rumors of something mysterious going on, even among students in the department who are not directly involved in the project.

(They're a formidable foe, so formidable that it makes me shudder)

This time, I planned a strategy. I seriously studied the conditions and other factors, and after thinking about what content would win and what kind of moves would be made, I put together a plan and produced it.

Thanks to everyone's hard work, and above all thanks to Tsurayuki who was completely responsible for the basis of the story and setting, our work became solid.

There is no doubt about that. There is not, but.

"Kyoya, what's wrong? Are you a little worried?"

Before I knew it, the squid seemed to be cooked, and Nanako was looking at me with concern, holding a squid skewer in each hand.

"Ah, no...It’s nothing."

I couldn't let Nanako worry me, so I hurriedly made a smile.

I did the calculations.

The work was done properly.

The results of the research I did beforehand also confirmed that it seemed to be okay.

But still, the anxiety is growing.

After all, what Kuroda and his colleagues are creating is far beyond the level of what students would create, and it's work that could become legendary in 10 years.

"Hmmm, I see."

When Nanako stared at my face,

"Kyoya, open your mouth for a moment."

"...... Mouth? Okay, but, gugu?"

I did as she was told, and a piece of grilled squid was shoved into my mouth.

"Ah, it's hot hot hot! Ah, but the squid is delicious."

The sudden sensation of surprise, taste, and touch made me react like a child.

"Yeah, as long as you think it's delicious, it's still okay."

"...... Eh?"

"We already can't do anything about it now that we've come this far, so let's just enjoy this festival now!"

Nanako stared at me,

"I told you it's a date, right......?"

And she smiled.

"Right, thanks. Indeed, it is as you said, Nanako."

I should not be discouraged by information of dubious origin. Especially when I have to be so cautious about such things.

Moreover, Nanako was looking forward to hanging out with me like this.

"I am anxious too, but well, whatever, I am confident that we made a great work together, right!"

"Yeah, of course."

I get up and go back to touring the stores all together.

She was no longer the same Nanako who had been afraid to go on stage.

(Somehow, I feel like I'm the only one left behind.)

Both Shinoaki and Nanako had become firmly independent long before I knew it.

——— ———

Part 6

"Thank you very much......"

I send off the customers who leave with a smile and bow my head.

And at the same time,


A huge sigh accompanies it.

I had never served customers before, and even if I did something like that, I had never experienced even a millimeter of high-level customer service, like taking orders and talking.

And yet, everyone said that Kawasegawa could do it, and made me do cosplay and waitressing, they are so sadistic, or rather, what do they think I am?

(Well, it's certainly a valuable experience, but...)

It had been a while since I had worn a uniform, so it was fun, and for some reason it was nice to have people pay attention to me and give me compliments. Shinoaki, Nanako, Hiyama-senpai, and even though I hate to admit it, Saikawa, while doing their own work, would call out to me in any way they could, and that helped me to relax. Now, I don't feel that I don't want to do it anymore.


Even so, I will not forgive Hashiba for just calling out to me and leaving me alone when I was having a hard time. If he told me to hang in there, he could have said something like, "Let's go around the event together". I don't blame Nanako for pulling him away, but he could have asked me if I wanted to go out with him tomorrow. I didn't have any plans with anyone. I would never have made any other plans if he had told me. I won't forgive him. I won't forgive him, I won't forgive him, I won't forgive him.

"I'll definitely complain about it to him later."

At first, when he talks to me, I'll just be cold. I'll respond only when he says, "Are you mad at me?". When Hashiba is a little troubled and looks at me, I like that look on his face. Because I want to see that again today......

"Wait, what am I thinking?!"

I ended up shouting loudly in the store. The stares from customers were painful. I quickly bowed my head and quickly moved to the corner of the store.

Mou! Mou mou! This and that are Hashiba's fault. I wonder if he thinks I am his secretary or assistant. He casually asks me to do research using a computer, forgetting that I'm not very good with machines.

(Well, but I'm kind of looking forward to the smiles when it's all over.)

Hashiba is good at giving praise. I think he is really good at giving feedback about what has been done in the team. He praises the specifics well, which encourages the people who are doing it.

And, as usual, I have been brainwashed by the praise. I am glad I asked Kawasegawa because only Kawasegawa can do this kind of thing, and that kind of thing is, really.

