Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna
Source: Syosetu

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——— ———

Chapter 256

 Leona-san and I were surrounded by soldiers of the Demon King's army and were forced to fight.
 Surrounded by crossbows and nearly under intensive fire from light pikes, we managed to break through the siege and escape from what looked like an arena.

"It was a tough fight..."
『Shut up, you monster.』
"Shut up, you devil."
"Why do you say such horrible things...?"

 Ferrum, whose tone is even stern, and Nea, who has been unassimilated and has changed into a human form, look at me coldly.
 After escaping the siege, we wandered into the city, which had turned into a labyrinth, and hid ourselves in the shadows to rest our bodies.

『The idiot who ran head-on into the siege weapon without hearing our screams is saying something.』
"I didn't feel like I was alive..."

 The light stakes themselves weren't much of a threat because they were slow and could be blocked by the gauntlet, but they were a nuisance if they were concentrated on me, so I destroyed about half of them.
 I'm aware that I was somewhat reckless, but that's what got me through the siege.
 ...Alright, if they are in a bad mood here, there is going to be disharmony in the cooperation, so let's patch things up.

"I trusted you guys and that's why I was able to take the leap forward. I will continue to believe in you."
"Haa, even if you try to fool us with words like that, we won't be foo———"
『I-Is that so... Mm...』
"Ferrum!? Don't be fooled!?"

 As usual, Nea was not fooled, but Ferrum, who was quite honest, was fooled.
 Feeling somewhat guilty, I turn my attention to my surroundings.
 Even though we are chatting, we remain vigilant about our surroundings.
 Be vigilant in the passage while being ready to release the Restraining Sorcery and Healing Punches at any time.

"Usato, that's enough."

 The black magic power that had been put out like a wall is released.
 From there, Leona-san appears dressed in the uniform of a Demon King soldier.

"———Sorry. It took me a while to get changed."
"No, thankfully no enemies came, so it's okay."

 Before being sent here, she had been clad in the light armor of Mialak, but now she is being dressed in the clothes worn by the soldiers of the demon tribe.

"What do you think?"
"It's fine. It looks good on you."
"N-No, that's not it. Am I well disguised?"

 I nodded to Leona-san, who had her hood pulled up tight over her eyes so that she wouldn't be recognized as human.
 Behind Leona-san is a female soldier who is unconscious and now has a gray cloak over her, as the clothes she was wearing are now worn by Leona-san.
 Trying not to look in that direction as much as possible, I spoke to Nea, who had transformed into a demon soldier.

"When you told me to 『Kidnap a female soldier!』 I couldn't believe my ears, but you thought about this, huh."
"Right? If we disguise ourselves as soldiers, we can fool the patrols."
"Well, I'd say my reputation has gotten even worse..."
『That's too late now.』

 Even if I was treated like a devil by my own doing, being treated like a kidnapper was still a bit of a blow.
 However, the disguise plan was a pretty good idea.
"I've transformed into a demon, and the last is Usato."
"Yeah, Ferrum. Please."
"The same as before, right."

 Using the power of Ferrum's assimilation, I asked him to change the color of my skin and hair and grow horns similar to those of the demon tribe.
 In addition to that, by covering the squad uniform with black magic and transforming it, it is changed in shape only into the same clothing worn by the soldiers of the Demon King's army.
 However, it seems like my hair is a little longer than before.

"Areh, my hair..."
『You might get found out just from your face like before. At least cover your eyes』

 My hair has changed to the same silver hair as Ferrum's, but it's a little bit longer.
 Before... was it the time when we met the female soldier at the ruins?
 I later learned that she was the one who was on the flying dragon that was there when I captured the Third Corps Commander.
 Well, that kind of coincidence isn't likely to continue, but it's still important to be cautious.

"If Leona-san was the only one wearing the hood, it would arouse suspicion..."
"If Usato and I, who have only changed our appearance to look like demons, are accompanying her, then it won't arouse suspicion... right?"

 There is a way of using Nea's power as a vampire, but we would have to go through several steps, and we could be found while doing so.
 I don't want to cause a fuss, so I'll just think of it as a last resort.

"Well then, shall we proceed?"

 With Nea and I in the lead, and Leona following behind, we began to make our way through the narrow passageway patrolled by soldiers.
 Looking up, the sky is high, with what looks like stakes of light pointed at us and flying dragons flying around.

"I wish I could go through the roof..."
"That will be difficult. There's no way that a Demon King who has gone to such lengths wouldn't take measures against it."

 Perhaps some kind of trap or attack will be triggered when we climb up the wall and onto the roof.
 Either way, to avoid being seen, it's best not to go up.


 As I look up at the sky, something black is reflected at the edge of my vision.


 I instantly swung in that direction and at the same time unleashed a no-motion Healing Flying Fist at the position where I saw the black thing.
 However, the Healing Flying Fist hit the wall and dissipated.

