Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna
Source: Syosetu

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Chapter 253 The Day the Devil Descends

 Transfer by scrolling.
 We were caught by surprise by a technology that is lost in this age and almost no one knows about, and we were swallowed up by a glowing magic circle.
 After a moment of light, what I felt was a floating sensation.
 Ignoring the floating sensation, I looked around and found myself and Leona-san thrown high into what seemed to be a large arena.
 Directly below us, many soldiers of the Demon King's army were readying their bows and magic———,

"Here they comeee!"

 A volley of arrows and magic attacks with a variety of attributes.
 It's unavoidable in the air when you're defenseless!!

"Ferrum! Nea!"
"I'll give you arrow resistance!"

 Thrown in the air, I extend a dark magic robe from my group uniform to cover me and Leona-san, blocking the arrows and magic that rushed toward us.
 Immediately, while reverting the dark magic back to its original state, I check up on Leona-san to see if she's okay.

"Don't worry about me! You need to protect yourself!"

 Leona-san creates an ice sword in the air and places her foot on it.
 She then jumped to the ice sword she had created and swung her spear, swatting away the arrows and magic.
 It's similar to Kazuki's technique ——— It looks like Leona-san doesn't need to worry about finding a foothold in the air!!

"Ferrum! It's dangerous, so let's take in Nea!!"
"Isn't the word 'take in' a bit scary? Eh, ah, wai!!"

 I assimilated Nea on my shoulder as it was, and I performed a Healing Acceleration Fist with my limbs to avoid the flying attack.
 As it is, I connect the line of dark magic extended from my wrist around the ceiling of the arena, and manage to swing and move through the air.

"W-W-What is that black thing? It's moving in the air!?"
"W-Wait, h-h-h-h-h-he's the healing wizard?"
"Why is he hereeee?!"

 ...I don't know why they are afraid of me when I am the one who is supposed to be under attack, but I have to get down to the ground anyway.

"Ferrum, Nea! We need wings now!"
『Eh, but it can only glide』
"That's fine! I'll take care of the acceleration and direction changes!"

 By using the Healing Acceleration Fist, I can move while gliding.
 Then, Nea, who had assimilated with me, started to panic and raised her voice.

『Ferrum, this is the time to do 'that'! It's the devil Usato that you showed to Hannah! Scare them!』 
"Eh? devil, what?!"

 Blow away the magic that is approaching us with a healing magic burst palm.
 I can't keep this up for much longer!

"Quick, get the wings out! If not, we'll fall right in the middle of the enemy!"
『...Don't blame me for what will happen to you, okay』

 The magic power of the dark magic swells up on my back and spreads wide in the form of wings.
 Along with it, for some reason, demon horns grow on my head.
 Is it because it reflected the owl state of Nea, or even the horns of Ferrum, that it came out?

"Okay, let's start with an area with fewer enemies———"

 The soldiers below, who had been yelling and screaming, were speechless when they saw me in the sky.
 When I was wondering what was going on, I was so taken aback that I saw a large flapping wing in my field of vision.
 ———They were not beautiful black wings like Nea's.

"...Eh, what is this?"
"It's the devil———!?"

 Instantly, the demon soldiers flee like spiders scattering.
 I landed in the empty space, my cheeks twitching as I saw the soldiers who were cowering.

"Fufun, that's extremely effective! This is the devil, Devil Usato!"

 Why did Hannah-san faint when she saw me?
 Why did the soldier I encountered in the Demon King's ruins faint?
 I finally solved the mystery...!

"Nea, let's talk later."
『Hiih!? Ferrum is an accomplice too!』

 That's good to hear.
 Now I have something to look forward to later.
 With a smile plastered on my face, I look at the bat-like wings that have grown on my own back.

"Just let the wings and horns stay out. If that makes them lose their will to fight, then we won't have to fight for nothing."
『I'm gonna work on the wings. It'll be easier to fight that way』
『Then, use like the time when Karon goes berserk would be good』
"I leave it to you"

 The demon wings on my back folded up and transformed into wings similar to those of a wyvern, with hands attached.
 Spreading my arms and lowering my body, I made no attempt to escape, glaring intensely at the soldiers.
 ...Leona-san seems to have landed in a different location.
 I can't see her because of the soldiers, but I can feel the cold air peculiar to her magic, so we can just plow through in that direction.

"Please let me through there."
"There is no such thing as the devil! That thing is a scare tactic! Everyone, focus your attack on him!"

 Concentrate the elasticity grant to the legs and jump.
 Spreading the wings in the air, I glide and charge at the soldiers.


 The four soldiers at the front are hit with a series of fists filled with restraining spells.
 The man pushed aside the soldier who had collapsed white eyes out, and then charged forward.

"T-Take this!"

 A spear is thrust out from the side of the body ——— and the palm of the gauntlet catches it.
 As it is, I grab the blade and throw it with all my might as I run from the spot.

"What's with that movement!?"
"Surround him~! Press him by the numbers!"

 However, the demon tribe still had the upper hand in terms of numbers.
 With the situation being surrounded, all the spears are thrust out at the same time.

"Ferrum, just cut the weapon."
『I know!』

 The wings are transformed into sharp blades, instantly cutting both the bow and spear handles held by the soldiers.
 In addition, the hands attached to the wings grabbed the soldier's body and threw him backwards.

"...It's different from usual, but it's quite useful."

 It can slash and glide, and best of all, unlike the arms on his back, it doesn't get in the way.
 Another plus point is that it looks cool.

"Now, let's keep going like this!"
『There are too many enemies!?』
"Blurin! Let's go!!"

 Black animal ears grew on my head in addition to the demon horns, and both my legs and arms changed into those of a beast.
 With this enhanced strength ——— I raised it high and slammed it into the ground with all my might.