Haa, mou. There's no point in thinking about Hashiba all the time, so let's focus on customer service.

"Kawasegawa-senpai, we have a new customer~!"

Saikawa's voice echoes through the room.


I tried to respond with a smile, and in an instant it turned into a serious face.

"Hihih, you look like you're having fun, Kawasegawa."

I didn't expect it to be Kuroda.

Since it was so unexpected, and since it was an unwanted guest, I placed the glass of water on the table in a rather rough manner.

"Why don't you just drink some water and go home?"

"Don't be so cold. Give me a hot cup of coffee."

So he asks properly.

I thought he was just going to do something provocative and leave, so it was surprising to hear him say that. After placing an order for hot coffee in the pack room, I faced Kuroda once again.

"If it's Hashiba you're looking for, he's not here. And Shinoaki is in the back room right now, baking pancakes."

"Shino is cooking, huh? I hope it's not going to be a big deal."

This guy also knows that Shinoaki is bad at cooking.

"How do you know about Shinoaki's cooking?"

"Once, she said she was going to cook hamburgers in our production room. It became legendary in the production room. That was horrific."

That's how you figured it out.

However, since Shinoaki was willing to cook, I think the atmosphere in the team was so good. It was hard to believe, since I had heard so much about the previous film team.

"Well, I don't really have any particular business with Hashiba, either."

"Then why did you come here?"

"I'm not here as a spy, so don't be so harsh. In the first place, aren't you already finished with your work by now?"

"Some team has been making it until this evening, and the first-year students in the department were talking about how great it was."

"They're just not good at drawing up a production schedule. It's nothing great."

I know I can't speak for others, but I really wish this guy could speak with a little bit nicer.

However, I can understand the feeling of pointing out sloppy schedule management rather than praising a team that is working on something long and close to the deadline. If praising and glorifying such things becomes too much, the company and everything else will become black, and those who live honest lives in decent times will suffer.

In the end, I think we are similar. The strong insistence on rationalism and the departure of those who are unwilling to do anything is something I can relate to, as I was continuously disappointed before I met Hashiba and his team.

And those who are similar to each other are naturally like-minded and hate each other. I don't know if Kuroda hates me, but no one would like me in the first place.

"Your team all trust Hashiba so much, don't they."

"Right. Well, we all know he's always struggling."

"I see. It's his typical way to earn your trust by showing you how he's sweating."

I wonder if he came all the way here to be sarcastic.

As expected, I'm not going to go along with something like that.

"Are you trying to tell me that making things with a friendly team is making you disgusted?"

Kuroda didn't react, quietly took the cup and took a small sip of the coffee.

"Hihih, sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I'm just born with a mouth and a personality that's not very pleasing."

He looked like he was grinning somehow, but he seemed to be talking seriously.

"I really didn't have any intention. I just had some free time and thought I'd have a cup of tea, and then I remembered that those guys run a coffee shop. Just curious, that's all."

I don't really care whether what Kuroda is saying is true or not, but what he just said seemed to me to have no lie in it.

"Well, if you really mean what you say, then I have nothing to say."

"Yeah, no one's going to want to have a nice chat with me anyway, so that's fine."

It was frustrating, but I still thought we were similar.

And I found myself getting a little bit interested in what he just said.

"Can we talk a little bit?"

"Hihi, I don't mind."

Kuroda folded his arms and looked up at me.

——— ———

Part 7

I looked around the stalls with Nanako and found that the line of stalls ended at Building 9.

"Ah, I guess that's the end."

Where we reached, we found a tent that the campus festival committee had set up as a base for their activities.

"Everyone seems busy. Areh"

There was a familiar face inside the tent, and I couldn't help but shout and point at him.

"Isn't it Hikawa? Were you a member of the organizing committee?"

"Oh! Isn't that Nanako and Hashiba? What's up, are you on a date!"

I can't help but be at a loss for words.

Well, this straightforwardness is a good part of Hikawa.

"Anyway, why did you become a member of the organizing committee? You said you were too busy practicing for the Shinobi Club's stage production and had no time at all?"

Hikawa was a member of the Ninjutsu Study Club, a well-known club at the university, and as a second-year student, he was supposed to be so busy teaching younger students that he unusually blurted out that he did not have enough time to spare.

