Translated: reireiss, MTLs-nim 

Edited: reireiss, Grammarly ssi 

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Translator Note:

Just wanted to let you know that sometimes I won't translate calls(?) like 'oppa, hyung, eonni, nuna, etc.' and suffixes like '-ssi, -nim, etc.'

So...... Bear with me, please (/▿\ )

Thank You!


Chapter 36 – Covering, Hiding, Overlaying

"Suicidal because he's estranged from his wife. That's pretty pathetic."

"So, Cap. Is that story true?"

"I made it up. I'm listening to you. See? You and I have something in common. That's how persuasion works."

The guys laughed out loud, and Yoon Jay was in the middle of it.

They had just returned from stopping a suicide on the roof of an apartment building. Luckily, no one died.

Today was going to be a good day if it went as planned. The weather was nice, there were no major accidents, and the clueless newcomer hadn't made any comments like, 'I'm free today~'.

"JJ, what gift did you get this morning?"

Oliver's question caused the people in the car to glare at Yoon Jay.

"A gift? Another girl?"

"You bastard who always makes others jealous. How many times is this?"

"This time it's a guy."


"Why don't you go that way, one less competition."

Yoon Jay laughed and shook his head as if he couldn't stop himself. Even his laughter sounded like the leisure of a man with power, and his teammates booed briefly.

"Let's be clear. You know that kid I investigated for abuse a month ago? He came with a social worker. He gave me a painting of myself that he drew himself."

"Ah, that kid. What happened to him?"

"His aunt in Minnesota is taking him in. Thank goodness."

It started as a small fire in the kitchen. Luckily, the fire was extinguished before it could spread, but it was the result of a clumsy cooking accident. The child's scruffy appearance and the scars visible through his clothes made Yoon Jay suspicious, so he collected evidence with a cop he knew.

"It's not that kid."

"Shut up."

He cut Oliver's whisper short.

"How about a beer when we're done?"

"Sounds good. JJ, you coming?"

"I'll go."


Members who did not have partners or had recently broken up clenched their fists in excitement. When they are with Yoon Jay, it is easy for them to flirt with girls. He's not going to come alone, he's going to come with a group of friends.

Despite their intentions, Yoon Jay didn't want to go home early. He had heard some bad news a few days ago, and he was afraid that being in a deserted house would make him think of other things.

(Fire Brigade 132, this is 911)

"Fire Brigade 132, we can hear you."

(This is an emergency.)

The crew's faces immediately hardened as they heard the serious information relayed over the radio.


"A shooting incident?"

And it's happening at school?

(Due to the school's layout, there are isolated kids on the west side).

"Who is the shooter?"

(Only four confirmed, and the caller says they're probably drug addicts.)

There were sobs everywhere. No one could say a word until we got to the scene.

When they got there, the students who had gotten out first were sobbing, and they saw the cops.

"Sergeant Howard, what's the situation?"

"Not good, we have a sniper over there, but we can't use him for fear of provoking the shooter."


Just then, the radio came back on.

(Fire Brigade 132, do you copy?)

"Speak up."

(A student isolated in a science lab posted a video.)

"The culprit must be far enough away to send a video, right?"

(She's not taking a video, she's streaming it live.)

Oliver quickly pulls out his tablet pad and taps into the social media accounts he's been given by the Dispatch.

(Please...... Please. He's going to die if this goes on.)

(Somebody, somebody please come to......)

Part of the screen turned bright red as if it had been shot. They saw a student frantically trying to save her friend, and another student trying to apply pressure to his wound to no avail. The problem is that there is not just one child injured. There are two people.

"I have to go."

"No, you can't. Wait for the police commandos to clear the situation. It's the procedure."

"Cap, that kid won't last half an hour at this rate, we need to get him some first aid."

Seeing the severity of the wound, the paramedic, Chloe, stared at the Captain with stubborn eyes.

(Please help us.)

(Someone please come quickly, my friends' blood types are......)

The Captain stared at the children on the screen. The person who stayed behind for her injured friend, motioned for them to quickly get the unconscious person out, even though she felt frightened.

He feels weak, but he is the Captain in charge of the Fire Brigade. He can't ignore the procedure.

"Okay, but only a few of us are going."

Considering that children are doing live streaming and asking for rescue, and the police special forces have not yet arrived...... It is worth doing. After a short thought, the Captain agreed.

"Cap, I'm coming with you."


"This is the school I graduated from. I know the layout very well."

"You don't have to go, 911 is looking for an internal map. It's dangerous."

"There's a side road that's not on the map, we can go there without being seen."


The group was quickly organized. Chloe and Dan, a school graduate. Sergeant Howard also steps forward, saying that he will not remain silent either.

And...... Captain frowned when he saw Yoon Jay walking past him with his gear in hand.

"JJ, what about you?"

"I'm going, too."

"You think you can stop a blind gun with your bare hands, even if you are an ex-Navy SEAL?"

"No, I’m going to as Chloe's assistant."

Some of the firefighters have gone elsewhere, leaving Chloe alone with the paramedics. She can't wait for the others to arrive, and she needs someone to help her.

"I can do it."

"Chloe, what do you think?"

Chloe looked at Yoon Jay.

He was unique. Even though he was not specifically taught, he was quite good at performing first aid. She later found out that he had been observing her when she was performing first aid.

Even so, how many times has he observed her to be able to perform first aid like that? So she advised him to get a certificate as an Emergency Medical Technician.

"JJ should be there."

"Okay. Remember, get him back safely."

"Yes, Cap."

The group cautiously approached the school, and one by one, the families of the students and the broadcasters who had heard the news gathered at the school.

They took a side street, climbed the wall, and entered the second floor.

"It's firefighters!"

"We're alive!"