"H-He changed his appearance again!"

 As dust rose, the ground cracked and the soldiers in front of me lost their balance.
 In response, I squeeze my right arm accompanied by my left hand in a big squeeze.

"Brace for impact!"

 The demon tribe that seems to be in command warns others, but it's too late!
 Stun the whole unit with shock waves and healing magic!!

"It's too late now! Take this!! Healing Explosion Wave!!"

 Soldiers blown backward all together by the shockwave.
 Although he only managed to blow away the people at the front, after successfully breaking down their formation———,

"Noooow! Shoot!"

 A voice came from behind and the scent of multiple magic powers approached.
 Before I can turn around to face it, fire and wind magic slam into my back.
 Surprised by the light shock, I repel the magic with my black fur-lined squad uniform.

"I-It's not working!"
"Why?! It should have hit him?!"

 Half-hearted attacks won't work in front of the cushion armor and the group uniforms that reflecting the fur of Blurin...!
 Once I took my eyes off the soldiers behind me who were about to unleash more magic, I produced a Healing Explosive Bomb in my right hand and lightly threw it at a soldier who attacked me with a sword in one hand.

"Here, pass!"
"W-Wawa?! Eh, w-what is this?!"

 Grabbing the soldier's breastplate, which I received reflexively, I throw it at a group of soldiers who are about to unleash their magic.

"O-Oi, throw that thing away!"
"No matter how you look at it, that's something that will explode! Why would healing magic explode!?"
"My hands~...!"
"I can't move~ my hand!"
"Hah? What do you mean———"

 After hearing that voice, the distinctive explosion sound of explosive healing bullets echoed behind me.
 The explosive bombs that I gave him were imbued with a binding spell, so that once he received them, his hands would be immobilized.
 For now, I managed to knock out the group approaching from behind.

『I feel like I just saw an incredibly horrible scene』
『Once you touch it, you can't take your hands off the bomb, aren't you heartless?』
"It's healing magic."
『No, even if you say it like I am striking them with the back of the sword, it won't change the fact that you are so heartless』

 I endure the harsh words and look forward, but there are still soldiers there.
 I have plenty of magic power to spare at all, but this is not the time to waste it here.

"Ferrum, more!"
"If we want to scare them, we need to go a little overboard! This is where we'll make sure they lose their fighting spirit!"
『Looks like you're no longer wavering. But I agree!』

 "Kuwah," Nea exclaims with a tension that I can imagine her eyes widening.

『Fear is the best trigger to disturb a group! Let's do it, Ferrum! Blurin! With my transformation ability, your dark magic, and Blurin's magic beast power, we'll turn Usato into a super-being that defies the laws of this world!』

 Wait, I didn't say to go that far?
 Oh no, hasn't the evil Nea from her village girl days come out again?!
 Without any time for me to stop it, the dark magic assimilated into my body changes its shape drastically.
 The pair of wings growing from my back increases to two pairs, and the horns on my head transform into a larger, more noticeable figure.
 And finally, a dragon-like tail, different from both the beastfolk and Blurin, grows from my waist.

"———No, I'm not asking you to go this far..."

 I, who had come to my senses in a roundabout way at the sight of my own transformed appearance, involuntarily muttered to myself, but the demon soldiers, seeing this, ran away from those in the lead, their faces contorted with fear.

"It's a d-devil. The rumors were true..."

 Anyway, the result is... good?
 I have a feeling that rumors of him as a devil will continue to be passed down for years to come.
 As I let out an involuntary sigh, I heard the sound of something metal being dropped nearby.
 I reacted instantly, pointing my fists and the two pairs of wings on my back at someone.

"I-I-I-I'm sorry! Please don't take my soul..."

 There was a female demon soldier who had been unable to escape.
 She dropped the sword she had been holding a moment ago to the ground and began crying in fear upon seeing me.


 I reflexively pulled back my fist and headed towards Leona-san.
 Even though they saw me, they didn't run away, and after dodging the soldiers who tried to attack me, I finally reached Leona-san.
 All around Leona-san were soldiers lying on the ground, and she herself was enveloped in a strong cold air.

"Muh! Who are you?!"

 Leona-san noticed my rushing toward her and pointed her spear at me with a sharp expression on her face.
 Stunned by her unexpected behavior, I ask Ferrum to release the transformation.

"L-Leona-san. It's me."
"Usato?! I-I'm sorry. I thought it was a new magic beast..."

 Leona-san, patting her chest in relief, speaks to me as she looks at the soldiers of the Demon King's army, who are watching us from afar.

"But first, let's get this situation out of the way. We are still surrounded."
"Yes. ...I guess this is somewhere inside the city?"
"Probably. If Suzune and Amako are in the same situation... we need to meet up quickly."

 The situation still remains that we are surrounded by a lot of soldiers.
 First, let's escape this encirclement, reunite with Senpai and Amako ——— and head to the Demon King.
 That's what I thought, and at the moment when I was about to take action with Leona-san———,

"Usato! The sky!!"

 Even though it was daytime, the sky suddenly darkened.
 I immediately looked up and saw a black dome-shaped barrier spreading over the city.
 Soon after, an earth-shaking sound echoes through the air.

"...One after the other, what on earth is going on?!"

 The situation is changing too quickly.
 What on earth is the Demon King thinking...?

——— ———

Author's Notes
《Devil Usato》
The wings on his back can slash and grab.
He can also fly for short periods of time in combination with outbursts of magic power.
He has a special attack that traumatizes ordinary demon soldiers and the Third Corps Commander.

What's unfair about Usato is that even if you combine it with words like Chimera or Devil, it sounds pointless.
I want to try something like Shark Usato one day (!?)