"What are you doing just when we've decided to go in hiding?!"
"I think I saw something like a crow just now..."
『I didn't see it.』

 ...Well, there was definitely something there.
 It seems to have disappeared from the scene for now, but we should keep an eye on the sky.


 At that moment, my sense of smell, enhanced by my assimilation with Blurin, catches the scent of magic power from the approaching demons.
 Problems just keep piling up, one after the other...!
 And they're quite close by.

"Usato, Leona, they're coming from the front."
"I know"

 I relaxed my fists and took a deep breath.
 I'm a demon now.
 Treat them normally, just like a close friend.

"They are coming."

 The smell of magic power gets stronger.
 With it, I could hear several soldiers talking closer.
 As we walked along the road and rounded a corner, the soldier, Nea, and I, who was at the front, met at that moment.


 The three soldiers who saw us looked shocked and raised their swords.
 Did they find out?
 As I was about to release my healing flying fist to immediately intercept him, one of the soldiers looked relieved and lowered his sword. 

"D-Don't scare me like that...! What's this, just allies..."
"Looks like you're all right over there."

 Nea talks to the soldier nonchalantly.
 As the remaining two soldiers lowered their swords, I also lowered my fist.
 Leona-san, who is hiding her face, of course, might expose herself if I talk, so I'll leave this to Nea.

"Let's share some information for now."
"Yeah, did you find the missing heroes?"

 ...As expected from a former village girl who had deceived an entire village for hundreds of years.
 She naturally tries to get information out of them.
 When asked a question by one of the soldiers, she shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.

"It's no good, no use. How can we chase after something like that?"
"You too... were you at the interception location? We weren't there, but it seems like it was tough for you."
"Yeah, I don't even want to remember it."

 Nea's face turned pale and she clutched her forehead as if she was dizzy.
 As expected from Nea...! It's so realistic it's hard to believe it's acting...!!
 The other soldier asks a question, somewhat eagerly, as Nea speaks.

"S-So, how was it? I was told that a hero and a devil appeared there..."
"It's true. The Ice Hero was a cruel woman who froze everyone who came near her and crushed them with a cold smile on her face."

 Leona-san, who was standing next to me with her hood pulled down over her head, became extremely agitated.
 She looked at me and shook her head vigorously, so I nodded to let her know I understood.
 Nea, are you trying to exaggerate things to make them seem more believable?
 If that's the case, we won't say anything.

"And that healing wizard... That's the very devil himself."
"I-Is that also true?!"
"Yes. Those hideous wings, those horns just like ours... When that thing revealed himself, I couldn't stop shaking. People were getting blown away by some unexplained technique... Some even lost consciousness just by making eye contact with him. It truly was a scene that felt like the end of the world."

 ... You're exaggerating it, right?
 Hey, isn't that right?
 The soldiers' faces are all pale.

"...I'm sorry. More than this is..."
"Y-Yeah! There's no need to force yourself!! I understand everything I want to know!!"

 The soldiers immediately felt sympathy for Nea, who was holding her mouth with her hand and acting like a good little girl.
 From the angle that Leona-san and I can see, we can see Nea's expression, the corners of her mouth twisted into a very bad expression.

"...What a wicked woman."
『She's a scary girl.』

 Leona-san and Ferrum whisper to each other, somewhat drawn back.
 I agree, but since she is collecting information for us...

"I guess it's our turn to speak next..."

 The soldier spoke of information about the other heroes besides us.
 Kazuki is in the sky above the city, facing a large number of crossbows and flying dragons.
 Senpai and Amako were transferred like us, but they left the scene before engaging in battle and are now apparently hiding.

"Yeah, you must be having a tough time of it, too."
"Our troop leader is really rough with people."

 Apparently there is a hierarchy among the soldiers of the Demon King's army, other than the corps commander.
 One of the soldiers, with his shoulders slumped in exhaustion, looked at Nea, who was smiling brightly and continued speaking.

"Even if you can grasp the structure of this place, it's still too reckless."
"...That's true. I guess it's because the Demon King trusts the Commander."

 Hmm? What?
 The flow of the conversation had clearly changed.
 One of the soldiers laughed heartily at Nea's muttering.

"It's not about trust. They got the map because they were in a higher position, you know?"
"That's right, if you're talking about trust, it's about Hannah-sama and Ghired-sama, who are in charge of command."

 When Nea heard the word map, the corners of her mouth twisted clearly enough for me to understand.

"Of course I am kidding. We're in the same boat. Fufufu."
"Hahaha, looks like we're both having a hard time on top of being so needlessly uptight."

 Nea put her hand over her mouth and laughed happily, then casually moved next to me.
 She turns to me with a smile plastered on her face.

"Usato, there's someone who has the map. Let's go get them."