And yet, how in the world did he end up joining the school festival committee, which is also famous for its busy schedule?

"Well, I honestly thought it wasn't going to happen either! But the committee has been so helpful to us, so when they asked us to help them out because they were short on staff, I thought it couldn't be helped!"

"I guess that's what they call a human sacrifice......"

The Ninjutsu Study Club holds a large-scale stage event outdoors during the school festival.

On that occasion, the school festival committee members were in charge of the security of the place, checking in advance, cleaning up afterwards, and so on. Indeed, it is not surprising that the relationship between the two parties was one of "thank you for your help, and please do not hesitate to ask for anything".

(Or rather, if I put it that way, we have to do something, too.)

Putting aside his circle, Hikawa has become a human offering in a sense.

"Hikawa, you're great~. You're willing to help the circle."

"No, well......yes."

Hikawa seems strangely unable to get a word out.

"Hikawa, maybe there's another reason?"

"N-N-N-N-No, t-there is not!!"

"I've never heard 'No' that talks about 'there is' with such full force before!"

I questioned Hikawa, who had given up on the idea,


"O-Oh! I heard that there will be a Miss Contest this year! That's why I applied!"

"...Aah, now that you mention it."

I remembered that Kiryu-san had talked about that.

"I was wondering if I could have a chance to meet some really cute girls! Also, if she's not in a circle, I'd love to have her join ours as kunoichi!"

I see. I was convinced completely.

"But I heard the other day that they are having a hard time finding candidates."

"That's the pointt!!"

Hikawa was complaining in a voice that sounded like he was crying.

"For the time being, I had a good idea of who would participate, but there were a lot of girls who would only participate if the others participated, like an answer for a drinking party, and I was worried that there would be no one available on the day of the event!"

Well, if they're in that mood, it's as expected.

Moreover, the stage event of the MissCon will be held on the evening of the last day of the event. Especially if they are girls from the stalls, there is a big possibility that they will end up going straight to the party. I think the staff is not very happy about it.

"That's why I've been asked to get additional participants in case of an emergency......"

Hikawa said that and glanced at Nanako.

Nanako instantly understood the intent of that gaze,

"I-I won't do it, I said I won't do it!!"

Nanako shook her head about 30 times from side to side and refused the request from Hikawa.

"Come on, if it's Nanako, you'll be a finalist for sure! I guarantee it!"

"T-That's not what I meant! I'm definitely nervous, and I'm afraid I'm going to say something weird, so that's no good!"

"Is that so? Last year's stage was good, and I think you can do it."

"I-I only did it because it was a real emergency!!"

And well, as expected, Nanako would not take on this matter.

"Well, if there is anyone out there who would be willing to try it, please let me know!"

That's what Hikawa said to me when we parted ways, but I think it will be tough.

"Hopefully it will be held without incident."

"Well, right. I guess I'll just have to make sure to contact them on the day of the event."

I don't know what the awards or prizes would be, but it would make some difference if there were participation prizes or something.

For now, we need to focus on the screenings, which will be held at the same time.

——— ———

Part 8

Can we talk a little bit? But then I froze for a moment, wondering what there was to talk about with this man.

Well, there's no point in talking about my favorite movie at this point. Kuroda is a studious person, so of course I'm sure I'll hear some interesting stories, but right now I only have one topic to talk about.

"Do you have any guesses as to what our team's work will be this time around?"

I wanted to ask him.

I was sure that this man, who had created a lot of buzz with the strong tone of the late first-year students' works, must have created his works based on a solid strategy and analysis.

So I was curious. How does he view Hashiba and Team Kitayama, and what kind of work does he see them creating on that basis?

"Yeah, of course. Well, I'm just guessing. I'm sure I'm off."

It was half true and half false. Considering our previous work, he should have been able to predict to some extent, and it was hard to believe that Kuroda was incapable of doing so.

"However, if it turns out as I expected, I might start to despise that guy."

"Despise? Why?"

"I don't know if this will come across well, but I'm just saying, if that's what you want to do, then you're probably not in the right place."

Kuroda's eyes were serious. There was no sign of mockery or joking around, and his use of the strong word "despise" was probably not an act of inflaming or exaggeration but his true feelings.

Somehow, I felt like I understood what he was trying to say.