"Shhh! Quiet."

The isolated children gave a small cheer as soon as they saw them. To them, Yoon Jay's group was hope.

"JJ, you're in charge of that kid."

"Give me instructions."

"Let's start with painkillers."

Chloe took the severely injured patient, and Yoon Jay took the child with relatively minor injuries. Dan assisted by handing her tools, while Sergeant Howard scanned the scene outside.

"We're having a bad day. Isn't it?"

"Huh...... Yeah."

"What's your name?"

Yoon Jay kept talking, reassuring the child, but his hands were busy. The child's relaxed appearance, he can even talk to him, relieves the tension of the other child who is worried about him.

"Why were you in the lab, do you like science?"

"He's going to college next year on a scholarship."

"Oh...... You must be really good at studying."

The answer came from his friend, who was holding the IV fluids and blood packs next to Yoon Jay. Apparently, the idea for live streaming was hers, and she was smart enough to tell us her friends' blood type while doing it.

Just then, Yoon Jay heard a gunshot in the distance. The child's body shook like a seizure.

"I-I'm not going to die, right?"

"Why would you die, we're here."

"I-I'm going to die. Blood, blood is coming out like this......"

"Shh...... Don't say more. What's your name again?"


"Ben, you're not alone."

When you do this job, you learn to speak well. Yoon Jay learned to say things like, 'I'm going to make sure you get out of here alive' or 'My teammates are there, we'll be back safely'. Just like a doctor says that they can cure a patient's illness.

(The shooters are heading for the counseling room, and the police SWAT team is about to enter. There could be a firefight.)

"Dan, where's the counseling room?"

"On the other side from here."

"Is it close?"

"Not close, but...... We can get out if we run fast."

Yoon Jay and the others exchanged glances. Then they gave a small nod. Yoon Jay picked up Benjamin and Dan took Chloe's patient.

Then, they ran outside.

One of the shooters spotted them and held them at gunpoint. Then the police commandos moved in.

Bang! Bang, bang! Gunshot, it's a firefight. Yoon Jay hears windows shatter and glass shards flying everywhere.

Ggiiiiiiii, Yoon Jay hears tinnitus in his ears.


[Hmph, we're going to play differently today.]

[Kill him!]

[Those men who lived because of you...... Are all dead.]

[I don't want to die......]


The past that he thought he'd barely gotten over comes up to the surface, merging with the news he heard a few days ago, and the gunfire scares the kids into screaming.

"Ben, it's outside. You're safe now."

When he realized, he was already outside. Yoon Jay first checks on the child on his back.

"Ben? Benjamin?"

But the child's condition was strange. Yoon Jay quickly laid him on the ground.

"Cardiac arrest!"

"Get the defibrillator!"

He immediately started CPR. His breathing became increasingly labored, and sweat broke out on his forehead. His ears are deafening and he can't hear his surroundings.

"JJ. Hey."

"......28, 29, 30."



"It's been 12 minutes since you performed CPR."

The golden hour had long since passed. Jay slumped in his seat, half-exhausted. Oliver patted him on the shoulder and hurried to the other side.


[We're all alive because of you.]

[See you soon.]

[Probably an extreme choice due to post-traumatic stress disorder......]



He keeps hearing a strange sound in his ears. Something seems to be weighing him down, but he's back on his feet. There's no time to sit around. There's still much to do.


"It ended with a mild reprimand. The broadcasting had an impact."


Time has passed since that happened. For ignoring procedure, Fire Brigade 132 was put on the chopping block by the state government.

But the police commandos who arrived late were also to blame, and if they hadn't gone in stealthily, the injured student would have bled to death, and the video of the student who didn't turn off the live-streaming also played a role.

Moreover, Yoon Jay's appearance on live-streaming was enough to garner public sympathy, and the state government received many complaints about why they were trying to discipline a hero.

"But I'm not going to let you guys get away with it again, do you understand?"

"Yes, Cap."

"JJ, follow me."

The relieved firefighters dispersed and Yoon Jay followed the Captain into the office.

"The autopsy results of that child have come out."


"Yes, Benjamin. It's not that you didn't handle it well. They said you did great. They said he was probably in shock when he heard the gunshot on the way out."

"I see."

"Yeah. It was just...... The kid's just has a bad luck."

The words were not very comforting. Yoon Jay nodded in silence.

The Captain narrowed his eyes. From this angle, he looks fine......

"So, how's your condition?"


"Really? You could have gotten more rest."

"I only need a week."

But the Captain remained skeptical. It's not that he's worried that the trauma will cause him to do a bad job, but it's a human concern. As long as Yoon Jay was in his Fire Brigade, Yoon Jay was his family.

"I'm really fine, Cap."

Yoon Jay replied with his usual expression, tone, and demeanor. This looks pretty good, right? It seemed persuasive enough to agree.

"......Okay. Go out."


But he can't fool the veteran captain. After a long sigh, the Captain called him back.

"JJ, I've been doing this for more than half my life."


"It's not a good idea to hold it in too tightly, because what you temporarily blocked will eventually explode."

At this time, the concealment of his acting was still clumsy. Of course, the Captain would notice. Yoon Jay kept his mouth shut.

"When you want to tell it, tell it to someone. Whether it's to friends, family, or counselors."


"Or find your own way out, the sooner the better."


Opening his eyes, Yoon Jay got out of bed and swallowed the pills on the table without water, then went to the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water.

'Is it because it rained yesterday......'

Suddenly, he looked in the mirror and saw a crack on his face. If it's broken, it needs to be repaired. Because this is not the face he wants to see.

Yoon Jay focused on his face in the mirror and erased the objects around him. He could use the experience he had once again.

'That's enough.'

Covering up, hiding, and overlaying. This was his way of dealing with it.


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