 ...So scary.
 I was honestly surprised by Nea, who drew out the information so naturally and was not suspicious at all.
 You say quite a bit about me, but I think you are quite a bit too.
 As I pulled away, trying not to show it on my face, the soldiers' gazes turned towards us, as if they were thinking something.

"By the way, are those guys okay?"

 The soldier's gaze turned to Leona-san and me.
 I've been keeping my head down in silence for a while now, and Leona has her hood up and hasn't said a word.
 Was it too suspicious that we didn't say anything...?
 However, Nea glanced in my direction and then looked away as if she had seen something painful.

"The two of them were on the front lines of the interception battle... so you understand, right?"
"...! I'm sorry. That was a mistake."
"Even after such a painful experience, you're still doing the patrols..."
"We have to do our best too...!"

 Aren't these people just too nice to be enemies?
 As the guilt I was already feeling grew even stronger, Nea started talking to the soldier, trying to change the subject.

"Where are you guys heading next?"
"We'll be patrolling the area. I don't think we'll be able to leave our posts for a while."
"Right... I don't think we can get any more out of this."

 She muttered softly, a smile plastered on her face, as she tried to bring up the matter of parting ways with them here.

"It's time to get back to work. If anyone sees us here, we'll get a big scolding."
"That's true. We don't even know where the heroes are."
"Let's both do our best"
"Yeah, you too."

 We waved goodbye to the soldiers, turned our backs to them, and continued down the corridor as if nothing had happened.
 Keep going and find a troop leader with a map or something like that, and then———,

"Wait a moment"

 They are giving us a halt...!?
 Did they find out by any chance?
 I looked back with magic power in my fist and saw the soldier who had been talking to Nea fidgeting ——— and he spoke to Nea, who had her head tilted to one side.

"Ah, ah~, right. Once this battle is over, you see..."

 No, that's not it!? Is this an invitation or something!?
 Nea, what are you going to do? I looked at Nea next to me and she had an apologetic look on her face ——— and suddenly she threw herself into my arms.

"I'm sorry. This is my husband ♪"

 It was voice of Ferrum and Leona-san.
 Eh, what? Are you going to use the same joke you did in front of Keira in this situation?
 I think it's obviously not the best idea.
 I look at the soldier fearfully, and he is fidgeting and upset.

"Ah, I-I see..."

 I feel like I can't help feeling sorry for the soldier who has an indescribable expression on his face.
 Two people who seemed to be his colleagues placed their hands on the soldier's back, who was now smaller than when we first met.

『Cheer up...』
『I told you. There's no chance of meeting anyone here...』

 I-It's unbearable! I can't stand it!?
 I feel like we've done more damage than a normal attack!?
 Once the soldiers had disappeared, Nea smiled as if she had accomplished something.

"Hmph, somehow it worked out."

 I did a healing forehead flick without hesitation.
 Nea holds her forehead and glares at me with teary eyes.

"Wh-What are you doing?!"
"That was for the soldier from before."
"They're enemies, right!"
"Even though we're enemies, but there are some things you can do and some things you can't ... okay."

 I remember the scene from earlier and feel uneasy again.
 …Let's forget what happened just now.
 For now, we have obtained important information, so let's make use of it.

"Leona-san, what should we do?"
"...If it's Suzune, she will prioritize heading to the Demon King over joining us. We are heading to the same destination after all."

 Our objective is the Demon King.
 If we head there, we are more likely to be able to meet up with them than if we just look for them normally.

"So, does that mean we should also search for a way to get to the Demon King?"
"Ah, now that we know of the map's existence thanks to Nea, let's start by finding the person who has it."

 The first objective is to find the map.
 After that, we use the map to find the way to the Demon King.
 The problem is finding someone who has the map...

"Since they are called corps commanders, they are experienced and competent in their own right..."
"At the very least, it seems like corps commanders are chosen purely on ability."

 I nodded at Nea's words.
 Those with high magic powers have a sweet smell.
 In that case, if we search for that person first, they might have the map or something.
 I put my hands on the ground and closed my eyes.

"Blurin, Ferrum, please strengthen the reflection."

 I bring all the senses of Blurin that I usually suppress.
 Information about the soldiers nearby flows into my head through my sense of smell.
 I don't smell any magic power of Amako and Senpai.
 However, amongst all of them, I found one magic power that smelled especially sweet.

"How's it going, Usato?"
"There's someone who smells so sweet... who has magic powers."
"It's not that far away."

 I don't know the details, but it's definitely no ordinary person.
 Maybe it was the troop leader they mentioned earlier.
 I don't know the exact location, but I have a vague idea of the direction.

"Let's try catching them for now."

 You never know what might happen.
 At worst, we might encounter an enemy of corps commander class, so it might be best to anticipate the battle.

——— ———

Author's Notes:
In terms of abilities, Nea is just as ferocious as Amako.
It's not like she was a village girl for hundreds of years for nothing.