I think I have been briefed by Hashiba more than any other team member regarding this project, and I think I have a good grasp of what he is talking about.

While I wonder how he came up with this kind of move, I also wonder what the result will be of this win or this loss. For someone like Kuroda, who sees creation in a certain direct way, this is a story that he can understand but not agree with.

(Well, but he's really stoic, as I've heard.)

I have heard that the Department of Film and New Media has a high percentage of students who come to the university with the proper intentions. Still, I despaired of my surroundings. I am fortunate to have good friends now, but otherwise I don't know if my student life would have lasted long.

But Kuroda, who has no one he can truly call a comrade or friend, is now finding his own way in this way. In a way, he is stronger than any student.

"Why are you so......"

I was about to say something, but then I stopped myself.

That's stepping too far. Don't do to others what you don't want done to you.

"I'm sorry, I'll stop now."

Kuroda laughed with his usual hihi laugh.

"Fine, well, I'm not going to answer that, but I know you don't want to hear it."

Then he quietly got up from his seat and left the coffee money on the counter without change.

"I'm looking forward to seeing how serious you guys are."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

"Serious ... huh."

It was a nostalgic word.

——— ———

Part 9

When Hashiba and Nanako returned, I told him that Kuroda had come.

"I see, yeah... it's possible."

It didn't seem like he was that surprised.

"But I'm a little relieved."

"What do you mean?"

"No, I think Kuroda is also quite anxious."

Hashiba's view was this.

By saying ahead of time that it is not a hostile action, in other words, it is true. The reason he acts as if he knows everything in response to my question is that he is more than a little afraid of the consequences of his prediction.

"Well, of course, this is just a guess."

Hashiba smiles shyly.

I remembered Kuroda's words from earlier again.

"Serious, huh—"

Last year, this place was exactly the stage for the campus festival.

I was hitting a girl with those words, and the "result" was vividly shown to me. I was very happy, and at the same time, I felt as if I was being asked a question to myself.

(What about you?)

That's what I felt she said to me.

Of course, in real life, she would never say such a thing. She is so cheerful and sunshine-like that I wonder why she befriends a cynical person like me, and she lives honestly with what she likes.

Laughing a lot, crying a lot, and getting angry. She shows her emotions and makes things up. And she gets stronger and stronger.

It's purely a matter of respect.

(How do you deal with what you like?)

If I were asked that question, how would I respond?

I don't have the answer right now.

"Right. It's serious."

Will he show me the answer?

When I heard about the plan, I immediately asked him, "What kind of future do you see?".

He laughed and said. I'll tell you after the results are out.

"—I'm looking forward to it, Hashiba Kyoya."

"E-Eeh? Ah, yes."

I smile when I see him as usual.

The scenery outside the window was tinted red. The first day of the school festival was about to end amidst the hustle and bustle.

——— ———

Part 10

During the campus festival, the laboratories of each department are generally idle.

No, of course, the research students and assistants are busy, but the professors are out exploring the campus or sleeping at home, as if they had a good day off. Of course, it depends on the department.

Here in the Department of Film and New Media Lab, all the professors were on break, and it was a quiet space. In the other room where I was, there were no visitors, perhaps because of the "in preparation" sign on the front of the room.

However, work was still being done indoors today. Or, to be more precise, it was a different kind of work from the original one.

"Well, that's why I want a day off too."

When I told him this over the phone, he gave me a wry smile.

"No, I understand. Kano-sensei really works hard. To be honest, you are much more diligent than I am."

"Horii-kun, stop that tone. It's making me itch."

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I unintentionally."

The two of them laugh out loud together.

Horii-kun was a fellow game creator who had been with me since I was a student. Unlike me, who dropped out and stayed at the university, he went straight to work for a major game company. Although our positions have changed, we still share the same passion for creating things. Therefore, when I talk to him, he immediately becomes like this.

It's so loud that I can't do it in my usual lab. Because there are no people around, we can talk like this among friends.

"So, what do you think? I think it's about time for second year students to warm up."

Horii-kun's voice sounds like he's happy.

"Yes, there are a few people I'm looking at right now that look interesting."

Spread out the materials on the desk.

The file, labeled Succeedsoft Projects, contains documents with profiles of the students. However, this file also contains information that is not school-approved.

Some of the points I have independently considered. Judgment, ideas, planning, and such parameters are divided into 10 levels and assigned a score.

The highest score was a total of five categories, with a maximum score of 50. As it was indeed time-consuming to grade all the students in the department, we narrowed the list down to six candidates based on their performance and behavior during their first year.

"I'll send you the list later, but for now I'll read it out loud. Okay?"

I picked up the top of the document where the students's name was written.

Kuroda Takayoshi.

Kogure Nanako.

Rokuonji Tsurayuki.

Kawasegawa Eiko.

Shino Aki.

"And lastly, Hashiba Kyoya. I'll send you the documents mentioned before, and you can judge the rest, okay."

"Roger, thanks for the help. No, we are really in need of people because of the next generation support. I'm grateful that you can introduce me to talented students like this."

"Oi oi, I'm telling you, this is not a slave list that I'm going to send over there right away. You have to understand that I'm just talking about looking ahead to the future."

I heard laughter on the other end of the phone.

"Of course. By the way, your company continues to be a treasure of human resources. I see that you are able to cover not only the visual field, but also various types of jobs."

"That's the interesting thing about the general arts."

In fact, there is always something to do once you enter the Department of Film and New Media. Therefore, there are many people who have gone on to become professionals in different fields, such as design, illustration, or writing.

"But if you put out a recruitment, you can get as much as you want in the middle of the year, right?"

"Well, a few will come. But, honestly, you know ...... what kind of talent we can pick up there, right?"

Well, I understand. If we could hire talented people there, we would do it from the beginning.

"That's why I was asking for your place to give me a promising new candidate, and this is a tough one to return the favor."

"A promising new candidate? Not exactly, is it?"

I speak with a wry smile.

"Sounds like a reckless, forward-thinking candidate for retirement, to me."

The voice on the other end of the phone is laughing.

"Give me a break. From my point of view, I'm trying to make this a dream come true."

"The words of someone who became the manager of the 1st Development Department at such a young age are different."

"...... We are both survivors, aren't we?"

Right. Yeah.

When I think about it, a lot of people left before us.

And I'm sure the same thing will happen again in the future.

"I'll hang up the phone."

"Yeah. See you next time. Until then, I hope you're well."

Even though the audio cut out, I still held the receiver.

Since I have been in this position, I have already sent a number of students into "the world". All of them are having a fun and enjoyable creative life ...... is, of course, a pipe dream.

Most of them are forced to restart their lives halfway.

Even though their talent was recognized and their efforts were rewarded, and they made a spectacular debut in the industry, the rest of their career did not last at all, and they retired due to mental problems.

Or, even if they sprout and become active, they retire because they can no longer stand the scorn and slander.

Or retired due to unavoidable family circumstances.

Or retired due to circumstances with a friend or with a dating partner.

Without any such reason, and without any major trouble, but somehow, they retired.

They ran out of money and retired.

In despair of everything, they retired.

There are dozens and dozens of times more examples of things that went wrong in this industry than there are beautiful success stories. And most of them disappear without spreading to the world. Success stories become dramas, but failure stories do not please the public. Therefore, only beautiful stories are told.

I really think this is hell.

Innocently, as they talked about their work and its themes, I was not so eager to tell them the reality, for they were given a four-year reprieve in exchange for money, which I thought they should celebrate as their right.

But as expected, my heart just couldn't take it. When I became an assistant professor, I was able to have some say in the matter, and I decided to give a speech every year at the orientation for first-year students.

It's hell here, but it's interesting depending on how you live, I said.

Perhaps because of that, more and more students seem to be putting on a serious face these days. Especially this year, there are many of them.

"But it's still, well, empty words."

There will be a good harvest this year. No, I knew it would be a bountiful harvest.

It seems to me that the only thing left to do is to figure out how to move those rare species around.

"Well, I wonder what I should do"

Maybe I can call them up and talk to them after the results are announced. I don't know what they will look like, but I don't know when. I'm sure they will think it over and make a decision that will lead to the future.

After all, he's who he is.

"—I'm looking forward to it, Hashiba Kyoya."

E-Eeh? Ah, yes ...... I laughed, as I could hear his usual slightly bewildered voices.

The hustle and bustle of the campus festival has subsided, and the night has fallen.

Now, it's about time for a new curtain to rise.